Monday, January 05, 2004
i don't do resolutions for new years, but i am constantly trying to remind myself to be more like BUGS BUNNY. BUGS is fully aware that he's in a cartoon and to not take anything too seriously. in fact, he gets a kick out of watching other folks get their panties in a bunch over bullshit.
i used to get a buzz out of fucking with people's heads, you know...challenging the whole boy/girl, black/white, right/wrong thing, but in recent years, that stopped being fun when it became too dangerous to be different and nobody was getting the joke. a window seemed to close, and it became very apparent to this rabbit that it was time to go back underground.
in the current climate of blind patriotism and right-wing dominance, a heckler like me is libel to get lynched for fooling around with irony. plus, my brand of irony was lost on most who were fixated on "how long does it take you to get ready" and "should i refer to you as he or she", completely missing my point that we are not our clothes blah, blah, blah.
having a message of enlightenment is like yelling "soylent green is people!" at a cannibal convention, they just don't care. i guess i got caught up in the idea that i could change people's views. expectations breed resentment. i want to be happy. i want to be like BUGS.
Posted by Ru
Monday, January 05, 2004
at Monday, January 05, 2004 | Permalink
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