Wednesday, December 05, 2001
Miss RuPaul,
I'm sure you've gotten tons of e-mails from those of us who saw your performance December 1st in Indianapolis. I am from Louisville, Kentucky (100 miles south of Indianapolis), and just *had* to make the trek to see you. I have to say it was the realization of a dream for me. I have idolized you since I first saw the
"Supermodel" video, to the point where I've watched your videos over and over again to achieve the perfect"Supermodel Walk." I'd dreamed of the opportunity to share it with you, but alas, I was too far back in the crowd (*pout*sniffle*) ;-) But just being able to see and hear you perform your music was enough for me.
Believe me, it's all I've talked about since I got back to Louisville yesterday morning (much to the chagrin of many of my friends, I think). I just want to thank you for a very memorable evening, and hopefully sometime I'll be able to see you perform again somewhere. You are truly an inspiration to me.
Much LOVE,
aka Miss Virginia Slims
Just writing to tell you that we been a long time fan of yours, and when I finally had the chance to see you"Live" at Club Industry last evening, it was very moving.
Thanks for a great show! And, as always thanks for spreading love and doing all you do in your charitable
Josh and Troy!
Thanks so much for coming to Indianapolis!
It's sort of miraculous that anyone as fabulous as you came here. We don't
seem to attract much talent to our area, so we were all very excited about
your appearance. Your show certainly did not disappoint either--the new
songs were great and the question & answer segment was brilliant!
Hopefully you will come back our way again someday. I know we would all
appreciate it!
Have a great holiday season and thanks again!
Matt Mutchmore
(.....listening to your Christmas CD for the 5th time today....)
The show was amazing and probably the best time I've had there! Not much
excitement comes to Indy other than sports and car races, so for me, it was
time to show Indy there are other things to do, and DAMN was it fun!
I wanted to thank you for playing the crowd and getting into your show, and
for putting on a genuine, wonderful performance. It meant a lot to us here,
especially those of us who don't consider ourselves the typical Hoosier.
Thanks again!
love ya!
RuPaul -
I saw you perform Saturday night in Indianapolis. You were spectacular!
You were fierce yet gracious, and I admire you for that tremendously.
Thank you for being a positive role model for our community.
Best wishes on everything and please keep putting out such great music!
Much love,
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
at Wednesday, December 05, 2001 | Permalink
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