Monday, January 19, 2004
JONNO cooked a big pot of gumbo saturday night, and i invited about 25 people over to indulge themselves. he made it the same way that my mother’s people used to make it (with chicken, sausage and crab) and damn, it was good! after dinner, we had peach cobbler a la mode and played charades into the wee hours.
the night also featured my patented SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DRAWING. each guest was asked to bring a wrapped gift under $10, and upon arrival, everybody’s name was written on a slip of paper and put into a bowl for the drawing later.
at dessert time, candles were placed on top of one of the cobblers and lit. everyone gathered around the dining room table and sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and when we got to the part where the birthday person’s name is sung, we all paused as i put my hand into the bowl, picked out a slip of paper and screamed the winner’s name.
the surprise birthday winner was JEFF KEY. he got to blow out the candles and receive all the gifts. as JOELLE placed the crown on his head, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. he couldn't have been any happier, as we all watched him open up presents while devouring warm peach heaven.
Posted by Ru
Monday, January 19, 2004
at Monday, January 19, 2004 | Permalink
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