Saturday, July 23, 2005
After much ado, here is my all time favorite list of the best Rupaul Quotes, but first a few tidbits: My fav tidbit about Ru is that he never uses Capital letters when writing his blogs, cuz boyfriend can only type with two fingers. ( I don't know why, but I find that absolutely hysterical). 2nd Tidbit: Though I cannot prove this, and I think Ru would argue this point vehemetly, but deep deep deep down, I think Ru really does like Madonna. THE BEST RUPAUL QUOTES ain't nothing i can't stand more than a righteous motherfucker i'm not a people person.... well, maybe just a little bit, but not for prolonged periods of time. don’t go to see A BEAUTIFUL MIND, it’s awful. russell crowe’s performance is so contrived that i wanted to throw my own shit at the screen. (Editors Note: My friends used to call this “Throwing Monkey Love”) And to me, the only real thing is the love inside yourself, the love you give to others and the friends you meet along the way. and to all y’all bitches who want to know about my tits, my make up and my lace front wigs, i got five motherfuckin’ words for ya,...“lettin it all hang out” my autobiography. what other people think of me, is none of my business.
(On dealing with over eager autograph seekers during the dinner hour)...spit your food out, grab a butter knife and point it at them while screaming.....fuck off, bitches! (Editors Note: that shit is hysterical) my goal is to always come from a place of love ...but sometimes you just have to break it down for a motherfucker we are all cute little tykes just trying to stay in the game, doing the best we can. retire ? and miss all the cunty SHe-mails i get from ignorant bitches like you from around the world ? no way ! i’ll stay in business if only to make your miserable life a living hell by being so goddamn flawless ! ...touch it, ...learn it, ...catch it! (Editors note: When Ru gets angry, I get horny) people choose their favorite pop stars because they either want to be them, or they want to fuck them. (Editors note: You've got a fine ass, and more legs than a bucket of chicken, of course we want to fuck you) when i dress as a man, i put my "breasts" back in the sock drawer where they belong. one question about his hair, like ... does the carpet match the curtains ? i realized that i would not be made whole by something from the outside world, but instead by something from my inside truth. (Editors Note: This is what I love about Ru, He can crack on a dumb ass, hard enough to break pavement, but can turn on the drop of a dime, and spout out some seriously spiritual insights that just set you on your ass). i get emails from the most amazing people all over the world, and some from the most fucked up psychopaths ever allowed near a computer. outer space is not “the final frontier”...inner space is. before you can begin to understand someone, you must first love them, which is too daunting an idea for most. if you can dance, you can start a revolution! let me tell you something, you haven't lived until you've had your dick tied to the back of your ass for 12 hours. (Editors Note: Words more true have probably never been spoken) Lots O Love, Wayne
Posted by Ru
Saturday, July 23, 2005
at Saturday, July 23, 2005 | Permalink
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