Wednesday, August 03, 2005
after BEWITCHED, i seriously considered never going to the movies again. not only because BEWITCHED sucked rotten ass, but because i fuckin' hate people. they be talkin' all loud and shit. ain't NOBODY got no manners anymore? this ain't yo goddamn living room you basic motherfuckin' bitches!
anyway, i saw THE ISLAND tonight. i figured the theater would be empty and i'd be undisturbed. i was right. the movie is LOGAN'S RUN meets THE MATRIX, whatever. EWAN'S bulge, SCARLETT'S lips, one good chase sequence and the existentialist #1 song with a bullet: what if heaven and hell is a hoax? well, duh!
every misfit who's ever ditched gym class could tell that there's no heaven or hell, unless you count what YOU make of your own experience on this crusty little planet. that's right, you're soaking in it.
all the directives THEY placed in your head are devices to keep you in fear and paralyzed, so that THEY can have all the power and fun. so go ahead, put your dick wherever you want. be my guest, work that pussy to the ground, just keep your nasty, stinkin' pie hole shut in the movie theater.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
at Wednesday, August 03, 2005 | Permalink
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