Sunday, July 10, 2005
i had just left LaHOMA'S apartment where she, LURLEEN and JUDY LaGRANGE and myself spent most of the evening eating cream puffs and watching BEING BOBBY BROWN (more about that later).
as i approached CHRISTOPHER STREET, i saw a "girl" as tall as me, wearing a pair of DAISY DUKE LEVI cutoff's, impossibly high stilettos and a white tube top. her name was NATALIE (think GARCELLE BEAUVAIS ). i witnessed her pummeling the sidewalk with her severe sashay as she sauntered up to two other "girls", CHOCOLATE (think CHILLI from TLC) and BRITTANY (see MICA PARIS).
well, of course, i had to go over and introduce myself and ask what was on tap for tonight. mind you, this was all taking place at 2:00A.M. sunday morning. they told me they were heading up to a house party in HARLEM and asked if i'd like to go. i said i'd love to go, but isn't it dangerous for "girls with something extra" at this time of night in HARLEM? in unison, they all answered "no!".
by the time we stepped out of the taxi at 127th street, i was having second thoughts about my decision to be fierce with these up and coming legendary children. the address we had arrived at was in "the projects", and up until then, my only experience in "the projects" had been via TV's GOOD TIMES. i asked NATALIE if she ever got spooked and harassed in "da hood". she said "first off, they don't hate up here as much as people think, and second of all, i grew up in a neighborhood like this and i can kick a motherfucker's ass if i have to". with those words and the flick of her ponytail, NATALIE put me at ease.
the elevator had debris and liquid in it, but the party apartment was very clean. all the lights were turned on and they were playing R. KELLY at top volume. the ladies introduced me as their friend "rufus", as per my request, and left me to soak in the atmosphere. it reminded me of the "house parties" i went to in middle school, before my nelly-centricities automatically barred me from such events.
back then, all the teenage girls would invite me to their parties because they knew i'd be the first boy to ask a girl to dance, therefore getting the party started. holla. we'd dance eternal to KC/SUNSHINE BAND's "get down tonight", AWB's "cut the cake" and SHIRLEY & COMPANY's "shame on you".
four minutes into the HARLEM house party, i spotted the reason fate had brought me there. he was wearing a linen ensemble in my favorite color, SUN-KIST ORANGE. it was as if the universe was saying "direct your eyes here!". he clocked at me, and i clocked him and i couldn't get to the other side of the room fast enough. he was sitting on the sofa like an ascended master, and i kneeled at his feet in reverence. it was none other than the legendary superstar & ball icon JUNIOR LaBEIJA! he is immortalized on film in PARIS IS BURNING uttering the classic line "O-P-U-L-E-N-C-E, OPULENCE!"
after talking with him for almost an hour, we exchanged numbers and planned a lunch to discuss the current state of "the children". he just got his masters degree in sociology, and has extensive knowledge of gay history. i can't wait.
oh, and the BOBBY BROWN thing, i need more time to gather my thoughts about it. i'm still in shock!!!
Posted by Ru
Sunday, July 10, 2005
at Sunday, July 10, 2005 | Permalink
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