Saturday, January 24, 2004
in the summer of ‘87, me and all my “woo woo” friends were beckoning the arrival of the great HARMONIC CONVERGENCE, which was to usher in the much anticipated “age of the goddess”. feminine energy was supposed to reign supreme for the next one hundred years, but here we are sixteen years later and nothing changed, in fact some would argue that the world has moved more in the opposite direction. what happened?
billions of dollars allotted for outer space exploration, yet we don’t have a national health plan. outer space is not “the final frontier”...inner space is. we live in a culture of distraction, where we’re so wrapped up in what’s going on in somebody else’s backyard (or planet), that we miss the real story going on in our own hearts and minds.
y’all, register and vote this year, not for the candidate or some political mumbo jumbo, but as a personal affirmation for yourself, the self that lives inside and that has been ignored for far too long. think of it as playing the lotto for your soul, an action you can take that says
....i am...i exist...i am present.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, January 24, 2004
at Saturday, January 24, 2004 | Permalink
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