Monday, December 31, 2001
los angeles is good for three things, therapy, cosmetic procedures and stalking celebrities. so, today, after a 90 minute session with my therapist and a 2 hour session on the electrolysis table, i stopped at the supermarket to pick up something to eat. as i walked through the front door of "ralph's", "Joan Van Ark",was walking in two steps in front of me. everyone who knows me, knows how much i love and admire joan for her acting abilities as well as her courageous efforts in the field of age defying practices. i didn't know what i was going to buy, until i saw joan saunter over to the deli counter. i followed nonchalantly, not revealing the excitment racing through my veins. she took a number. i took a number and waited until i could get a really good look. i've seen her in the neighborhood, driving a black mercedes, but this was the motherlode of sightings. behind me i could see "will" from "will and grace" at the checkout register and a vaguely familiar soap star near the "bread section", but i didn't care. i was focused on one of my obsessions over the past twenty years, "knot's landing's valene ewing". from the time i first saw her on "the rockford files" til her current stint as an infomercial pitch woman, i've been a fan ( probably for all the wrong reasons). she was wearing a long sleeve, white cotton, button down shirt with black slacks. her hair was snatched back in a ponytail. she wore sunglasses and no make-up. i wanted to buy the same thing she bought, but i think that would have been way too weird. i'm going to stop here with my description, because i don't want to get into any trouble. but let it be known right here and now, that there has never been a celebrity who i didn't "clock" (as in recognize). i have a knack for it. the same is true when somebody is "spooking my tee"
( recognizing me), i can always tell. it's like a radar device. i don't mind it because if i get freaked out, i'll just run. but please, don't call me "mr. paul". rupaul is my first name. my last name is charles. nobody calls sarah jessica parker , "miss jessica".
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 31, 2001 | Permalink
Sunday, December 30, 2001
i was leaving a restaurant on sunset blvd. when i saw cuba gooding jr. approaching from the other direction. i've had my feelings hurt too many times to say hello to celebrities outside of an interview, so i just kept walking. but, before i could pass him by he said "aren't you...?" and i said "yes, aren't you...?" he said "yes" and we shook hands with a smile. that's all there was to it, but it was very sweet and i'll be a fan forever. the billboard for his latest movie "snow dogs" is the most adorable thing i've ever seen. he looks like a ten year old boy and i'm a total sucker for talking dogs! i can't wait to see it.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 30, 2001 | Permalink
Thursday, December 27, 2001
two years ago i had to canceled my cable t.v. service. if i hadn't, i would have needed a twelve step program just to pry the remote out of my hand. the problem was that i couldn't turn the t.v. off once i started watching it. no matter how awful the programing was, i just couldn't turn the damn thing off. the same is true today when i'm staying in a hotel equipped with a gorgeous, 31 inch, color boob tube with an accompanying remote control. there i am, in some exotic locale with palm trees and sandy beaches, spellbound in my luxury suite, flipping channels. when i was a kid, my mother would bust open the door to my bedroom and scream "ru, turn that goddamn t.v. off !!! you got school in the mornin, nigga !!!". much later, mama would come to realize that "the johnny carson show" was my school. living without cable is fine. i've got dvds, video tapes and my computer to keep me busy. but, there is one t.v. show that i cannot live without, ( i even bought some "rabbit ears" so that i can catch it everyday at 4:oo p.m here in los angeles. ) that show is "judge judy". i love it soooo much!! she's smart, she's funny and she can bust your balls faster than you can say "johnnie cochran"! once, on a plane that was boarding at kennedy airport and bound for hollywood, judge judith sheinlin sat right next to me. i could have shit my pants right then and there, but i played it cool and didn't say a word. as they closed the door to the aircraft, judge judy tapped me and said "sir, i'm gonna take that empty window seat across the aisle and i want you to know that it's not a reflection on you". well, i just thought that was a very kind thing to do, even though i was disappointed that we didn't sit together. there is another element to my fascination "her honor". because of the fuzzy reception i get with my "rabbit ears", she bares a striking resemblance to my mother. her demeanor, her 'no bullshit' stance, her hair, cheekbones and even her skinny neck looks like my mother (check out the pic of my mom in my bio). in essence, i get to visit with my dearly departed, grumpy mother, everyday at 4p.m. it makes missing mama not as painful.
coming soon : why the "golden girls" is the greatest sit-com ever.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 27, 2001 | Permalink
Wednesday, December 26, 2001
I'm a 37 year old heterosexual that's extremely attracted to Rupaul in Drag every time I see him/her I masturbate about having anal intercourse with him/her both giving and receiving.
On Wednesday's weblog, you make note of a 22 y/ o krishna monk on 34 street who "reminded me that God walked with me, so i gave him five dollars."
I, too, would like to remind you that God walks with you, and so hereby request that $5 be paid to me through PayPal
Thank you,
House of Diabolique
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, December 26, 2001 | Permalink
i got my 3 y.o neice and 5 y.o nephew c.d. walkmans with rechargeable batteries. i also got them carrying cases for their players and c.d wallets for discs . i burned copies of " broadway kids sing broadway" and "annie, the original broadway cast album" which includes my favorite show tune of all time "it's a hard knock life". the kids are about 13 months apart in age, the same age difference between me and their mother, rozy . so, based on the experience of growing up with a younger sister (their mother), i labeled each item with the first letter of their names. i gave him a "dick tracy" type walkie/talkie watch and her a brown barbie doll. her birthday is on the 28th of december, so i'll be back over there with more stuff for the both of them. i adore those children, and i'm not a children liking kinda bitch, either ! they are both very bright and have a great sense of humor. there were about twelve people at roz' house when i arrived, including my sister, renae and my father, irving . rozy told me that dad finally interpreted the meaning of my nickname, "bunjoe" after all these years. he said it meant "good boy" in french . "but that would be bon garcon
in french" i said. then she said "leave it to some country ass negroes to mispronounce shit".
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, December 26, 2001 | Permalink
Tuesday, December 25, 2001
after my friend and i visited the grand canyon, there was some debate over what the other six wonders of the world are. we couldn't agree if they included "the great wall of china" or dolly parton. well, today i looked it up and here they are.
if you want to find the 8th wonder of the world, you needn't look further than mathu andersen. he is a true renaissance man and i love him very much. he was born on christmas day.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 25, 2001 | Permalink
Monday, December 24, 2001
friday night in new york i saw jackie beats xmas show at fez. she was funny as hell. i was amazed at her beautiful singing voice. i sat at a table with candis cayne and her boyfriend, david dalrymple and his boyfriend, "the connie girl" and taz. nora burns was there with her new baby girl called "fred". miss guy was at a table with theo from the lunachicks and cathay che.
later, me and taz went to "lips", the drag restaurant. my first time there. fun, but not as fun as the 14 hard cock finale at "the gaiety". i met michael and stephan there at 11:30. in the finale was one of my dancers from vh1's "diana: diva 2000". it was vh1"s lost that they chopped my dancers out of the fiasco that eventually aired. he was definitely worth seeing.
but nothing compares to spending christmas with my sister rozy's kids. they're 3 and 5. the girl loves "j-lo" and the boy loves go-carts. that"s why i wanted to high tail it back to l.a. ..of course, seeing jackie stallone at lax was worth the trip, too.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 24, 2001 | Permalink
i arrived at jfk two hours before my scheduled 4pm flight. the american airlines counter agent asked me if i'd like to catch the 3pm flight, rather than the 4pm. i said "sure". as i boarded the plane, i recognized a man who i haven't seen in over 26 years.
his name is marcus allen
, and we were in the same classrooms at horton elementary school from grades 1 thru 6. the students at horton were divided into 2 groups, based on the first letter of there last name, and he and i were always in the same group. later we would attend the same junior high school. marcus and i were not friends, but our mothers were. he was a jock who would tease me about being a sissy, but not in a cruel or mean spirited way, more in a joking with a sense of humor way. on the plane we chatted briefly about mutual friends, past and present, and about having followed each others careers. it felt awkward because of what wasn't said. here we were these two brown skinned kids from the same neighborhood in nowheresville, who separately became very successful and famous. i wanted to ask him if he knew back then that he would be a star. i sure knew back then that i would be. he was wearing a blue suit and tie, and i was wearing one of two black sweat suits i packed for the whole two week trip. i wanted to tell him that i usually wear gucci and prada suits, but i was just returning from a cross country blah blah blah. (oh dear lord, when does the approval thing end.) we both said our merry christmas' and "hi to your family" and that was it. the whole thing made me think "wow, it's kinda genius that if you live long enough you'll have this history of experiences to draw from".... whatever!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 24, 2001 | Permalink
Sunday, December 23, 2001
i knew i would have to go down there eventually, but i wasn’t looking forward to it. i felt the same way in 1993 when i went to visit my mother, for what i knew was to be the last time. i felt afraid of losing control and being consumed by my emotions. i’ve always been ashamed of my feelings and i’ve always hated saying goodbye, but i did it anyway. as i walked the circumference of “ground zero”, i couldn’t stop crying. i also couldn’t help but think that the destruction of the world trade towers, was the official end of the 20th century. goodbye.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 23, 2001 | Permalink
Friday, December 21, 2001
my mornings here in new york usually start with me loading up my backpack with everything i’m gonna need throughout the long days journey into night. the last thing i wanna do is make a time consuming pit stop back at the hotel.
in my carryall, among other things, are :
*travel size baby wipes(toilet paper is so 20th century)
*cellphone a / c adapter (i actually charged my battery in two restaurants and at my electrolysis appointment today)
*my ipod w/ headphones (really came in handy today when my dentist was tooling around in my mouth. the sound of the drill wrecks my last gay nerve).
*yesterday i lugged around my ibook all day, so that me and flloyd could swap music files and porn.
i also don’t wanna overload my napsack too early, because i will be filling it with goodies that i’ll be collecting along the hike.
goodies like :
*the english import of cher’s “living proof” and the bee gee’s new “greatest hits” c.d. that i bought at virgin, not bootlegs off the street.
*i also picked up two striped sailor shirts at “trash and vaudeville”.
this morning i left the hotel at 8:30 am, and didn’t get back until 2:oo in the morning. in-between i ran into kevin aviance on one block, and phoebe legere on another. i had tea at “sacred chow” on hudson st., dinner with new friends at “chez josephine” on 42nd and enjoyed the open mike at “sugar bar” with nick ashford, valerie simpson, michael, stefan and roberta flack.
the big question then becomes : why do i live in los angeles ?
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 21, 2001 | Permalink
Wednesday, December 19, 2001
day three in new york has me more in love with the city than ever before. i’m in love with life, i’m in love with love, hell, i’m in love with lorna luft !!!
12:30 pm) my new york wake up time. make phone calls and puttz around awhile.
4:pm ) a sesame seed bagel triple toasted with cream cheese. no coffee cause i’m off the stuff right now. had a 35 minute conversation with a 22 y/ o krishna monk on 34 street. he was very hot. he said his name was “go paul”, i told him my name was rupaul. he reminded me that God walked with me, so i gave him five dollars.
5:30 ) i bought cher’s “living proof” for $ 5 and the dvd of “shrek” for $ 10. (note to self : next time i see cher, give her a dollar. a better royalty rate than she gets from “big brother” )
6:15 ) met up with a 7 month pregnant michele visage at the pre-concert party for wktu’s “miracle on 34th street”. that bitch cracks me the fuck up !!! just like ol’ times.
7:45 ) “the morning show” is introduced on stage at madison square garden by the boss, frankie blue. they asked me to join them in front of the crowd at the sold out event.
8:pm ) the show featured performances by liza minnelli, chaka khan, mary j. blige, deborah cox, stephanie mills and others. mariah carey came out to intro alicia keys, who i don’t get at all.
10:30 ) walked michele to her parking garage and said “ta ta”. 30 seconds later i saw this this drunk guy, running across the street, get grazed by a speeding taxi. he fell flat on his face. it was a miracle that he wasn’t killed. i ran over to him and asked if he needed help. he then stood up and grabbed my coat as if he were going to punch me out, but he didn’t. he just kept on, limping down the street. with time to kill before liza’s after party, i headed straight to “the gaiety” to catch the last show of the day. at fifteen dollars, it’s still the best ticket on broadway !!
11:30 pm ) me and mary j. arrived at liza’s front door at the same time. we got to say hi and kiss kiss. she was on her cell phone, talking to her mother during our encounter. the party was fun for me, cause i got to meet stephanie mills. we talked at length before she was summoned to the piano to sing “home” from her broadway show “THE WIZ” . also had a great conversation with “ashford and simpson”. i pitched them the idea of a touring show bound for broadway called “hopsack and silk : the songs of ashford and simpson” starring stephanie mills, siedah garrett and jennifer holiday. another highlight of the evening was liza minnelli and mary j. blige duetting “god bless the child”. liza was in great spirit. her fiancé produced the concert that night and i congratulated him on a job well done. especially the orchestra, which was excellent. also at liza’s were : michael finestein, marisa berenson, denise rich, mya, billy gilmore, amber, deborah cox, “vicki” from “one life to live” and star jones.
1:30 am ) with the dionne warwick catalog in my earphones, i walked down madison, then over to 5th ave. to the christmas tree at rockefeller center. joy to the world. i was in heaven.
2:30 am ) times square and dionne, wow !!! checked out this european cyber cafe that "tennessee" told me about called “easyEverything”. featuring a computer with 4 hours of internet access for $ 1. i stayed an hour.
4:30 am ) i went to bed.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, December 19, 2001 | Permalink
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
UNIQUE NEW YORK : click your heels and say it three times fast .
happy, grateful, blessed, jet hagged, hairy, fat and loved . that’s what i feel, seven hours into my return to manhattan.
6:30 pm) through the lincoln tunnel, and dropped off at my historic hotel.
8:45 pm) i satisfied my craving for a double toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese.
9:00 pm) perry street.
10:00 pm) caught the cross town bus to the east village where i ordered a regular slice of sal’s pizza. i don’t think sal owns it anymore, but it still tastes good.
10:30 pm) cab up to times square to catch the 10pm show at “the gaiety”.
11:45 pm ) my friend “erick”, an exotic dancer who had just ended a week long stint at the legendary “gaiety”, accompanied me to the club “cheese whiz” on houston street.
12:30 am ) met up with my dear friend of 19 years “flloyd” and walked to his apartment for a taped viewing of mad tv’s “ms. swan”.
2:00 am ) cab to hotel .
new yawk is my fave city for so many reasons:
a ) the exact same native american stuff that i saw on sale in new mexico can be bought in soho at practically the same price.
b ) on canal street today, i bought two gucci watches for $10 each, mariah’s double c.d. greatest hits for $10 and madookee’s greatest hits volume 2 for $ 5.
c ) the most beautiful, sexy and exotic men in the world are here in new york city.
d ) anytime you want out of a situation, you can raise your hand and say this magical word: “TAXI !!!”
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 18, 2001 | Permalink
Sunday, December 16, 2001
the first time i drove up the jersey turnpike to new york city was twenty years ago. before i even saw the city, i remember seeing the world trade towers peeking over the trees. i was so excited, it was a dream come true . my mind raced to visions of that big musical scene in "the wiz" and the remake of "king kong". tomorrow i will make that same journey, the first time since 9/11 and i just know that the tears will flow.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 16, 2001 | Permalink
Saturday, December 15, 2001
MYLANTA :home, sweet home !!!
thanks y’all for the ton of SHe-mails and love and support during my cross cuntry tour of the lower 48. unfortunately my ibook won’t allow me to send SHe-mails, only recieve them for the time being. and a special shout out to all the “tranny chasers” who send me mad love, i live for you niggaz !!!and to all y’all bitches who want to know about my tits, my make up and my lace front wigs, i got five motherfuckin’ words for ya,...“lettin it all hang out” my autobiography. available in the ru boutique. CATCH IT !!!
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, December 15, 2001 | Permalink
Friday, December 14, 2001
i’m writing this blog from a motel room in jackson, mississippi. this room is downright palatial compared to the shit hole we endured last night. it was called the “cum fart inn” of foreskin hills, texas , and it really lived up to its name. this was the kind of place where many a “coke” binges were played out. the smell of “lube” permeated the building and i actually got out my can of lysol to disinfect the bathroom. but that wasn’t the worst of it. the color scheme of the room was absolutely criminal. a very masculine burgundy, sided with a nauseous dark green. yuck! we were too sleepy to set fire to it so we just passed out. tomorrow, we jump into our rented 2001 blue ford excursion and head for my “real” hometown, hotlanta, ga.
oh, and michael, thanks for suggesting the ipod. i fucking covet that thing. i can play it in the truck with one of those cassette tape thing - a - ma - jigs that has a wire sticking out of it attached to a jack that i plug into the ipods earphone hole. today it was endless “bee gees”, the whole brilliant catalog, without fumbling for cd’s.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 14, 2001 | Permalink
up until fifteen years ago, the word “diva” really meant something special. that was before vh1, star jones and every pier queen on the hudson river, used the word to describe just about anyone with a weave and some attitude. the same is true for the word “grand”. there’s the “grand cherokee” by jeep, and the “grand ballroom” at the hilton, and of course “grandma’s” fried chicken franchise in georgia. all, of which, are not very “grand” if you ask me. but when used to describe that big slit in the middle of arizona, the word “grand” is an understatement. a more suitable description would be “ that mind warping, acid trippy, breathtaking, tear inducing, freaky-deaky, surrealicious, grand canyon”. actually, those words don’t even do it justice. i was not prepared for what i saw on tuesday. i had tears in my eyes, because i couldn’t believe how beautiful it was . the fact that there were four inches of snow on the ground, only added to this benchmark in my experience on this planet. i was BLOWN A-WAY ! what’s even more amazing is that i wasn’t jacked on coffee or virginia slims lights or any other stimuli ( ok, maybe i did have a snickers bar). unlike my past, i was totally present for the journey and for that reason, and that reason alone, i’m happy it took me so many years to get there. but just like the true addict that i am, i can’t wait to go back and do it again!!!
1) “the wizard of oz”
2) “grease”
3) “mommie dearest”
4) “elvira, mistress of the dark”
5) “the rocky horror picture show”
6) “chinatown”
7) “moulin rouge”
8) “what’s up doc?”
9) “paris is burning”
10) “lady sings the blues”
( list is subject to change )
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 14, 2001 | Permalink
Tuesday, December 11, 2001
we,re staying overnight in williams, arizona known as the "gateway to the grand canyon". there,s about three inches of snow on the ground and i am so excited about writing my first blog from a faraway exotic place on my new laptop. tommorrow i will see the grand canyon for the first time (not counting seeing it 36,000 feet from above, perched in first class)
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 11, 2001 | Permalink
Monday, December 10, 2001
late start on my trip across country, but got to witness one of those "only in l.a" occurrences last night. we pull up to a stop light at midnight and to the left of us there's a 1982 toyota corolla that's scraping pass us. it had no lights on and had obviously been in several accidents in the pass ten minutes . it was being followed by about fifteen police cars in a slow parade like procession . one of the doors of the toyota was dragging on the street making sparks while the passenger was trying to close it. there was also a man on top of the hood banging his hand on the window as if to try and make the car stop. i couldn't see the driver, but if i had to guess his name it would be sam peckinpah or david lynch. it was all happening so slow and eerily odd. the scene was so freaky, that the computer in my head froze up and i needed a few sips of my coca cola before i could drive on. l.a is so weird.
anyway, here's a list of my favorite male singers :
1) lutherfer
2) michael mc donald
3) tom jones
4) stevie wonder
5) jeffrey osborne
6) joe williams
7) steven tyler
8) marvin gaye
9) rod stewart
10) david bowie
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 10, 2001 | Permalink
Saturday, December 08, 2001
i really love the idea of having a face lift and i'm obsessed with all plastic surgery, but the actual reality of having it done is freaky as shit. i saw this program on the 'discovery channel' that showcased some botched full service augmentations and it scared the botox out of me!! it'd be a different story for me if i lived my life in drag, but i don't. i mean, being a queen and being snatched go together, but i can't ever remember seeing a man ,who's pumping daytime realness and not wearing any make up, look unspookable with a paid in full - pull. i have x-ray vision when it comes to plastic surgery and if you don't want to be clocked for having your tits, lips and eyes done, don't come around me. i'm like roddy piper in that john carpenter movie 'they live', except i don't need those sunglasses he wears to identify the aliens. but don't get me wrong, i would never say anything to your ah... face. plus i don't think the objective with this 'new race of people' is to be unspookable . i've always been told that one gets their first 'mini - lift' at age 36, while the skin still has enough elastasin to withstand the trauma of surgery. if that's true, i'm way past due. black may not crack, but it sho' do droop!!
can you tell who's been "touched by an angel" ?
here is a list of men who may or may not have been tugged a time or two .
test your skills at finding and loving the alien .
michael douglas, sylvester stallone, mickey rourke, tim allen, dick clark, bob dole, alan thicke, bob eubanks, robert stack, leslie nielsen, johnny cash, kenny rodgers, chuck norris, burt reynolds, porter wagoner, barry manilow, zigfried and roy, wayne newton, william shatner, george hamilton,
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, December 08, 2001 | Permalink
Friday, December 07, 2001
As one of three sisters in the group The Jones Girls, recording artist Valerie Jones was known as the shy one who preferred attending college as a business major rather than working as an entertainer. Known for their harmonizing, Ms. Jones and her sisters, Brenda and Shirley, sang backup for numerous Motown artists. The Jones Girls made four albums for Philadelphia International Records in Los Angles, and had a smash disco hit with You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else in 1979 and another hit with Nights Over Egypt.
Ida Johnson, a family friend, met Valerie Jones and her sisters when they were just little girls. "Their mother was a gospel singer and one day she brought in these three little girls who had harmony even then," Johnson said. "I played the organ with them and soon we were singing at different churches on the weekends. Even then they were something to behold."
A native Detroiter, Ms. Jones died on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2001, at Sinai Grace Hospital. She was 45. The cause of her death has not been determined. Survivors include her mother, Mary Frazier Jones; a son, Felton; and her sisters, Shirley and Brenda Jones.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 07, 2001 | Permalink
"Do I really look all right in this plastic jumpsuit?"
i must be the last person on earth to read "me talk pretty one day" by david sedaris up next, "holidays on ice" by the same author.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 07, 2001 | Permalink
Thursday, December 06, 2001
the following songs got the heaviest rotation in my house and car in 2001.
1) “stronger” ........britney
2) “human” .......rod stewart
3) “missing you” ....brandy, tamia, chaka and gladys
4) “first time i made love” ......joyce kennedy and jeffrey osborne
5) “room with a view” .......jeffrey osborne
6) “satisfied” ......rhona
7) “play” ............. j-lo
8) “jaded” ................aerosmith
9) “don’t let me be the last to know”......britney
10) “i can’t wait” ......stevie nicks
11) “the power of goodbye” .......madoodoo
12) “family affair” ......mary j. blige
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 06, 2001 | Permalink
i took jonno’s advice and bought the ibook 600mhz cd-rw / dvd-rom combo drive and an ipod. this was all very urgent because starting sunday dec. 9th, me and a girlfriend are taking a joyride across the united states. we will be making stops at the grand canyon, el paso, abilene, dallas, vicksburg, miss., hotlanta, raleigh, and cruising into “the big apple” by dec. 20th. as many of you know, i used to drive cars all over the u.s for my ex-brother in-law’s company. from the time i was 16 to 21, i must have driven cross country over fifty times. it was alot of fun and a great experience to see the most beautiful country in the world. i never thought it would take me 20 years to get around to doing it again. of course, alot has changed since the last time i did it. my cell phone, my laptop and the fact that i won’t be stoned out of my gourd will help to insure that this trip will be different from the ones in the past. i’ll be weblogging from coast to coast, so you’ll all get the latest, up to the minute reports on truck stop fashion, glory hole etiquette, mullet mania and waffle house do’s and don’ts. this trip will also mark my first return to gotham since you know what.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 06, 2001 | Permalink
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
ooh yeah
just remembered two other films that i loved this year.
“mulholland drive” naomi watts is amazing!!! she will be snatching a trophy or two next year.
“hearts in atlantis” terrible name for a movie, but sir anthony more than made up for the bad title.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, December 05, 2001 | Permalink
Miss RuPaul,
I'm sure you've gotten tons of e-mails from those of us who saw your performance December 1st in Indianapolis. I am from Louisville, Kentucky (100 miles south of Indianapolis), and just *had* to make the trek to see you. I have to say it was the realization of a dream for me. I have idolized you since I first saw the
"Supermodel" video, to the point where I've watched your videos over and over again to achieve the perfect"Supermodel Walk." I'd dreamed of the opportunity to share it with you, but alas, I was too far back in the crowd (*pout*sniffle*) ;-) But just being able to see and hear you perform your music was enough for me.
Believe me, it's all I've talked about since I got back to Louisville yesterday morning (much to the chagrin of many of my friends, I think). I just want to thank you for a very memorable evening, and hopefully sometime I'll be able to see you perform again somewhere. You are truly an inspiration to me.
Much LOVE,
aka Miss Virginia Slims
Just writing to tell you that we been a long time fan of yours, and when I finally had the chance to see you"Live" at Club Industry last evening, it was very moving.
Thanks for a great show! And, as always thanks for spreading love and doing all you do in your charitable
Josh and Troy!
Thanks so much for coming to Indianapolis!
It's sort of miraculous that anyone as fabulous as you came here. We don't
seem to attract much talent to our area, so we were all very excited about
your appearance. Your show certainly did not disappoint either--the new
songs were great and the question & answer segment was brilliant!
Hopefully you will come back our way again someday. I know we would all
appreciate it!
Have a great holiday season and thanks again!
Matt Mutchmore
(.....listening to your Christmas CD for the 5th time today....)
The show was amazing and probably the best time I've had there! Not much
excitement comes to Indy other than sports and car races, so for me, it was
time to show Indy there are other things to do, and DAMN was it fun!
I wanted to thank you for playing the crowd and getting into your show, and
for putting on a genuine, wonderful performance. It meant a lot to us here,
especially those of us who don't consider ourselves the typical Hoosier.
Thanks again!
love ya!
RuPaul -
I saw you perform Saturday night in Indianapolis. You were spectacular!
You were fierce yet gracious, and I admire you for that tremendously.
Thank you for being a positive role model for our community.
Best wishes on everything and please keep putting out such great music!
Much love,
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, December 05, 2001 | Permalink
Tuesday, December 04, 2001
today i will only be addressed as,
H.R.H RuPaula Abdul Fortensky-Lewinsky Extravaganza Zeta-Jones III
i’m really loving the new cher album “living proof”. it’s been playing non-stop in my jacked up, tricked out, white, 1999 dodge grand caravan, with chrome rims and tinted windows. don’t come a knockin, if my minivan’s a rockin ! cher sounds great on all the tracks on the album. she sounds great on all the tracks NOT on the album. i like to imagine what cher would sound like singing other peoples tracks on albums, like elton john’s “i guess that’s why they call it the blues”. wouldn’t that be kick-ass? go ahead, sing that song in “sir lady char-char’s” voice, it’s awesome! now try “jaded” by aerosmith. oh sweet freedom, this is paradise !!! in fact, all songs sound totally narley and killer if sung in cher’s voice, just ask eddie vedder or that black guy from “hootie and the blowfish”. i love to drive around hollywood like a wacked out soccer mom in my dodge minivan, singing songs from every genre of music, the way cher would sing them. here is a list of songs that rock endlessly, if sung in HER voice :
1) “hit me baby, one more time” ......... britney
2) “what about love” ........... heart
3) “ flashdance...what a feeling !”........irene cara
4) “how do i live”........trisha yearwood
5) “don’t let the sun go down on me”...... elton
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 04, 2001 | Permalink
sexy mens
every year people magazine comes out with its “ the sexiest man alive” issue and every year i have issues with their issue. they always put some sterile, vanilla sky looking, non-threatening, coiffed up the wazoo, public relations darling on the cover ,who also happens to have a new movie coming out. in my opinion, that’s oh so tired and boring, and not at all cute or clever. so here is a partial list of sexy devils that make me wanna say ‘praise the lord and pass the lotion’!
1) matthew modine
- i don’t know why, but this mofo wrecks my nerves.
2) ed o’neill
- i always hated the show “married with children”, but i’d never miss an episode. i’d just turn the sound down and put my cell phone on vibrate.
3) ernie hudson
- in fact, the entire cast of hbo’s “oz”, especially that black guy who wore the scull cap cocked to the side of his head.
4) leon
- he played jesus in demonna’s “like a prayer” video.
5) michael rappaport
- i dig him most when he has a little extra weight on. that nasty red hair drives me crazy.
6) costas mandylor
- i love anything austrailian.
7) dolph lundgren
- ouch !!!
8) jeff bridges
- a sweet sensative man with big nipples and a belly. yum.
9) henry simmons
- black guy from “nypd blue”. i’m just keepin it real. ya know what i’m saying ?
10) aaron eckhart
- at his chunky best in “your friends and neighbors”. chubby chasers of the world unite !!!
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 04, 2001 | Permalink
Monday, December 03, 2001
from indianapolis - via charlotte - to los angeles
i had a great time in indianapolis . the show was a blast! i’ll never forget this one kid, who couldn’t have been more than twenty-one, he stood at the front of the stage mouthing all the words to my songs. i could feel so much love coming from him . it made me want to give all i had to give and then some. thanks, kid and thanks to each of the 1200 people who were there .
i don’t take your love and support for granted and i am truly grateful that you’ve kept me in business.
after sound check and before the show ,me and j. went to see “harry potter”. i liked it ! having never read the books ,i realized through watching the movie that the attraction to this phenomenon is about our coming to this planet as magical beings who are then taught to only believe in the physical world . as a kid, i was never able to buy into that way of thinking, which secured my gravitation toward hallucinogenics.
i was always praying for some divine intervention to come and rescue me from the nightmare that was my childhood and to confirm with me that the world was fucked up and that i was this fabulous celebrity like “harry potter” , but that never happened and i guess “thai-stick” and “angel dust” were the next best thing at ten years old .
i got home ,here in l.a, around 8p.m sunday night and answered about 80 SHe-mails. (yes i do it myself ,even though most of you get a kooky “you smell pretty, ru” as a reply , it’s still me). then i got the nerve up to SHe-mail jonno for the first time ever with my phone number and we talked on the phone for about an hour and forty-five minutes. he was great ,it was great and i’m not a phone talker. i get bored with the phone after five minutes and rarely answer my cell. he remembered meeting me in 1990 at a club in nyc called “la palace de beaute” , but i was still secured in my gravitation toward levitation at that time in my life and didn’t remember the encounter. jonno was as charming as i thought he would be, but i have to admit i was very nervous speaking to my idol for the ( sorta ) first time. you see, i learned from hosting the ktu radio show and the ru show on vh1, that it’s not a good idea to meet the stars you’ve looked up to. they are only human and humans can let you down if you place God-like expectations on them. most of the stars i’ve met are insecure, neurotic, self obsessed pieces of shit ,in my opinion and i’m being kind. jonno and i could have talked all night, but i had to get to the virgin megastore to pick up olivia newton-john’s brand new christmas album before it closed at midnight.
here is a list of what i bought last night at virgin:
1) olivia / the christmas collection
2) kylie minogue / fever
3) diana krall / the look of love
4) destiny's child / emotion-english import
5) nancy wilson / a nancy wilson christmas
6) nancy wilson / keep you satisfied
7) nancy wilson / love, nancy
8) nancy wilson / forbidden lover
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 03, 2001 | Permalink
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