Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Hi RuPaul!
We were very disappointed when we saw an advertisement of a Hungarian gay club, saying that you - and Dana International - would be the megastars of this bar's New Year's Eve party, and you were not there.
Anyway, let's talk seriously: this Hungarian gay bar really advertised its
NYE-party with your name - and asked a really high price for its tickets,
and finally - ooh, how could it be...? :) - they said that oops, we
extremely sorry, Dana and RuPaul would not come.
My question is did you know that you should have been in Hungary at NYE? :))
If not, please look after this case, because on behalf of you they tried to
advertised a party at which you were not there.
Best wishes,
Attila from Hungary
this isnt the first time that unscrupulous club promoters have used my name to deceive fans in order to turn a profit. in fact, it's happened more times than i wish to recall. these promoters obviously don't know that if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword. i'm sorry that you, me, dana and others were victimized by the old "bait and switch" trick, and that your new year started with a lie. i've always wanted to perform in HUNGARY, but now my name value has been tainted by frauds. i hope that you, at least, got your money back.
i pray that the rest of your year is filled with authenticity, joy and love,
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
at Wednesday, January 07, 2004 | Permalink
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