Sunday, July 31, 2005
our hotel is dead smack in the middle of MONTREAL'S GAY PRIDE celebration, so the closest our driver could drop us off was a block away. no problem, i've pulled my luggage from TENNESSEE to BOORAGOON.
the big shock came when i saw the scale of this gay pride celebration. i've never seen a city embrace the festivities the way MONTREAL has. it's fucking HUGE!!! they have 4 different outdoor stages of entertainment and thousands of people to enjoy it.
the crowd is about 40 percent straight & 60 percent gay, and there's a real sense of joy in the air. this is by far the best gay pride i've ever experienced. i perform tomorrow night on the main stage and i can't wait.
oh, and on top of all that, i saw PIERRE FITCH in the PAPINEAU subway station.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, July 31, 2005
at Sunday, July 31, 2005 | Permalink
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