Wednesday, August 31, 2005
one thing i don't miss about having a TV is the local news breaks that pop up during JUDGE JUDY. their job is to keep you in fear, they're masters of fear. "coming up live at five, learn how your carpet could be killing you". but don't get it twisted, i will have a TV before the new season of JUDGE JUDY begins.
we fly to PUERTO RICO in the morning.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, August 31, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
yesterday, i was on my way home from a walk in CENTRAL PARK with LEE ROSE , when THIS FOXY LADY approached me on the platform while waiting on the F train. she said "you worked with my friend DANTE BASCO ". i said "yes, i copied my MICHAEL JACKSON collection for him". that was the start of a lovely shared experience that lasted from COLUMBUS CIRCLE until HERALD SQUARE. we covered alot of our backgrounds in those 14 minutes, and i could tell she is a kind, conscious and bright young woman. i promised to see her next week in THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA.
i was kinda freaked today when i got spooked by a couple of paparazzi, which never happens to me. i was headed to my office when i spotted a guy shooting pictures of what i thought was the building behind me. then i realized he had an extra long lens and he was moving with me as i walked. i was wearing a cowboy hat and aviator shades so i still didn't think he had clocked me as "america's drag queen sweetheart".
15 minutes later, i left my office en route to the F train headed for BROOKLYN where i'm recording songs for my new remix CD. before i got on the train, i stopped at a deli to get a protein drink and as i left the deli, i noticed the same photographer from earlier, but he had been joined by another photographer and they were both shooting me.
i walked pass them and the second photographer (while still shooting) said "congratulations on the new doll". i smiled back at him, but inside it was freaking me out because i was thinking maybe they knew something that i don't yet know about. i kept wondering if had i done something that's gotten me into trouble? something "the papers" were already privy to? i honestly never get ambushed like that. i guess i'll find out tomorrow morning. i hope you can imagine how weird it must feel.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, August 29, 2005
our flights arrived in DALLAS within minutes of each other and by 6PM, me and my sister ROZY were cruising east on I-20 in our rented super-deluxe recreational vehicle bound for MANSFIELD, LOUISIANA.
the "town" (a 4 hour drive from DALLAS) is the birthplace of my father and his 14 brothers and sisters, and is located about 30 miles south of SHREVEPORT in a very rural area. my dad moved back there in 1983 and lives on the same property he was born on 76 years ago.
i had never driven an RV before, but after 30 minutes behind the wheel of the 39 foot palace, you would have never known it was my first time. i took to driving it like a duck takes to water. "handled it--like a real bitch, heather hunter, janet jack me...".
the power and maneuverability of the 2005 FLEETWOOD EXCURSION is far greater than what i could have ever expected. before i drove it, i figured i'd pretty much stay at 55 maybe 60, but when i got her out on the highway, that baby purred comfortably at a smooth 70 to 75 miles per hour.
the biggest problem i have being a sleep-over guest is that i'm a devout creature of the night. i just can't fall asleep when the rest of the house turns in, so having the RV completely solved that dilemma. i could read, write or watch TV to my heart's content in the coach without keeping anyone else up.
each day around noon time, we would drive into SHREVEPORT to have lunch. one day we even drove down to LOUISIANA'S oldest town, NATCHITOCHES, to have lunch at a famous creole restaurant called LASYONE'S .
all and all, the trip was alot of fun and i predict many more RV vacations in my future, provided the price of diesel fuel stays at $2.50 a gallon.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, August 29, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, August 22, 2005
Posted by Ru
at Monday, August 22, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, August 21, 2005
first of all, i've never had so many emails welcoming me to a city prior to my arrival. secondly, i'm pretty sure it was also a record for the amount of audience members who sang the lyrics to my music. i certainly would have never guessed i'd receive all this love from PORTLAND, OREGON. the reception i got from the 1500 in attendance was out of this world! i was blown away.
maybe it's because tonight was only the second time i've performed in this part of the country. i did a show in SEATTLE about 12 years ago, and months later, KURT COBAIN told me by the time he and COURTNEY made it to the club, i had already done the show and left.
PORTLAND has a pretty hot club scene, with sweet unpretentious people. it's sad that everyplace in the world has a hotter club scene than what's currently happening in NEW YORK CITY. i have a feeling i'll be back in PORTLAND very soon. thanks, y'all... from the bottom of my heart.
here's a list of the used CD'S i bought in PORTLAND:
1. let your backbone slip...jayne county 2. city in the sky...the staple singers 3. victim of love...sir sharon aka elton john 4. no sound but a heart...sheena easton 5. the best of...andrea true connection 6. let's do it again...soundtrack/curtis mayfield
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, August 21, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, August 20, 2005
i'm not quite sure what time zone my "body clock" is on, but it must be somewhere between MOSCOW and MANHATTAN. i woke up at 6AM this morning in PORTLAND and went walking around the downtown area. i like it here. it reminded me of downtown SAN DIEGO, in fact, alot of the architecture is similar to CALIFORNIA.
i must be the last person on earth to be reading THE Di VINCI CODE. part of me is embarrassed to be doing something that everyone else has already done, so i hide the book's binding whenever i'm in public. RANDY gave me the book for christmas and i've just gotten 'round to reading it. it's awesome! i fucking love it! i told RANDY how much i'm enjoying it, and he said "yeah, it's a real page turner". then i said "hey, PAGE TURNER... that's a great drag name!
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, August 20, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, August 18, 2005
RURU & ROZY (pronounced raw-z)
on monday, after my gig in PORTLAND, my sister ROZY and i will meet in DALLAS, rent a luxury RV and drive 4 hours to my father's hometown of MANSFIELD, LOUISIANA. my dad, IRVING, will get a huge kick out of us being there for the week.
me and ROZY are really excited about setting up "camp" on his property. we're planning on watching DVD's, reading books and eating UNCLE WILLIE'S pie's and cakes in the air conditioned splendor of the luxury RV.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, August 18, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
the night before i left for MOSCOW, i was having dinner in a restaurant when i noticed a man walk in who looked very familiar. he looked at me, i looked at him and that was it. instinctively, i knew who he was, but i didn't listen my intuition because... well, just because.
fast forward to last night, i'm walking down the street and in the opposite direction, the man from the restaurant is walking toward me. he smiles and i smile and say "are you who i think you are?" he says "yes, i'm PAUL." i say "hi, i'm RU. i knew it was you the other night, but i didn't trust my instinct." we chatted for a minute and then went on our separate ways.
that was my one millionth lesson in hearing and trusting my gut. PAUL is the guy with glasses who appears in the VERIZON wireless ads saying "can you hear me now?"".
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
yesterday, i saw a 1980 volvo just like the one my mother used to own, then suddenly i got this flashback of me driving up to L.A. in her car blasting "scream like a baby" from BOWIE'S SCARY MONSTERS album. i was racing up interstate 5 to meet up with this guy i had been seeing, who was in the navy. this shard of a memory took place right at ALICIA PARKWAY on I-5, and only lasts about 3 seconds. it's funny how you never know which moments in your life will "stick", and which moments will be lost forever.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, August 15, 2005
we left for RUSSIA on thursday and got back to NEW YORK CITY on sunday evening. it's a 10 hour flight, my comrade.
and yes, it was a difficult show to do, but i did get a kick out of the two trannies at the edge of the stage who gave me big love during my whole performance. from what i could see, which was very little, the club was predominately straight and jammed pack.
i'm booked for another gig in MOSCOW at the end of september at a completely different venue. i'm actually psyched about going back, but not about returning to their airport. coming into the country was a breeze, but leaving was more tiresome than trying to reclaim your virginity.
we went through 3 different x-ray machines and 2 different luggage searches. airport security really felt like the old SOVIET RUSSIA that's depicted in AMERICAN movies. one security officer while going through my luggage containing my "work supplies" asked if i was a model, and i looked him dead in the eye and said "no, i'm a goddamn supermodel"... well, ok... i really didn't say that, but i WANTED to. somehow i just don't think he would have found the humor in the "supermodel" reply, so i just said "yes".
next weekend PORTLAND, OREGON.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, August 15, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, August 13, 2005
it's raining on RED SQUARE, and we just got back from a 2 hour sound check at the club i'm performing at tonight. the sound check was one of the most painful i've ever endured. hung-over club staff + language barrier = 2 hour sound check.
the club is like the interior of a RUSSIAN genie's bottle, with the stage in the center of the room, elevated about 9 feet above the audience. it's very difficult to connect with a non-english speaking audience when half the time i've got my back to them and i'm elevated so high, but hey... the show must go on. i'll let you know how it turns out.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, August 13, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, August 12, 2005
MOSCOW is so different from what i expected. it's a major EUROPEAN city! no lines for bread or potatoes. my hotel has a view overlooking RED SQUARE . i'm so friggin' jet-lagged, i still can't believe i'm in RUSSIA. wow, if my BABUSHKA could see me now.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, August 12, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, August 11, 2005
why are there so many straight actors on the covers of gay magazines? gay magazines are an important voice of a community that has historically had very limited to NO mainstream outlets.
yes, putting a straight actor on the cover may make him appear to be "down" and "cool with the brothers", but what does it do for "the movement"? oh yes, remember "the movement"? we still don't have equal rights, teenagers are still being killed for being gay and the perversive "straight acting" phenomenon is rapidly chipping away at all the achievements made by brave gay men and women for the past 35 years.
if the cover of a magazine represents it's editorial viewpoint, then putting a straight actor on the cover of a gay magazine says "you're not straight enough to be on your own cover"... that is very harmful. does VIBE put country music stars on it's cover? does EBONY put white folks on it's cover? (and no, MARIAH does not count). why would the editors of gay magazines sell the community so short?
"animal farm" by GEORGE ORWELL is a parable recalling the hypocrisy that overcame the communist movement in THE SOVIET UNION. in the beginning, the ideals set forth by the revolutionary workers were "all for one, and one for all". to make sure this creed would always stay in place, a set of commandments were written.
one of the commandments was "no animal shall walk upright on it's hind legs" (to emulate a human). well, by the end of the book the self-serving pigs were walking around upright on their hind legs, and all of the commandments had been amended or erased. the animals who were alive during the revolution had long forgotten what the commandments even said. is that the fate of the gay rights movement? it looks that way.
bottom line, whoever made the choice to put a straight actor on the cover of a gay magazine is gaining some sort of LEVERAGE to further their own career by making nicey nice with some huge P.R. firm that promises even bigger stars down the road. maybe they're strategizing for a mega position at TIME/WARNER/VIACOM/KRAFTFOODS/PMK/SONY/EXXON, but they sure as hell ain't thinking about their responsibility and role as a voice to a new generation of young gay people.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, August 11, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Dear Ru, Hey! Hope the doll debut party went well, do tell...I thought about you last night at about the time I assumed the party was happening. I'll comment on "Let's Get It On" briefly...the topic is epic but I won't ramble! 1) Though all gay sex was taboo until "recently", lesbian sex is now so commercially exploited that they sell posters of bikini girls in bed kissing at WAL-MART (to teenagers). This, and Girls Gone Wild type of merchandise, would have been censored until just a few years ago. Now it is so constant as to be overkilled/ridiculous. The femme-femme action shown is all fantasy material for straight men and is not truly lesbian whatsoever. For a teenage boy today to fail to state that he finds this arousing and desirable would be social suicide for him. 2) The next logical trend, although it may take another decade or so, would be equally pervasive depictions of gay male sex, i.e. bikini boys kissing at WAL-MART on posters and greeting cards. I now believe this will occur, and I agree we gay men are very tired of waiting for this day to arrive. 3) 99% of all entertainment consumed by males is homoerotic. All sports is male-bonding homo-stuff; all buddy movies are really about guys in love with each other; ESPN is like gay porn for closet cases; David Letterman and Paul Schaffer "act" like an old married couple because guys love that stuff; war is just the perversion of this, i.e. if you won't kiss me I'll kill you, or at least make you a prisoner of war and then rape you; "Top Gun" was more homo than "Latter Days"; the "Dukes of Hazzard" are desperately seeking to ditch Daisy and do each other in the back seat of the General Lee, etc... to gay men this is all transparently obvious....it is also obvious to straight men though they will not admit it...all men want to do David Beckham, Laird Hamilton, Jeff Gordon, Matt Damon, etc. 4) The show-biz entity that first exploits this will "go down" in history. The first boy-band to do a group make-out on stage, the first "new James Bond" who has sex with another spy, the first "Brian's Song" in which the two jocks in love consummate their love affair, the first balladeer to sing "Danny Boy" and admit he also loved Danny BEFORE he was dead....the possibilities are ripe...I am so tired of waiting for this to happen.....If men finally released their latent homo-love-hate emotions it would change the entire world. I won't write more or I'll be RAMBLING!! (too late)... Yours, Mike Mattingly
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
thanks to everybody for adding to my jack list. here are a few of your additions.
jackpot jackfruit jackass jack frost jackal jacket apple jack audio jack jumbo jack billy jack bitch (prince song) new jack city monterey jack one-eyed jack a pair of jacks jack be nimble, jack be quick little jack horner jack-elicious (coined by me in a "jack in the box" commercial)
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, August 09, 2005 | Permalink
ever since i met JACK, i've kept a file of different configurations in which his name appears. this is what i have so far. if you know of any others, please let me know.
jack hammer jack rabbit jack knife jack cheese jacked up jack off jack o'lantern jack radio jacko jack russell terrier jack of hearts, clubs, spades, diamonds
union jack phone jack lumber jack flap jack billy jack black jack wolfman jack kangaroo jack car jack lo-jack hi-jack jumping jack cracker jack ajax
jumpin jack flash jack of all trades from a jack to a king hit the road jack new jack swing jack your body you don't know jack shit jack and the beanstock jack in the box jack the ripper the house that jack built
jack & coke jack & diet jack & jill, jack & diane
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, August 09, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, August 08, 2005
all these years in MANHATTAN, and i had never gone to FIRE ISLAND until this past weekend. it was amazing! absolutely gorgeous. it reminded me of a TENNESSEE WILLIAMS play i did in high school called CAMINO REAL. i slept in the same bed MARTHA WASH slept in last week. apparently, SHANNON will be sleeping in it next week.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, August 08, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, August 05, 2005
have you ever heard that THE MONA LISA is a self-portrait of LEONARDO DiVINCI in drag? apparently, he kept the painting hidden underneath his bed, never intending it to be seen by others. i wonder WHAT ELSE he kept under that bed?!
for centuries people have said "there's something odd about THE MONA LISA, i just can't put my finger on it". well, now it can be told. not only can you put your finger on it, you can wrap your whole hand around it. the "lady" has clearly been sitting on a secret.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, August 05, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, August 04, 2005
most movies are remakes or a reworking of an old TV show, music is derivative and or sampled from something old, and fashion keeps "re-inventing" how to do the 60's, 70's & 80's. the only thing moving forward is the world of electronic devices.
my theory is this, the reason our culture is at a stand still is because we can't accept one man sucking another man's cock. now hear me out. this is the only area of behavior still taboo in the "modern" world, and it's directly linked to our cultural and artist evolution. ELVIS, R. KELLY and JERRY LEE LEWIS all shacked-up underaged girls, but accuse MICHAEL JACKSON of giving a 13 year old boy a sip of jesus juice, and we wanna nail him to the cross.
think about how expansive creativity will soar once we release our archaic superstitions and fears. there would be an explosion of story lines and ideas. young people wouldn't have to dress in tried, irrelevant, outdated costumes like goth, preppie and punk. movies would become interesting because of the myriad of different dynamics to be explored. music could finally be free to seduce the body to move below the belt. oh dear god, that would be heaven.
if i'm not mistaken, punk rock and florescent hair was a new movement in 1977. goth and hip-hop were new in the early 80's. the hippies of the 60's, bobby sox'ers in the 50's, but what of our current era? what will mark this time? since MTV came along, movements don't have a chance to develop and mutate before some trigger-happy art director or stylist snatches it up for their client and dooms it to be "over" in six months.
late night TV is saturated with "girls gone wild" infomercials of drunken bimbettes sucking each other's body parts. why are we so uptight about seeing men behave the same way? it is time for all men to come out of the closet and admit that they would suck the body part of another man if the moral ban was lifted on man on man action.
as every drag queen can attest to, and this is the truth weather you believe it or not, get ANY man in a dark corner after he's had a few beers, and baby it is motherfuckin' ON! ...trust!
come on people, it's time to come out of the dark ages. let's get it on.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, August 04, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
after BEWITCHED, i seriously considered never going to the movies again. not only because BEWITCHED sucked rotten ass, but because i fuckin' hate people. they be talkin' all loud and shit. ain't NOBODY got no manners anymore? this ain't yo goddamn living room you basic motherfuckin' bitches!
anyway, i saw THE ISLAND tonight. i figured the theater would be empty and i'd be undisturbed. i was right. the movie is LOGAN'S RUN meets THE MATRIX, whatever. EWAN'S bulge, SCARLETT'S lips, one good chase sequence and the existentialist #1 song with a bullet: what if heaven and hell is a hoax? well, duh!
every misfit who's ever ditched gym class could tell that there's no heaven or hell, unless you count what YOU make of your own experience on this crusty little planet. that's right, you're soaking in it.
all the directives THEY placed in your head are devices to keep you in fear and paralyzed, so that THEY can have all the power and fun. so go ahead, put your dick wherever you want. be my guest, work that pussy to the ground, just keep your nasty, stinkin' pie hole shut in the movie theater.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, August 03, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
am i ashamed of the fact that i've had CELINE DION playing in heavy rotation in my head for two weeks? hell 2 da fuckin' naw! i spent last weekend in NOVA SCOTIA and the past three days in QUEBEC... how could i NOT think of CELINE nonstop?
add to that, she's fucking awesome. the lady can sing her friggin' ass off! the most endearing thing about her is that she's not pretentious. she's sometimes downright dorky and makes no apology for it... i dig that. being "cool" is so overrated.
on sunday, in MONTREAL, we walked up and down RUE ST. DENIS checking out the slew of used CD shops that pepper the avenue. one of the shops had a third of it's square footage dedicated to the entire career of QUEBEC'S most cherished export, from the age of 12 to present. it was the most extensive collection of CELINE memorabilia in the world.
i quizzed the shopkeeper about his favorite CELINE moment, and he confessed that his wife was the one with the CELINE obsession, not him.
as i perused the bin looking for a special CELINE remix or bonus track, it quickly dawned on me that i already had all of this stuff at home.
i met her once when she was shooting photos in the studio next door to one i was being photographed in. she was genuinely kind and lovely. anybody can fake being "cool", just throw some shades on and wear black. you can't fake being kind hearted.
1. ain't gonna look the other way...studio cut from "live in vegas" 2, in his touch...one heart 3. faith...one heart 4. shoulda woulda coulda...one heart 5. goodbye...a new day 6. i'm your angel...all the way 7. immortality...let's talk about love 8. think twice...the color of my love 9. don't save it all for christmas...these are special times 10. i want you to need me...(thunderpuss remix)
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, August 02, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, August 01, 2005
i had a fantastic time. it was ELECTRIFYING.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, August 01, 2005 | Permalink
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