Monday, August 15, 2005
we left for RUSSIA on thursday and got back to NEW YORK CITY on sunday evening. it's a 10 hour flight, my comrade.
and yes, it was a difficult show to do, but i did get a kick out of the two trannies at the edge of the stage who gave me big love during my whole performance. from what i could see, which was very little, the club was predominately straight and jammed pack.
i'm booked for another gig in MOSCOW at the end of september at a completely different venue. i'm actually psyched about going back, but not about returning to their airport. coming into the country was a breeze, but leaving was more tiresome than trying to reclaim your virginity.
we went through 3 different x-ray machines and 2 different luggage searches. airport security really felt like the old SOVIET RUSSIA that's depicted in AMERICAN movies. one security officer while going through my luggage containing my "work supplies" asked if i was a model, and i looked him dead in the eye and said "no, i'm a goddamn supermodel"... well, ok... i really didn't say that, but i WANTED to. somehow i just don't think he would have found the humor in the "supermodel" reply, so i just said "yes".
next weekend PORTLAND, OREGON.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 15, 2005
at Monday, August 15, 2005 | Permalink
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