Saturday, January 31, 2004
a tv station in SAN FRANCISCO was fined almost $30.000 because, during a live local news broadcast from the stage production PUPPETRY OF THE PENIS, a male performer flashed his genitals to the tv camera.
last night, i saw the new video for rap star NELLY, which featured female strippers on all fours with lots o’ junk in trunk, clapping their ass cheeks for the camera, while wearing hot pink dental floss bikinis. you could basically see everything and i loved it! i love watching anybody make their ass cheeks clap, fat or skinny, male or female...etc.
on the other side of the coin, if LIL’ KIM made the same video, but instead featured male strippers, the video would never see the light of day. even on the old JERRY SPRINGER SHOW, the camera would regularly pan down on a woman’s bare ass in a thong, but never below the waist of a man in a thong.
what the fuck is up with that? i mean what is the deep core level reason that our culture is in denial of a man’s bits and pieces? is it because the men who run the world only want to be measured by the power they possess, but not the “poker” they possess? and by the way, why is the WASHINGTON MONUMENT shaped like that?
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, January 31, 2004 | Permalink
Thursday, January 29, 2004
last saturday night, a surprise birthday dinner was arranged for my friend MICHAEL ROURKE at BARRY DILLER’S house. the party consisted of just under 20 people, including the whole ROURKE family, RICKI LAKE, LIZA PERSKY, the GOVERNOR and FIRST LADY of CALIFORNIA, and some of MICHAEL’s other close personal friends, who also happened to be big HOLLYWOOD high-rollers. everyone was lovely and the food was great, but i couldn’t help but feel really inadequate. monday, i spent the entire session with my therapist working it out.
if only i had received THE SISSY ICON AWARD on friday night, i could have worn it as a medallion on saturday night.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 29, 2004 | Permalink
chick here to see my current favorite site
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 29, 2004 | Permalink
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
“Join us this Monday Jan. 26 for Club Sissy, with scheduled performers Raja, Jazzmun, Tara Nova, Kiwi [Miss Sissy 2004], and, of course, Viva Sex, with DJ Josh Peace.”
the preceding was part of an email newsletter that i get every week, announcing the happenings at my favorite HOLLYWOOD night club called PEANUTS. i brought JONNO down there two weeks ago, but before that, i hadn’t been there in several months. tonight, i decided to go because of the stellar line-up they had performing, and the fact that it was CLUB SISSY, a once a month special event that emulates the house/ball culture of MANHATTAN.
i called BILLY B. to see if he wanted to go with me and he said “sure!”, so we got to the club, located at 7969 SANTA MONICA BLVD, with plenty of time to check out all of the silicone enhanced, gorgeous creatures who frequent the joint, and the hot as hell “tranny chasers” before the show got started. well, the show was a stoned gas, honey! it was totally on par with the best of the ol’ school shows i grew up on in ATLANTA, GA.
at the end of the curtain call, VIVA announced that they were now going to have a special presentation that was “long overdue”, and that RAJA would do the honors. RAJA took the microphone and proceeded to tell the story of when she first became aware of me, back when she was in high school, and what a profound effect it had on her. she then went on to list some of my career achievements, including the movies, record deals, endorsement deals, tv show, world tours..etc.
all the while, i’ll have you know, i knew nothing of this in advance. in fact, i was at the club completely by chance. no one had asked me to come down tonight.
in closing, RAJA was handed a beautiful crystal disc, five inches wide and about an inch and a half thick, with a silver star embedded in it. she then said “please help me welcome to the stage, the first ever recipient of THE SISSY ICON AWARD...RUPAUL!”.
i was beside myself with joy and gratitude, and completely surprised by the honor bestowed upon me. i thanked everyone involved, and let them know that this tribute means more to me than any other because it comes from my girls. i went on to say that i accept THE SISSY ICON AWARD on behalf of every queen who ever had a dream...you can make it come true, if you want it bad enough.
later, DAVID McMILLAN, the man who started SISSY, told me that they had been holding on to this award for well over a month, waiting for me to show up so that they could surprise me. and surprise me they did.
as i sit here at my desk, typing this blog, i gaze over at the beautifully crafted crystal keepsake with pride, as i read the engraving that says SISSY ICON...RUPAUL.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, January 27, 2004 | Permalink
Saturday, January 24, 2004
in the summer of ‘87, me and all my “woo woo” friends were beckoning the arrival of the great HARMONIC CONVERGENCE, which was to usher in the much anticipated “age of the goddess”. feminine energy was supposed to reign supreme for the next one hundred years, but here we are sixteen years later and nothing changed, in fact some would argue that the world has moved more in the opposite direction. what happened?
billions of dollars allotted for outer space exploration, yet we don’t have a national health plan. outer space is not “the final frontier”...inner space is. we live in a culture of distraction, where we’re so wrapped up in what’s going on in somebody else’s backyard (or planet), that we miss the real story going on in our own hearts and minds.
y’all, register and vote this year, not for the candidate or some political mumbo jumbo, but as a personal affirmation for yourself, the self that lives inside and that has been ignored for far too long. think of it as playing the lotto for your soul, an action you can take that says
....i am...i exist...i am present.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, January 24, 2004 | Permalink
Friday, January 23, 2004
Dear RuPaul,
I have been an avid reader of your site for a while now and it never ceases to amaze me how insightful you are. I have often pondered the role of gender and sexuality in relationship to my identity and have always concluded that they do not define me as a person. Why do politicians and the like seem intent on lumping me into a group of people who 9 times out of 10 I don't agree with? I am a woman. I am white. I am married to a person of the opposite sex. Yet I am not willing to deny another person the right to happiness just because of the choices they make. I am not threatened by another person's successes. I am happy for them. I do not feel that the importance and specialness of my marriage is threatened because a couple of the same sex who love each other decides to join together as one unit. I think it is the most beautiful thing. Why we would want to deny anyone the chance to find that kind of connection is beyond me. Maybe I am being too idealistic? I guess my question to you is this, how do we help this cause? What can we do? My answer is this...for those of us who have children or plan to, why don't we promise to teach our children how not to hate and judge others by what they look like or who they love. After all you have to start somewhere.
Thank you for reading my rant. You are a beautiful person and it truly shows. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Mr. Bush:
I was born in the United States of America. I work. I vote. I pay
taxes. I have never been convicted of a crime...unlike you.
The fact that you would go well out of your way last night to speak
out against same-sex marriages, in light of current situations that
you have created for America, disgusts me.
Recall, the last time I responded to your self-serving, imperialist
agenda was on the eve of your attack on Iraq. I received a multitude
of responses from people around the nation and the world who shared
my same contempt for you and your behavior.
I would think that the number of gay men and women who are currently
representing the US in Iraq right now would find last night's
references of prejudice and homophobia even more insulting and
America: land of the free. If nothing else, we learn from history
that America is not a truly 'free country' until EVERYONE is free.
David Newton-Tapia
Posted by Ru
at Friday, January 23, 2004 | Permalink
Thursday, January 22, 2004
it tickles me to no end, when i wake up in the morning and realize what song is playing in my head. it’s as though my subconscious mind has a music programmer of it’s own that isn’t swayed by what’s “cool” or CLEAR CHANNEL force feeding. sometimes, it’s more than embarrassing to admit to someone else what the current number one song playing in my head is, but i will reveal it now just to show how random it can be. holding at number one for the past two weeks in a row is RESTLESS HEART by PETER CETERA.
please, let me explain how it happened. i was uploading the greatest hits of the band CHICAGO into my IPOD, when i remembered a 1992 duet that the lead singer of the band had recorded with CHAKA KHAN for one of his solo albums. the duet is called FEELS LIKE HEAVEN, and i had bought the album, RESTLESS HEART, a year ago to include the duet in my CHAKA files. i dug it up and figured that while i had it out, i might as well peruse the rest of the album to see if there was anything else that i could use from it for my CHICAGO files. after sampling all the cuts on the CD, the only other song i liked was the title track.
that whole experience reignited my interest in FEELS LIKE HEAVEN, which is followed by RESTLESS HEART on my CHICAGO/IPOD playlist and before i knew it...POW! RESTLESS HEART had quickly soared to the top of my subconscious hit parade. for the past two weeks, i’ve played it countless times throughout the day. should i be embarrassed? probably, but i don’t care...i just love it.
by tomorrow morning, i’m pretty sure that the top spot will be taken over by an album cut from the new KRISTINE W opus entitled FLY AGAIN. the song is called I’LL BE YOUR LIGHT, and it’s already a classic in my book. y’all, let me tell you something, it’s worth spending the money to buy this album for that track alone. i mean it, it gives me chills everytime i hear it. she sings the fuck out of that song! it really shoulda been the first single. KRISTINE is one of the greatest singers of our time, and why she isn't a huge superstar is beyond my comprehension. find out more about KRISTINE W by CLICKING HERE .
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 22, 2004 | Permalink
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
a psychic once explained to me that the spirit world transmits energy at a high frequency, and that the material world transmits at a low frequency. he went on to say that psychics are called MEDIUMS because they sense energy from both high and low frequencies. i know that all humans have the psychic ability to read both high and low frequencies, but what baffles me is, what it is exactly that blocks us from being able to fully utilize this gift.
over the years, i’ve learned to rely on my instincts more and more. in fact, when i’m being introduced to someone, i rarely remember their name because i’m too focused on their energy, and what that says about them. i’m sure that that’s what makes me so good at the game PASSWORD. the answer lies in a combination of the word the clue giver has chosen and what my gut is telling me. the players that don’t do very well are the ones who are disconnected from themselves.
similarly, i’m always surprised when i get questions from people who want to know if i’ve had a sex change or if i live as a woman. i always thought it was quite clear, through my writings, interviews and more importantly, my energy, that i am having a laugh at the issue of gender, rather than taking it seriously. you wouldn’t believe some of the things people ask me. sometimes i feel like i’m reading someone else’s mail.
no matter how many times i say that i don’t define myself by my sexuality, my color, the car i drive or the clothes i wear, people can’t resist wanting to put me in a compartment that serves to justify their own doctrine. i think these people are subconsciously afraid to acknowledge my multiplicity because it would force them to examine their own, which is usually hidden underneath their religion, politics or bling. before you can begin to understand someone, you must first love them, which is too daunting an idea for most.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, January 21, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, January 19, 2004
JONNO cooked a big pot of gumbo saturday night, and i invited about 25 people over to indulge themselves. he made it the same way that my mother’s people used to make it (with chicken, sausage and crab) and damn, it was good! after dinner, we had peach cobbler a la mode and played charades into the wee hours.
the night also featured my patented SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DRAWING. each guest was asked to bring a wrapped gift under $10, and upon arrival, everybody’s name was written on a slip of paper and put into a bowl for the drawing later.
at dessert time, candles were placed on top of one of the cobblers and lit. everyone gathered around the dining room table and sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and when we got to the part where the birthday person’s name is sung, we all paused as i put my hand into the bowl, picked out a slip of paper and screamed the winner’s name.
the surprise birthday winner was JEFF KEY. he got to blow out the candles and receive all the gifts. as JOELLE placed the crown on his head, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. he couldn't have been any happier, as we all watched him open up presents while devouring warm peach heaven.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, January 19, 2004 | Permalink
Friday, January 16, 2004
BUSH has really motivated me to get more involved in this year’s election. i was excited about HOWARD DEAN, but i’m now taking a closer look at WESLEY CLARK.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, January 16, 2004 | Permalink
Thursday, January 15, 2004
after MICHAEL ROURKE, producer of my VH1 show, told me about the web-log craze, he sent me a list of blogs that i should check out. of the ten that he listed, the one that fascinated me the most belonged to a guy who lived in NEW ORLEANS. six months later, i decided to give blogging a try, and named this “big easy” blogging genius as my inspiration. within a week, i got a note from the master himself, and so began my two year telephone/e-mail correspondence with JONNO. we’d talk on the phone for hours and hours like old friends, even though we had never met, which is very odd for me because i am soooo not a phone person.
this past monday, i got a call from JONNO saying that he was in BURBANK staying at a friend’s house and that he’d love to meet me. i told him “hell yes, i’m only ten minutes away”. he then told me that he couldn’t right now, on account of the antihistamine he had just taken was making him drowsy, and that he needed to take a nap. he told me that his friend’s cat had done a number on his sinuses, and that he had no choice but to dose himself. i told him “ start packing your shit up, because when you wake up from your nappy-poo, you’re coming to stay with me”. i said “i’ve got an extra bedroom and no cats”.
meeting JONNO for the first time was like seeing an old buddy that i hadn’t seen in oh...a couple of days. he is just that easy to be around. he’s the perfect low maintenance house guest, and i couldn’t be happier.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 15, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, January 12, 2004
i've had a nasty cold for the past 5 days, that has left my poor nose-e-poo raw and sore from tending to. it's been well over a year since my last cold.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, January 12, 2004 | Permalink
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Hi RuPaul!
We were very disappointed when we saw an advertisement of a Hungarian gay club, saying that you - and Dana International - would be the megastars of this bar's New Year's Eve party, and you were not there.
Anyway, let's talk seriously: this Hungarian gay bar really advertised its
NYE-party with your name - and asked a really high price for its tickets,
and finally - ooh, how could it be...? :) - they said that oops, we
extremely sorry, Dana and RuPaul would not come.
My question is did you know that you should have been in Hungary at NYE? :))
If not, please look after this case, because on behalf of you they tried to
advertised a party at which you were not there.
Best wishes,
Attila from Hungary
this isnt the first time that unscrupulous club promoters have used my name to deceive fans in order to turn a profit. in fact, it's happened more times than i wish to recall. these promoters obviously don't know that if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword. i'm sorry that you, me, dana and others were victimized by the old "bait and switch" trick, and that your new year started with a lie. i've always wanted to perform in HUNGARY, but now my name value has been tainted by frauds. i hope that you, at least, got your money back.
i pray that the rest of your year is filled with authenticity, joy and love,
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, January 07, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, January 05, 2004
i don't do resolutions for new years, but i am constantly trying to remind myself to be more like BUGS BUNNY. BUGS is fully aware that he's in a cartoon and to not take anything too seriously. in fact, he gets a kick out of watching other folks get their panties in a bunch over bullshit.
i used to get a buzz out of fucking with people's heads, you know...challenging the whole boy/girl, black/white, right/wrong thing, but in recent years, that stopped being fun when it became too dangerous to be different and nobody was getting the joke. a window seemed to close, and it became very apparent to this rabbit that it was time to go back underground.
in the current climate of blind patriotism and right-wing dominance, a heckler like me is libel to get lynched for fooling around with irony. plus, my brand of irony was lost on most who were fixated on "how long does it take you to get ready" and "should i refer to you as he or she", completely missing my point that we are not our clothes blah, blah, blah.
having a message of enlightenment is like yelling "soylent green is people!" at a cannibal convention, they just don't care. i guess i got caught up in the idea that i could change people's views. expectations breed resentment. i want to be happy. i want to be like BUGS.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, January 05, 2004 | Permalink
Saturday, January 03, 2004
for the three days that LAHOMA and LINCOLN stayed with me, we did nothing but have an incredibly boss, awesome time. everyday at sundown, i'd invite other wackos over for "game night", which included PASSWORD, GUESSTURES, TABOO and SPOTLIGHT.
on new year's eve, i threw some steaks on "the barbie" and cracked open a few bottles of MARTINELLI'S SPARKLING APPLE CIDER. after that, it was total and utter insanity. something crazy happens when you pour soda pop into champagne glasses. i swear, it was the most fun i've ever had on new year's eve.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, January 03, 2004 | Permalink
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