Wednesday, July 06, 2005
we hadn't seen each other in over 8 years, and when our eyes met, i immediately remembered my prayer that i would somehow run into her during this visit to SF. i didn't have her phone number because i didn't know her last name. i used to know her last name when she was my number one running buddy back in 1976 at the NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL of the PERFORMING ARTS in ATLANTA, but since then, ARDIS FIRST had changed her name to MICAYA.
it was a complete fluke that RONNY and i were even walking on that section of MARKET STREET in the first place. we had been stream of consciousness walking ("look, there's an ATM... hey, let's get STARBUCKS!... why don't we just walk back to the hotel from here?") and boom! there was my ol' buddy!
like the fruition of a spell i had conjured up, this incredible vision from my past was standing right in front of me. the shock and awe on my face was more for the power of prayer than the fact that MICAYA was actualized! all i could think of was "what did i do differently to get this prayer answered? and, what can i pray for next?". very wrong, i know!
she and i reminisced a little, professed our undying love and exchanged numbers vowing to never lose contact again. the following night, i took the hip-hop dance class she teaches at 24th & MISSION and had a wonderful time.
there are certain things about getting older that are actually quite fabulous, like having a long history with an ol' friend. the depth of love resonates a majestic power that is solid, substantial and gratifying. after all past indiscretions are forgiven and forgotten, only the love remains.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
at Wednesday, July 06, 2005 | Permalink
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