Wednesday, January 21, 2004
a psychic once explained to me that the spirit world transmits energy at a high frequency, and that the material world transmits at a low frequency. he went on to say that psychics are called MEDIUMS because they sense energy from both high and low frequencies. i know that all humans have the psychic ability to read both high and low frequencies, but what baffles me is, what it is exactly that blocks us from being able to fully utilize this gift.
over the years, i’ve learned to rely on my instincts more and more. in fact, when i’m being introduced to someone, i rarely remember their name because i’m too focused on their energy, and what that says about them. i’m sure that that’s what makes me so good at the game PASSWORD. the answer lies in a combination of the word the clue giver has chosen and what my gut is telling me. the players that don’t do very well are the ones who are disconnected from themselves.
similarly, i’m always surprised when i get questions from people who want to know if i’ve had a sex change or if i live as a woman. i always thought it was quite clear, through my writings, interviews and more importantly, my energy, that i am having a laugh at the issue of gender, rather than taking it seriously. you wouldn’t believe some of the things people ask me. sometimes i feel like i’m reading someone else’s mail.
no matter how many times i say that i don’t define myself by my sexuality, my color, the car i drive or the clothes i wear, people can’t resist wanting to put me in a compartment that serves to justify their own doctrine. i think these people are subconsciously afraid to acknowledge my multiplicity because it would force them to examine their own, which is usually hidden underneath their religion, politics or bling. before you can begin to understand someone, you must first love them, which is too daunting an idea for most.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
at Wednesday, January 21, 2004 | Permalink
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