Friday, January 23, 2004
Dear RuPaul,
I have been an avid reader of your site for a while now and it never ceases to amaze me how insightful you are. I have often pondered the role of gender and sexuality in relationship to my identity and have always concluded that they do not define me as a person. Why do politicians and the like seem intent on lumping me into a group of people who 9 times out of 10 I don't agree with? I am a woman. I am white. I am married to a person of the opposite sex. Yet I am not willing to deny another person the right to happiness just because of the choices they make. I am not threatened by another person's successes. I am happy for them. I do not feel that the importance and specialness of my marriage is threatened because a couple of the same sex who love each other decides to join together as one unit. I think it is the most beautiful thing. Why we would want to deny anyone the chance to find that kind of connection is beyond me. Maybe I am being too idealistic? I guess my question to you is this, how do we help this cause? What can we do? My answer is this...for those of us who have children or plan to, why don't we promise to teach our children how not to hate and judge others by what they look like or who they love. After all you have to start somewhere.
Thank you for reading my rant. You are a beautiful person and it truly shows. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Mr. Bush:
I was born in the United States of America. I work. I vote. I pay
taxes. I have never been convicted of a crime...unlike you.
The fact that you would go well out of your way last night to speak
out against same-sex marriages, in light of current situations that
you have created for America, disgusts me.
Recall, the last time I responded to your self-serving, imperialist
agenda was on the eve of your attack on Iraq. I received a multitude
of responses from people around the nation and the world who shared
my same contempt for you and your behavior.
I would think that the number of gay men and women who are currently
representing the US in Iraq right now would find last night's
references of prejudice and homophobia even more insulting and
America: land of the free. If nothing else, we learn from history
that America is not a truly 'free country' until EVERYONE is free.
David Newton-Tapia
Posted by Ru
Friday, January 23, 2004
at Friday, January 23, 2004 | Permalink
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