Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Dear Ru, Hey! Hope the doll debut party went well, do tell...I thought about you last night at about the time I assumed the party was happening. I'll comment on "Let's Get It On" briefly...the topic is epic but I won't ramble! 1) Though all gay sex was taboo until "recently", lesbian sex is now so commercially exploited that they sell posters of bikini girls in bed kissing at WAL-MART (to teenagers). This, and Girls Gone Wild type of merchandise, would have been censored until just a few years ago. Now it is so constant as to be overkilled/ridiculous. The femme-femme action shown is all fantasy material for straight men and is not truly lesbian whatsoever. For a teenage boy today to fail to state that he finds this arousing and desirable would be social suicide for him. 2) The next logical trend, although it may take another decade or so, would be equally pervasive depictions of gay male sex, i.e. bikini boys kissing at WAL-MART on posters and greeting cards. I now believe this will occur, and I agree we gay men are very tired of waiting for this day to arrive. 3) 99% of all entertainment consumed by males is homoerotic. All sports is male-bonding homo-stuff; all buddy movies are really about guys in love with each other; ESPN is like gay porn for closet cases; David Letterman and Paul Schaffer "act" like an old married couple because guys love that stuff; war is just the perversion of this, i.e. if you won't kiss me I'll kill you, or at least make you a prisoner of war and then rape you; "Top Gun" was more homo than "Latter Days"; the "Dukes of Hazzard" are desperately seeking to ditch Daisy and do each other in the back seat of the General Lee, etc... to gay men this is all transparently obvious....it is also obvious to straight men though they will not admit it...all men want to do David Beckham, Laird Hamilton, Jeff Gordon, Matt Damon, etc. 4) The show-biz entity that first exploits this will "go down" in history. The first boy-band to do a group make-out on stage, the first "new James Bond" who has sex with another spy, the first "Brian's Song" in which the two jocks in love consummate their love affair, the first balladeer to sing "Danny Boy" and admit he also loved Danny BEFORE he was dead....the possibilities are ripe...I am so tired of waiting for this to happen.....If men finally released their latent homo-love-hate emotions it would change the entire world. I won't write more or I'll be RAMBLING!! (too late)... Yours, Mike Mattingly
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
at Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | Permalink
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