Sunday, July 31, 2005
My public image is the deconstruction of the commercial concept of beauty, an amalgamation of mental snapshots I've collected since childhood... one part Diana, two parts Cher and a heaping spoonful of Dolly. early on, I learned that beauty in the commercial sense is superficial, fake and plastic.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, July 31, 2005 | Permalink
our hotel is dead smack in the middle of MONTREAL'S GAY PRIDE celebration, so the closest our driver could drop us off was a block away. no problem, i've pulled my luggage from TENNESSEE to BOORAGOON.
the big shock came when i saw the scale of this gay pride celebration. i've never seen a city embrace the festivities the way MONTREAL has. it's fucking HUGE!!! they have 4 different outdoor stages of entertainment and thousands of people to enjoy it.
the crowd is about 40 percent straight & 60 percent gay, and there's a real sense of joy in the air. this is by far the best gay pride i've ever experienced. i perform tomorrow night on the main stage and i can't wait.
oh, and on top of all that, i saw PIERRE FITCH in the PAPINEAU subway station.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, July 31, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, July 30, 2005
i went to an optometrist today because the time has come for me to get my first pair of reading glasses. yes, dear. my "bette davis eyes" have turned into "over 40 eyes". but hey, we should all be so lucky as to live so long. mazel tov !
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, July 30, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, July 29, 2005
from the first time i saw him in WHAT MEN DO, i knew he had the makings of a legend. it's not the end of the year yet, but i'm ready to present my annual BEST ACTOR OF THE YEAR AWARD to... OWEN HAWK .
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 29, 2005 | Permalink
oh mylanta! i just signed up for free phone service through my computer. i hesitate to write about it cause it'll probably stop being free when everybody and they mama get on board. CLICK HERE and sign your pussy up!
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 29, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hello Rupaul, I am a new drag queen & you are one of my biggest Role model i look up to you soo much & i was woundering if you could give me any tips or advice about Drag queening. thanks SOOO much!!!!!! Rhinestone Days and gold dust nights, Trinity Primadonna
trinity, you're very kind to say such lovely things, thank you. i wish there was a crash course in glamazon, but there isn't. it just takes practice, practice, practice! take pictures and learn from them. be willing to make mistakes, (and trust me, there will be some) but don't beat yourself up over them... have fun! it's about celebrating life with a sense of humor and savior faire.
here are just a few tips:
1. choose a name that flows and rolls off the tongue. something clever, but not too complicated.
2. never wear your own hair. if you have a nice hairline (one that is not receding), you can pump a hairpiece or a fall.
3. never wear mens attire while in drags...ie, your daytime glasses, an overcoat, slacks (unless you are padded) or sneakers or flat shoes.
4. always feature false eye lashes.
5. always serve a full coverage foundation set with powder.
6. never be clocked eating food while in drags.
7. never respond to someone who yells "hey slim!" out of a passing car.
8. never lip-sync slow ballads unless you have at least 3 years of "showgurl" experience.
9. shave your eyebrows off completely and paint them on properly!
10. most importantly, be kind. there are enough "bitchy queens".
you better work, rupaul
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, July 25, 2005
as a result of our online poll (and our in-house survey of boozers), the name chosen for the official vodka cocktail at THE RuPAUL DOLL launch party is... SEX CHANGE ON THE BEACH.
acceptable variations of the official vodka cocktail include:
a messy sex change on the beach a botched sex change on the beach a bloody sex change on the beach a tijuana sex change on the beach a female to male sex change on the beach a black russian sex change on the beach a dirty sex change on the beach a manhattan sex change on the beach a government subsidized sex change on the beach
the top five runners up were:
1. a supermodel of the world 2. a cock in a frock (on the rocks) 3. a fuzzy cleavage 4. a girl with something extra 5. a vodka trannie
Posted by Ru
at Monday, July 25, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, July 24, 2005
we arrived HERE yesterday, just 10 months after my last appearance at the very same club. STEPHEN, the promoter, told me i'm in the same suite that CHER stayed in.
that would mean she slept in the very bed i'm looking at right now! the same one i'm gonna sleep in tonight. that's fucking HOT! that would also mean ...oh my gherkin! ...the same toilet she...
it's a beautiful city . it's also the epicenter of the PROVINCE that both me and my EX share ancestral ties to. during this migration , his ancestors landed in WYOMING, and mine in LOUISIANA .
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, July 24, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, July 23, 2005
After much ado, here is my all time favorite list of the best Rupaul Quotes, but first a few tidbits: My fav tidbit about Ru is that he never uses Capital letters when writing his blogs, cuz boyfriend can only type with two fingers. ( I don't know why, but I find that absolutely hysterical). 2nd Tidbit: Though I cannot prove this, and I think Ru would argue this point vehemetly, but deep deep deep down, I think Ru really does like Madonna. THE BEST RUPAUL QUOTES ain't nothing i can't stand more than a righteous motherfucker i'm not a people person.... well, maybe just a little bit, but not for prolonged periods of time. don’t go to see A BEAUTIFUL MIND, it’s awful. russell crowe’s performance is so contrived that i wanted to throw my own shit at the screen. (Editors Note: My friends used to call this “Throwing Monkey Love”) And to me, the only real thing is the love inside yourself, the love you give to others and the friends you meet along the way. and to all y’all bitches who want to know about my tits, my make up and my lace front wigs, i got five motherfuckin’ words for ya,...“lettin it all hang out” my autobiography. what other people think of me, is none of my business.
(On dealing with over eager autograph seekers during the dinner hour)...spit your food out, grab a butter knife and point it at them while screaming.....fuck off, bitches! (Editors Note: that shit is hysterical) my goal is to always come from a place of love ...but sometimes you just have to break it down for a motherfucker we are all cute little tykes just trying to stay in the game, doing the best we can. retire ? and miss all the cunty SHe-mails i get from ignorant bitches like you from around the world ? no way ! i’ll stay in business if only to make your miserable life a living hell by being so goddamn flawless ! ...touch it, ...learn it, ...catch it! (Editors note: When Ru gets angry, I get horny) people choose their favorite pop stars because they either want to be them, or they want to fuck them. (Editors note: You've got a fine ass, and more legs than a bucket of chicken, of course we want to fuck you) when i dress as a man, i put my "breasts" back in the sock drawer where they belong. one question about his hair, like ... does the carpet match the curtains ? i realized that i would not be made whole by something from the outside world, but instead by something from my inside truth. (Editors Note: This is what I love about Ru, He can crack on a dumb ass, hard enough to break pavement, but can turn on the drop of a dime, and spout out some seriously spiritual insights that just set you on your ass). i get emails from the most amazing people all over the world, and some from the most fucked up psychopaths ever allowed near a computer. outer space is not “the final frontier”...inner space is. before you can begin to understand someone, you must first love them, which is too daunting an idea for most. if you can dance, you can start a revolution! let me tell you something, you haven't lived until you've had your dick tied to the back of your ass for 12 hours. (Editors Note: Words more true have probably never been spoken) Lots O Love, Wayne
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, July 23, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, July 22, 2005
my buddy TIM is spending the summer on FIRE ISLAND working at a bar there. tuesday was his 26th birthday, so he came into the city and we had dinner. while he was telling me about the "drag shows" he and his coworkers put on at the bar, he let it slip that he's been using the drag name i advised him NOT to use... AURORA MELISMA (aurora borealis could work, but he looks too young for that name).
when he came up with THAT name, back in march at the MARIAH conference, i told him the name didn't fit his energy and it takes too much effort pronounce.
then, for only a moment, i took my attention away from MARIAH and came up with the perfect name for him, T'MESHA TOMORROW. he said he liked the TOMORROW part, but hated the colorization of his real name with T'MESHA. i said ok, fair enough. we'll talk about this later, after the conference (if you remember, there were only 4 participants at our twisted little MARIAH conference).
fast forward several months and the issue of TIM'S drag name was never revisited until dinner the other night. i told my young friend that the rules of choosing a drag name are as follows.
1. it must reflect your persona. funny? sexpot? campy? grand? ironic? 2. don't make it too complicated. 3. a person should be able to read it, pronounce it and remember it the very first time they see it. 4. it should roll off the tongue and be fun to say. 5. stay away from creative spelling. you're allowed to replace an 'i' with a 'y', but stop at only one variation.
here are a few of my favorite drag names over the years:
1. BUNNY HICKORY DICKORY DOCK (lady bunny's first drag name) 2. APPLE LOVE 3. LILLY WHITE 4. BRITTANY FAIRCHILD (this was during the height of the careers of MORGAN BRITTANY & MORGAN FAIRCHILD. sick. hot!) 5. SABLE SHEPHERD (yes, a nod to CYBILL)
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 22, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, July 21, 2005
COREY sent me a email saying that he and his boyfriend CHRIS were coming out to FIRE ISLAND to see me perform on august 6th at "cherries". he also told me about a black/latin sex party website that uses my photo as an example of the kind of "drama queen" you will not encounter at this exclusive snog-fest (also pictured is DIVINE).
i followed THIS LINK to the site and sure enough there it was. i thought it was funny and done in cheeky humor, but as i perused the rest of the site, i found alot of the same ol' self loathing and shame that has undermined the gay movement for as long as i can remember.
in a section labeled "read this before calling", the directive said "very private. never no old grand daddy's! no one over 35! no fags! no fats! no fems!". i may be wrong, but wouldn't that leave the club completely empty?
a private club has every right to have restrictions, but in this case, the restrictions come at a very high interest rate, one that will be paid in full when the participants are 35, fat and looking closely in the mirror.
i remember back in ATLANTA, some clubs would ask "certain people" for two forms of ID, just to keep the clientele pure. other clubs wouldn't allow women, and a handful discos would keep there music playlist on the soulless side rather than court a crowd with color.
why is it that the oppressed, take on the characteristics of their oppressor?
i recently re-read ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM to gain some insight into this all to familiar occurrence, and what it brought to mind was GEORGE SANTAYANA'S famous quote:
"those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it".
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, July 21, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
a friend of BILLY B. sent him a list of excerpts from THE MILLIONAIRE MIND by T.Harv Ecker. BILLY sent me the list and the following are my favorites from it.
1) What you focus on expands 2) Stay as far away from complainers as possible 3) The #1 reason why most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want. 4) Entrepreneur......a person who solves problems for people at a profit...a problem solver. 5) Poor people make choices based on fear.
6) Rich people take educated risks. 7) Focus on what you have - NOT what you don't have 8) Find as many financial mentors as possible. 9) Most people earn within 20% of the average income of their closest friends. 10) Make it a point to only associate with successful, positive people.
11) If you don't toot your own horn, I guarantee you that nobody else will. 12) Rich people are excellent promoters. 13) Don't focus on the problem, focus on the goal. 14) Money will only make you more of what you already are. 15) You can be kind, loving, caring, generous and spiritual person and be rich.
16) Be open to receiving ALL that the universe has to offer in ALL areas of your life. 17) You'll never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else. 18) Rich people are good at managing their money. 19) To master money you must manage money. 20) Start properly handling the money that you already have.
21) You must acquire skills and habits of managing a small amount of money before you can have a large amount.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
i wanna acknowledge the fact that i'm really friggin' happy right now. i'm gonna bask in this shit as long as i can because you and i both know the script can flip faster than a press-on nail tip. i'm happy for alot of reasons, but not one in particular. my horoscope predicted it all way back in late winter (check yours out at ASTROLOGYZONE.COM - it's the only one i read)
it's been a year of alot of hard work and constant changes. geez, i sound like the year is over. well, it is sorta over. my new year has always started in september, i guess from years of starting fresh with television's new fall season, school and, of course, a lil' something called ROSH HASHANAH .
i don't even own a TV right now. i'm missing a shitload of good TV like BOBBY & NIPPY'S camping trip, JANICE DICKENSON on THE SURREAL MEAL DEAL, and JACKEE on CELEBRITY FAT CAMP. thank GOD the new season of JUDGE JUDY hasn't started.
wait a minute, maybe i feel so good because i'm NOT watching TV...OH HELL 2 DA NAW!!!
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, July 18, 2005
why is it that you can talk on your cellphone as soon as the airplane touches down, but you can't listen to your IPOD to drown out the geniuses talking into their cellphones at the top of their lungs?
who decided that all the TV's at the airport should be showing golf?
does the security checkpoint really deter would-be bad people or does it just give passengers a false sense of security?
does CHER fly commercially? if so, does she have to show her drivers license?
did WONDER WOMAN'S invisible airplane run on invisible jet fuel?
can it really be all that bad to give a screaming toddler red wine?
Posted by Ru
at Monday, July 18, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, July 16, 2005
i had a blazin' time tonight, but it was difficult for me to focus on my performance because the audience was filled with hot & sexy college students in their under pants. it was the 2nd annual "underwear party" to coincide with MADISON GAY PRIDE. you wanna talk about some corn-fed hotties? as JERRI BLANK would say "damn!"
a great venue, too. THE ORPHEUM was built 75 years ago with now a bad seat in the house. i wonder if JUDY GARLAND played there.
i'm filled with gratitude for being able to do this kind of work. i'm havin' a stone gas honey! before the summer is over, we've got HALIFAX, MONTREAL, FIRE ISLAND, PORTLAND, PUERTO RICO and MOSCOW.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, July 16, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, July 15, 2005
we had a noon flight out of LA GUARDIA, heading for DETROIT, MICHIGAN, with our final destination being MADISON, WISCONSIN. due to funky weather, we were stuck in the DETROIT airport for 8 hours. i spent most of the time making a bunch of phone calls and listening to my IPOD.
i'm fucking obsessed with a CELINE DION song called "ain't gonna look the other way" from her "live in vegas" cd. i swear i must have played that song 25 times. yesterday, i couldn't stop playing "2 become 1" by the SPICE GIRLS. i need a friggin intervention.
i bought a MARVIN GAYE T-SHIRT at the MOTOWN store in the airport. it would've been really hot if they had SUPREMES t-shirts. ooh, and the JACKSON 5.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 15, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, July 14, 2005
PJ has been trying to get me to go camping with him for years, and each time he brings it up, i remind him that i grew up poor on welfare, and the idea of voluntarily "roughing it" doesn't appeal to me in the least bit. i tell him i would consider it if we could rent a super deluxe RV with a power shower and a DVD player and surround sound, but sleeping on the ground in the woods is out of the question.
last night, RANDY asked if i would go camping in NORTHERN CALI with a bunch of friends. i asked him how many RV's would we rent. he said none. i told him that i'll think about it, and as i did, i realized that i'd prefer to enjoy nature from behind a bulletproof glass window.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, July 14, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
i can't wait to get my copy of THIS DVD . my friend is featured doing some very naughty things with his "between me down there". in fact, his scene was filmed in the basement of my house in L.A... ...and i helped! teehee!
OWEN HAWK exudes this sexual confidence that reminds me of CLIVE OWEN, the sexiest devil to roll out of HOLLYWOOD films in a long time. both performers are comfortable in their own skin and are liable to do any f***ing thing they want to at any given time they choose. they're dangerous and unpredictable. they offer no excuses because they don't have to.
in both OWEN HAWK: UNLEASHED and MICHAEL LUCAS' DANGEROUS LIAISONS , HAWK steals every scene with his innate star quality. he's cool and hot at the same time and you just can't take your eyes off him. he knows everybody's watching him, and he f***king digs it.
NICOLE KIDMAN never wears her own hair when she appears on film. she always wears the finest human hair lace front wigs money can buy. the pieces are always flawless, and my guess is that RENATA of BURBANK is responsible for them. too bad then, that RENATA didn't also write and direct MS. KIDMAN'S latest film.
BEWITCHED is so far off the mark, somebody deserves to be scalped for this disaster. everything is wrong with this adaptation of the classic TV show.
at it's core, TV'S BEWITCHED was about a woman in conflict with a man's world that insists she downplay her naturally powerful goddess energy. clearly more intelligent and sophisticated than her husband, she constantly had to dumb down as not to bruise his fragile ego. when she does use her power, she is demonized by being labeled a witch, unless, of course, she's using her power to help him further his career.
all of that symbolism is taken out of the feature film version of BEWITCHED, and we are left with... well, absolutely nothing. why did writer/director NORA EPHRON deliberately leave out the feminist content? how could she have so blindly ignored such important core elements of the story? not only that, they didn't even have COUSIN SERENA, an unapologetic feminist character who is the apotheosis of woman power.
this is the most empty film i've seen in a very long time, even the wig couldn't save this turkey. they could have fed a starving country in AFRICA for what was spent on it. i think everyone involved in the making of this film should have their SAG card suspended for one year and a day, all except for RENATA of BURBANK.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, July 13, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
i finally saw BEING BOBBY BROWN eleven days after it premiered, and in those eleven days THE BROWNS were the number one topic of conversation from coast to coast.
everybody was talking about NIPPY'S fascination with poo, the EDDIE MURPHY jab, the no autograph policy, the wig topped with a doo-rag AND a sun vizor (hawt!) and the now legendary NIPPY vernacular "hell to da naw", but what struck me when i finally saw it was how familiar the story line is. it's WHO'S AFRIAD OF VIRGINIA WOLFF vs. A STAR IS BORN meets GREY GARDENS vs. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT.
it's captivating to watch, but there's a sinking feeling that this can't have a happy ending.
a vodka company is a sponsor for The RuPaul Doll launch party. they want to create a cocktail to commemorate the event. which of the following appeals to the lush in you? (or maybe you have a better name for a RuPAUL COCKTAIL)
red hot russian red hot toddy girl with something extra ladyboy daiquiru
ruru sashay shantay fuzzy cleavage miss thing trannie chaser
cock in a frock vodka trannie trannie martini sex change on the beach black russian queen
post-op sling pre-op-mopolitan botched sex change trannie hooker silicone fizz
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, July 10, 2005
i had just left LaHOMA'S apartment where she, LURLEEN and JUDY LaGRANGE and myself spent most of the evening eating cream puffs and watching BEING BOBBY BROWN (more about that later).
as i approached CHRISTOPHER STREET, i saw a "girl" as tall as me, wearing a pair of DAISY DUKE LEVI cutoff's, impossibly high stilettos and a white tube top. her name was NATALIE (think GARCELLE BEAUVAIS ). i witnessed her pummeling the sidewalk with her severe sashay as she sauntered up to two other "girls", CHOCOLATE (think CHILLI from TLC) and BRITTANY (see MICA PARIS).
well, of course, i had to go over and introduce myself and ask what was on tap for tonight. mind you, this was all taking place at 2:00A.M. sunday morning. they told me they were heading up to a house party in HARLEM and asked if i'd like to go. i said i'd love to go, but isn't it dangerous for "girls with something extra" at this time of night in HARLEM? in unison, they all answered "no!".
by the time we stepped out of the taxi at 127th street, i was having second thoughts about my decision to be fierce with these up and coming legendary children. the address we had arrived at was in "the projects", and up until then, my only experience in "the projects" had been via TV's GOOD TIMES. i asked NATALIE if she ever got spooked and harassed in "da hood". she said "first off, they don't hate up here as much as people think, and second of all, i grew up in a neighborhood like this and i can kick a motherfucker's ass if i have to". with those words and the flick of her ponytail, NATALIE put me at ease.
the elevator had debris and liquid in it, but the party apartment was very clean. all the lights were turned on and they were playing R. KELLY at top volume. the ladies introduced me as their friend "rufus", as per my request, and left me to soak in the atmosphere. it reminded me of the "house parties" i went to in middle school, before my nelly-centricities automatically barred me from such events.
back then, all the teenage girls would invite me to their parties because they knew i'd be the first boy to ask a girl to dance, therefore getting the party started. holla. we'd dance eternal to KC/SUNSHINE BAND's "get down tonight", AWB's "cut the cake" and SHIRLEY & COMPANY's "shame on you".
four minutes into the HARLEM house party, i spotted the reason fate had brought me there. he was wearing a linen ensemble in my favorite color, SUN-KIST ORANGE. it was as if the universe was saying "direct your eyes here!". he clocked at me, and i clocked him and i couldn't get to the other side of the room fast enough. he was sitting on the sofa like an ascended master, and i kneeled at his feet in reverence. it was none other than the legendary superstar & ball icon JUNIOR LaBEIJA! he is immortalized on film in PARIS IS BURNING uttering the classic line "O-P-U-L-E-N-C-E, OPULENCE!"
after talking with him for almost an hour, we exchanged numbers and planned a lunch to discuss the current state of "the children". he just got his masters degree in sociology, and has extensive knowledge of gay history. i can't wait.
oh, and the BOBBY BROWN thing, i need more time to gather my thoughts about it. i'm still in shock!!!
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, July 10, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, July 07, 2005
i arrived in SF with an empty suitcase knowing that i would return to NYC with a bountiful booty. i picked up two sets of CALIFORNIA KING cotton bed sheets cause apparently you can't find them in MANHATTAN. i also got that 8 disc collection of JOHN WATERS DVD's called VERY CRUELLY YOURS and that JOAN CRAWFORD 5 disc DVD set which includes MILDRED PIERCE, THE WOMEN, POSSESSED, HUMORESQUE and THE DAMNED DON'T CRY. of course, i could have gotten the DVD's in NEW YORK, but hey, i was on vacation!
here's a list of the cd's i bought at MEDIUM RARE in SF:
1. ultimate...phyllis hyman 2. royal rappin'...millie jackson & isaac hayes 3. outside in...candi staton 4. something's going on...frida 5. unreleased dance mixes...sade 6. ultimate collection...abc 7. the preacher...bobby womack 8. windows of the world...dionne 9. valley of the dolls...dionne 10. dionne'72...dionne 11. anthology...aurra 12. the very best of...patti austin 13. other side of the rainbow...melba moore 14. millennium collection...yvonne elliman 15. ultimate...stylistics 16. flaunt it...sigue sigue sputnik 17. misty blue & moore...dorothy moore 18. solitary men...giorgio moroder & joe esposito 19. unhooked generation...freda payne 20. ultimate motown...jimmy ruffin
here's the list of cd maxi singles i bought at STREETLIGHT for one & two dollars each. all feature remixes i don't already have.
1. irresistible...cathy dennis 2. you lied to me...cathy dennis 3. just a little more love...david guetta 4. in your life...la bouche 5. never knew love...viola wills 6. i get lonely (import)...janet 7. go deep (import)...janet 8. heart of glass...blondie 9. nothing really matters...madonna 10. never miss the water...chaka 11. do you know...robyn 12. nothing really matters 2...madonna 13. livin' for love...natalie cole 14. say you'll be there...spice girls 15. spice up your life...spice girls 16. too much...spice girls 17. world without you...belinda carlisle 18. people are people...depeche mode
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, July 07, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
we hadn't seen each other in over 8 years, and when our eyes met, i immediately remembered my prayer that i would somehow run into her during this visit to SF. i didn't have her phone number because i didn't know her last name. i used to know her last name when she was my number one running buddy back in 1976 at the NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL of the PERFORMING ARTS in ATLANTA, but since then, ARDIS FIRST had changed her name to MICAYA.
it was a complete fluke that RONNY and i were even walking on that section of MARKET STREET in the first place. we had been stream of consciousness walking ("look, there's an ATM... hey, let's get STARBUCKS!... why don't we just walk back to the hotel from here?") and boom! there was my ol' buddy!
like the fruition of a spell i had conjured up, this incredible vision from my past was standing right in front of me. the shock and awe on my face was more for the power of prayer than the fact that MICAYA was actualized! all i could think of was "what did i do differently to get this prayer answered? and, what can i pray for next?". very wrong, i know!
she and i reminisced a little, professed our undying love and exchanged numbers vowing to never lose contact again. the following night, i took the hip-hop dance class she teaches at 24th & MISSION and had a wonderful time.
there are certain things about getting older that are actually quite fabulous, like having a long history with an ol' friend. the depth of love resonates a majestic power that is solid, substantial and gratifying. after all past indiscretions are forgiven and forgotten, only the love remains.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, July 06, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, July 04, 2005
we drove across the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE on friday and had lunch in SAUSALITO. i think read once that a member of FLEETWOOD MAC lived in the hills of SAUSALITO, so we spent an hour driving around guessing which house belonged to CHRISTINE McVIE.
that night, we had a fabulous dinner with WAYNE HOLLOWELL, his sister MARY and her husband JOHN. in 1986, WAYNE was the ATLANTA COLLEGE OF ART student who approached me one night at my go-go dancing gig with a script he had written for me to star in. the movie was MAHOGANY 2, and within a year, we filmed not only that one, but several others including THE CONNIE FRANCIS STORY, PSYCHO BITCH, AMERICAN PORN STAR, POLICE LADY and the epic saga, 4 months in the making, VOYEUR. WAYNE will be relocating to D.C. next month and we've agreed to start working on a new movie by fall.
RONNY had never seen WHAT'S UP DOC? (i carry the DVD with me wherever i go) so we watched it in honor of SAN FRANCISCO, the city in which it was filmed. he loved it, and i was able to point out to him just how much WHO'S THAT GIRL? is a blatant rip-off of the BARBRA classic (RONNY is a big MADONNA fan). the two films are virtually identical right down to the title. to be fair, FOUL PLAY is also a "reworking" of WHAT'S UP DOC?
we've also watched A DIRTY SHAME several times during this trip. neither of us saw it in it's initial release, and had been quite frankly warned off by trusted friends, but we've more than made up for the lapse in time. i think it's JOHN WATERS' best since SERIAL MOM. it's smart, funny and packs a mean political punch to the uptight self-righteous.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, July 04, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, July 03, 2005
thursday, we got his and her high colonics, did some sightseeing and then went to the NOB HILL (all male adult) THEATER. i've been there maybe 10 times in the past 10 years, and everytime i've gone there i get really bad condescending attitude at the front door, usually from the same guy. after i handed him my identification, he gave it back to me by placing it on the counter. i told him i don't appreciate that... if i hand you something, you hand it back to me. it's just plain common courtesy. plus, it says alot about the person you're dealing with. of course he didn't apologize, because his attitude is like we're gonna get customers in here no matter how i treat them. at that point, we really should have turned on our heels and walked out the door, but i wanted to show my friend RONNY some man-style flashdancing.
well, we definitely didn't get what we came there for. apparently, there was a show going on, but the performer was in the audience for the "tip-getting" portion of his presentation, and with the room being pitch black, we couldn't see anything other than the FALCON video being illuminated at a screen on stage. we opted to hang outside the theater in the hallway of fame. as we studied the autographed photos of the theater's alumni, two other performers appeared from the outdoor back patio. one of them reeked of menthol cigarettes and pot as he approached me pointing a finger. "i know you! ...can i have your autograph?" he said. "how 'bout a hug instead" i told him. and with that we left. we paid $30 each for that ten minute experience.
NOB HILL THEATER has this icky dark cloud that hovers over it and makes the whole experience gross. i never seen a dancer there enjoying himself. most of them are "straight", so there's a big shame element that permeates the building. the customers seem to be on something and the staff don't seem to give a shit one way or the other. i guess i've kept going there expecting it to be like THE GAEITY, but a west coast version. well, i won't be going back, and that's a shame, because nobody loves seeing men swing their cocks around more than me.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, July 03, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, July 01, 2005
after the trip to GERMANY fell apart, i decided to meet up with my friend RONNY in SAN FRANCISCO. today is our third day here and we're having a ball. within an hour of arriving, i was at MEDIUM RARE record store on MARKET ST. near CASTRO. it's my favorite CD store in the world. RONNY bought the just released EUROPEAN version of RuPAUL RED-HOT, and i got 2 DIONNE'S, ULTIMATE PHYLLIS HYMAN, ULTIMATE STYLISTICS and CANDI STATON'S OUTSIDE IN.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 01, 2005 | Permalink
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