Wednesday, July 20, 2005
a friend of BILLY B. sent him a list of excerpts from THE MILLIONAIRE MIND by T.Harv Ecker. BILLY sent me the list and the following are my favorites from it.
1) What you focus on expands 2) Stay as far away from complainers as possible 3) The #1 reason why most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want. 4) Entrepreneur......a person who solves problems for people at a profit...a problem solver. 5) Poor people make choices based on fear.
6) Rich people take educated risks. 7) Focus on what you have - NOT what you don't have 8) Find as many financial mentors as possible. 9) Most people earn within 20% of the average income of their closest friends. 10) Make it a point to only associate with successful, positive people.
11) If you don't toot your own horn, I guarantee you that nobody else will. 12) Rich people are excellent promoters. 13) Don't focus on the problem, focus on the goal. 14) Money will only make you more of what you already are. 15) You can be kind, loving, caring, generous and spiritual person and be rich.
16) Be open to receiving ALL that the universe has to offer in ALL areas of your life. 17) You'll never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else. 18) Rich people are good at managing their money. 19) To master money you must manage money. 20) Start properly handling the money that you already have.
21) You must acquire skills and habits of managing a small amount of money before you can have a large amount.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 | Permalink
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