Monday, December 03, 2001
from indianapolis - via charlotte - to los angeles
i had a great time in indianapolis . the show was a blast! i’ll never forget this one kid, who couldn’t have been more than twenty-one, he stood at the front of the stage mouthing all the words to my songs. i could feel so much love coming from him . it made me want to give all i had to give and then some. thanks, kid and thanks to each of the 1200 people who were there .
i don’t take your love and support for granted and i am truly grateful that you’ve kept me in business.
after sound check and before the show ,me and j. went to see “harry potter”. i liked it ! having never read the books ,i realized through watching the movie that the attraction to this phenomenon is about our coming to this planet as magical beings who are then taught to only believe in the physical world . as a kid, i was never able to buy into that way of thinking, which secured my gravitation toward hallucinogenics.
i was always praying for some divine intervention to come and rescue me from the nightmare that was my childhood and to confirm with me that the world was fucked up and that i was this fabulous celebrity like “harry potter” , but that never happened and i guess “thai-stick” and “angel dust” were the next best thing at ten years old .
i got home ,here in l.a, around 8p.m sunday night and answered about 80 SHe-mails. (yes i do it myself ,even though most of you get a kooky “you smell pretty, ru” as a reply , it’s still me). then i got the nerve up to SHe-mail jonno for the first time ever with my phone number and we talked on the phone for about an hour and forty-five minutes. he was great ,it was great and i’m not a phone talker. i get bored with the phone after five minutes and rarely answer my cell. he remembered meeting me in 1990 at a club in nyc called “la palace de beaute” , but i was still secured in my gravitation toward levitation at that time in my life and didn’t remember the encounter. jonno was as charming as i thought he would be, but i have to admit i was very nervous speaking to my idol for the ( sorta ) first time. you see, i learned from hosting the ktu radio show and the ru show on vh1, that it’s not a good idea to meet the stars you’ve looked up to. they are only human and humans can let you down if you place God-like expectations on them. most of the stars i’ve met are insecure, neurotic, self obsessed pieces of shit ,in my opinion and i’m being kind. jonno and i could have talked all night, but i had to get to the virgin megastore to pick up olivia newton-john’s brand new christmas album before it closed at midnight.
here is a list of what i bought last night at virgin:
1) olivia / the christmas collection
2) kylie minogue / fever
3) diana krall / the look of love
4) destiny's child / emotion-english import
5) nancy wilson / a nancy wilson christmas
6) nancy wilson / keep you satisfied
7) nancy wilson / love, nancy
8) nancy wilson / forbidden lover
Posted by Ru
Monday, December 03, 2001
at Monday, December 03, 2001 | Permalink
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