Wednesday, July 13, 2005
i can't wait to get my copy of THIS DVD . my friend is featured doing some very naughty things with his "between me down there". in fact, his scene was filmed in the basement of my house in L.A... ...and i helped! teehee!
OWEN HAWK exudes this sexual confidence that reminds me of CLIVE OWEN, the sexiest devil to roll out of HOLLYWOOD films in a long time. both performers are comfortable in their own skin and are liable to do any f***ing thing they want to at any given time they choose. they're dangerous and unpredictable. they offer no excuses because they don't have to.
in both OWEN HAWK: UNLEASHED and MICHAEL LUCAS' DANGEROUS LIAISONS , HAWK steals every scene with his innate star quality. he's cool and hot at the same time and you just can't take your eyes off him. he knows everybody's watching him, and he f***king digs it.
NICOLE KIDMAN never wears her own hair when she appears on film. she always wears the finest human hair lace front wigs money can buy. the pieces are always flawless, and my guess is that RENATA of BURBANK is responsible for them. too bad then, that RENATA didn't also write and direct MS. KIDMAN'S latest film.
BEWITCHED is so far off the mark, somebody deserves to be scalped for this disaster. everything is wrong with this adaptation of the classic TV show.
at it's core, TV'S BEWITCHED was about a woman in conflict with a man's world that insists she downplay her naturally powerful goddess energy. clearly more intelligent and sophisticated than her husband, she constantly had to dumb down as not to bruise his fragile ego. when she does use her power, she is demonized by being labeled a witch, unless, of course, she's using her power to help him further his career.
all of that symbolism is taken out of the feature film version of BEWITCHED, and we are left with... well, absolutely nothing. why did writer/director NORA EPHRON deliberately leave out the feminist content? how could she have so blindly ignored such important core elements of the story? not only that, they didn't even have COUSIN SERENA, an unapologetic feminist character who is the apotheosis of woman power.
this is the most empty film i've seen in a very long time, even the wig couldn't save this turkey. they could have fed a starving country in AFRICA for what was spent on it. i think everyone involved in the making of this film should have their SAG card suspended for one year and a day, all except for RENATA of BURBANK.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
at Wednesday, July 13, 2005 | Permalink
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