Tuesday, August 30, 2005
yesterday, i was on my way home from a walk in CENTRAL PARK with LEE ROSE , when THIS FOXY LADY approached me on the platform while waiting on the F train. she said "you worked with my friend DANTE BASCO ". i said "yes, i copied my MICHAEL JACKSON collection for him". that was the start of a lovely shared experience that lasted from COLUMBUS CIRCLE until HERALD SQUARE. we covered alot of our backgrounds in those 14 minutes, and i could tell she is a kind, conscious and bright young woman. i promised to see her next week in THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA.
i was kinda freaked today when i got spooked by a couple of paparazzi, which never happens to me. i was headed to my office when i spotted a guy shooting pictures of what i thought was the building behind me. then i realized he had an extra long lens and he was moving with me as i walked. i was wearing a cowboy hat and aviator shades so i still didn't think he had clocked me as "america's drag queen sweetheart".
15 minutes later, i left my office en route to the F train headed for BROOKLYN where i'm recording songs for my new remix CD. before i got on the train, i stopped at a deli to get a protein drink and as i left the deli, i noticed the same photographer from earlier, but he had been joined by another photographer and they were both shooting me.
i walked pass them and the second photographer (while still shooting) said "congratulations on the new doll". i smiled back at him, but inside it was freaking me out because i was thinking maybe they knew something that i don't yet know about. i kept wondering if had i done something that's gotten me into trouble? something "the papers" were already privy to? i honestly never get ambushed like that. i guess i'll find out tomorrow morning. i hope you can imagine how weird it must feel.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 | Permalink
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