Monday, December 10, 2001
late start on my trip across country, but got to witness one of those "only in l.a" occurrences last night. we pull up to a stop light at midnight and to the left of us there's a 1982 toyota corolla that's scraping pass us. it had no lights on and had obviously been in several accidents in the pass ten minutes . it was being followed by about fifteen police cars in a slow parade like procession . one of the doors of the toyota was dragging on the street making sparks while the passenger was trying to close it. there was also a man on top of the hood banging his hand on the window as if to try and make the car stop. i couldn't see the driver, but if i had to guess his name it would be sam peckinpah or david lynch. it was all happening so slow and eerily odd. the scene was so freaky, that the computer in my head froze up and i needed a few sips of my coca cola before i could drive on. l.a is so weird.
anyway, here's a list of my favorite male singers :
1) lutherfer
2) michael mc donald
3) tom jones
4) stevie wonder
5) jeffrey osborne
6) joe williams
7) steven tyler
8) marvin gaye
9) rod stewart
10) david bowie
Posted by Ru
Monday, December 10, 2001
at Monday, December 10, 2001 | Permalink
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