Friday, December 14, 2001
i’m writing this blog from a motel room in jackson, mississippi. this room is downright palatial compared to the shit hole we endured last night. it was called the “cum fart inn” of foreskin hills, texas , and it really lived up to its name. this was the kind of place where many a “coke” binges were played out. the smell of “lube” permeated the building and i actually got out my can of lysol to disinfect the bathroom. but that wasn’t the worst of it. the color scheme of the room was absolutely criminal. a very masculine burgundy, sided with a nauseous dark green. yuck! we were too sleepy to set fire to it so we just passed out. tomorrow, we jump into our rented 2001 blue ford excursion and head for my “real” hometown, hotlanta, ga.
oh, and michael, thanks for suggesting the ipod. i fucking covet that thing. i can play it in the truck with one of those cassette tape thing - a - ma - jigs that has a wire sticking out of it attached to a jack that i plug into the ipods earphone hole. today it was endless “bee gees”, the whole brilliant catalog, without fumbling for cd’s.
Posted by Ru
Friday, December 14, 2001
at Friday, December 14, 2001 | Permalink
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