Wednesday, August 17, 2005
the night before i left for MOSCOW, i was having dinner in a restaurant when i noticed a man walk in who looked very familiar. he looked at me, i looked at him and that was it. instinctively, i knew who he was, but i didn't listen my intuition because... well, just because.
fast forward to last night, i'm walking down the street and in the opposite direction, the man from the restaurant is walking toward me. he smiles and i smile and say "are you who i think you are?" he says "yes, i'm PAUL." i say "hi, i'm RU. i knew it was you the other night, but i didn't trust my instinct." we chatted for a minute and then went on our separate ways.
that was my one millionth lesson in hearing and trusting my gut. PAUL is the guy with glasses who appears in the VERIZON wireless ads saying "can you hear me now?"".
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 | Permalink
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