Tuesday, December 04, 2001
sexy mens
every year people magazine comes out with its “ the sexiest man alive” issue and every year i have issues with their issue. they always put some sterile, vanilla sky looking, non-threatening, coiffed up the wazoo, public relations darling on the cover ,who also happens to have a new movie coming out. in my opinion, that’s oh so tired and boring, and not at all cute or clever. so here is a partial list of sexy devils that make me wanna say ‘praise the lord and pass the lotion’!
1) matthew modine
- i don’t know why, but this mofo wrecks my nerves.
2) ed o’neill
- i always hated the show “married with children”, but i’d never miss an episode. i’d just turn the sound down and put my cell phone on vibrate.
3) ernie hudson
- in fact, the entire cast of hbo’s “oz”, especially that black guy who wore the scull cap cocked to the side of his head.
4) leon
- he played jesus in demonna’s “like a prayer” video.
5) michael rappaport
- i dig him most when he has a little extra weight on. that nasty red hair drives me crazy.
6) costas mandylor
- i love anything austrailian.
7) dolph lundgren
- ouch !!!
8) jeff bridges
- a sweet sensative man with big nipples and a belly. yum.
9) henry simmons
- black guy from “nypd blue”. i’m just keepin it real. ya know what i’m saying ?
10) aaron eckhart
- at his chunky best in “your friends and neighbors”. chubby chasers of the world unite !!!
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, December 04, 2001
at Tuesday, December 04, 2001 | Permalink
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