Friday, December 21, 2001
my mornings here in new york usually start with me loading up my backpack with everything i’m gonna need throughout the long days journey into night. the last thing i wanna do is make a time consuming pit stop back at the hotel.
in my carryall, among other things, are :
*travel size baby wipes(toilet paper is so 20th century)
*cellphone a / c adapter (i actually charged my battery in two restaurants and at my electrolysis appointment today)
*my ipod w/ headphones (really came in handy today when my dentist was tooling around in my mouth. the sound of the drill wrecks my last gay nerve).
*yesterday i lugged around my ibook all day, so that me and flloyd could swap music files and porn.
i also don’t wanna overload my napsack too early, because i will be filling it with goodies that i’ll be collecting along the hike.
goodies like :
*the english import of cher’s “living proof” and the bee gee’s new “greatest hits” c.d. that i bought at virgin, not bootlegs off the street.
*i also picked up two striped sailor shirts at “trash and vaudeville”.
this morning i left the hotel at 8:30 am, and didn’t get back until 2:oo in the morning. in-between i ran into kevin aviance on one block, and phoebe legere on another. i had tea at “sacred chow” on hudson st., dinner with new friends at “chez josephine” on 42nd and enjoyed the open mike at “sugar bar” with nick ashford, valerie simpson, michael, stefan and roberta flack.
the big question then becomes : why do i live in los angeles ?
Posted by Ru
Friday, December 21, 2001
at Friday, December 21, 2001 | Permalink
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