Thursday, August 04, 2005
most movies are remakes or a reworking of an old TV show, music is derivative and or sampled from something old, and fashion keeps "re-inventing" how to do the 60's, 70's & 80's. the only thing moving forward is the world of electronic devices.
my theory is this, the reason our culture is at a stand still is because we can't accept one man sucking another man's cock. now hear me out. this is the only area of behavior still taboo in the "modern" world, and it's directly linked to our cultural and artist evolution. ELVIS, R. KELLY and JERRY LEE LEWIS all shacked-up underaged girls, but accuse MICHAEL JACKSON of giving a 13 year old boy a sip of jesus juice, and we wanna nail him to the cross.
think about how expansive creativity will soar once we release our archaic superstitions and fears. there would be an explosion of story lines and ideas. young people wouldn't have to dress in tried, irrelevant, outdated costumes like goth, preppie and punk. movies would become interesting because of the myriad of different dynamics to be explored. music could finally be free to seduce the body to move below the belt. oh dear god, that would be heaven.
if i'm not mistaken, punk rock and florescent hair was a new movement in 1977. goth and hip-hop were new in the early 80's. the hippies of the 60's, bobby sox'ers in the 50's, but what of our current era? what will mark this time? since MTV came along, movements don't have a chance to develop and mutate before some trigger-happy art director or stylist snatches it up for their client and dooms it to be "over" in six months.
late night TV is saturated with "girls gone wild" infomercials of drunken bimbettes sucking each other's body parts. why are we so uptight about seeing men behave the same way? it is time for all men to come out of the closet and admit that they would suck the body part of another man if the moral ban was lifted on man on man action.
as every drag queen can attest to, and this is the truth weather you believe it or not, get ANY man in a dark corner after he's had a few beers, and baby it is motherfuckin' ON! ...trust!
come on people, it's time to come out of the dark ages. let's get it on.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, August 04, 2005
at Thursday, August 04, 2005 | Permalink
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