Monday, August 29, 2005
our flights arrived in DALLAS within minutes of each other and by 6PM, me and my sister ROZY were cruising east on I-20 in our rented super-deluxe recreational vehicle bound for MANSFIELD, LOUISIANA.
the "town" (a 4 hour drive from DALLAS) is the birthplace of my father and his 14 brothers and sisters, and is located about 30 miles south of SHREVEPORT in a very rural area. my dad moved back there in 1983 and lives on the same property he was born on 76 years ago.
i had never driven an RV before, but after 30 minutes behind the wheel of the 39 foot palace, you would have never known it was my first time. i took to driving it like a duck takes to water. "handled it--like a real bitch, heather hunter, janet jack me...".
the power and maneuverability of the 2005 FLEETWOOD EXCURSION is far greater than what i could have ever expected. before i drove it, i figured i'd pretty much stay at 55 maybe 60, but when i got her out on the highway, that baby purred comfortably at a smooth 70 to 75 miles per hour.
the biggest problem i have being a sleep-over guest is that i'm a devout creature of the night. i just can't fall asleep when the rest of the house turns in, so having the RV completely solved that dilemma. i could read, write or watch TV to my heart's content in the coach without keeping anyone else up.
each day around noon time, we would drive into SHREVEPORT to have lunch. one day we even drove down to LOUISIANA'S oldest town, NATCHITOCHES, to have lunch at a famous creole restaurant called LASYONE'S .
all and all, the trip was alot of fun and i predict many more RV vacations in my future, provided the price of diesel fuel stays at $2.50 a gallon.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 29, 2005
at Monday, August 29, 2005 | Permalink
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