Tuesday, October 29, 2002
of all the places i’ve visited around the world, my favourite is australia. the people are fun and really know how to have a laugh (i was married to an auzzie for five and a half years). last week, david hall from down under sent me a DVD of this sitcom that is all the rage. after i watched it, i clearly knew why. i thought i was gonna die from laughter, it was so fucking funny. so tonight, i got home from the recording studio and david had this link waiting for me via e-mail. click here if you wanna laugh!
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, October 29, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, October 28, 2002
i watched one of my all time favorite guilty pleasures over the weekend and i have to admit it gets better every time i see it. in fact, the male lead caught my eye years before in such classics as this and that , and later in this great tv show . i found this tribute site devoted to the film that (not surprisingly) never mentions the real reason this movie is a perennial favorite, which is that our hero is sexy as hell, has a slammin’ body and is nearly naked during the entire film (this obvious omission from the dialog about this movie is similar to the WWF and how no one publicly speaks of it’s homo-eroticism). and as with all epic saga’s loved by the whole family, this film has an undercurrent of bondage, leather and S & M elements that keep it at the top of everyone’s list for favorite late night viewing.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 28, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, October 25, 2002
hi rupaul,
thanx beaucoup for turning me on to barbara's world -- it's now my favorite site too.
i was also recently turned on to this site:
have you seen it?
chad aka thrustpuppy
hi my name is Derek.I think you are beautiful . I am a 26 year old man , very goodlookin in Boston .I would like to chill out with you , or do whatever you would like . All expenses paid by me of course . I know it does not even matter to you about $ but I am financially able for just about anything .If you could call me or email me back that would be great .
Dear RuPaul,
I had never heard of you before I saw you on Biography. I just accessed your website hoping I would find a particular picture of you. It would be one of you on an outdoor stage wearing a red, white and blue sequined outfit with thigh-high boots. You looked like a living Barbie doll. I could not imagine a "real-life" woman looking so stunningly beautiful.(Nor has there ever been one. She would have had to have that great height and stature as well.) Please include a picture of you at that event in your gallery.
I am a 60 year old mother and I tell you this so that you will know that you have impressed all sectors of society. I am not a fan per se, but I am a person who recognizes talent and sensitivity in others, regardless of who they are. You should be so pleased with your accomplishments that you should never have a bad day at all. We all feel lost and unloved and unappreciated at times. These are not unique feelings, nor are they permanent. When you feel depressed, stop and take the time to count your blessings. They are many, I'm sure. And definitely worth a smile or two. Keep plugging away and think of ways to make others happy. Doing so will increase your own happiness tenfold. You are loved by many and you are never truly alone. Remember that.
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know what this gay white boy
from the burbs has for ya!
I will never forget the night I was sitting miserably in a gay club in Philly
thinking how I hope no-one from church saw me there (but what would they be there for?...hmmmm...) and I looked up and saw you on a TV that was showing your video "... you betta work!..." I heard a male voice but saw a stunningly beautiful woman singing it.... I was confused and enthralled. At the time I was a very closeted gay man hoping that God would someday deliver me from this horrible condition. I drank too much... way too much out of guilt and shame... for being in gay bars at all.... for wanting a man instead of a woman... blah... blah... blah... You get the picture.
Anyways, something small but very important happened to me that night. As I watched you celebrate your difference in such a dramatic way... all gorgeous... a little seed was planted in me that it was actually ok.. maybe it's ok to be the real me.... look at Ru!
I spent many more years drinking myself into oblivion (all the while deeply involved in the religious "right".... singing my heart out for Jesus!) and finally ended up in treatment where I somehow found the courage to tell the truth TO myself and ABOUT myself.
Today.. almost a year sober... I can celebrate the fact that I am gay and
that I have something very special to offer this universe as a gay man....
and who would have thought that a 7ft. tall, black drag queen would have any part in all that... well you did!
Thank you ANGEL!
ps... This white boy is very pleased to tell you that I'm involved in my
first gay relationship right now.... with of all things.... a black boy!
...and loving every single minute of it!!!!
Love you!
I just got back from vacation last night and switched on the t.v.
and found A&E's Biography of you. I've been a fan of yours for quite
sometime....ever since "Supermodel". I'm 35, and while I've been aware that I was gay since almost as far back as I can remember, it's only been within the last 7 years I've come out as a gay man. You were one of my role models ----not that I've ever done drag, but because you were (and are) who you were and proud of it. I really admire you for that more than anything else. I learned quite a bit more about you than I thought I would from that show, and it only reinforced that admiration.
So here is a long overdue fan letter.....the first I've written
since about 1978 (that being to John Travolta during Welcome Back
Kotter---SEE I told you I knew early on! )
Thank you for the work you've done to entertain us, and most of all,
thank you for being a sort of role model for a regular guy in Idaho.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 25, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
since MARIAH CAREY has named her new album CHARM BRACELET, i wonder if CHRISTINA AGUILERA will call her latest album PEARL NECKLACE ?
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 23, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, October 21, 2002
i went to see SWEPT AWAY again before it gets yanked. i love that gorgeous man in it, he couldn't be more beautiful.
CLICK HERE to see my new favorite web site.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 21, 2002 | Permalink
the full moon in october has always had a strange effect on me. that, mixed with the melancholy that accompanies fall, has got me very restless.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 21, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, October 18, 2002
i bought a ticket to the film BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE, but the theater was too crowded, so i went next door to see a CATE BLANCHETT film that i had never heard of before called HEAVEN. i really loved this movie. MISS BLANCHETT and GIOVANNI RIBISI are just fabulous in it. i enjoy seeing films that i know nothing about, especially when they turn out to be very good, like this one. if i were casting the life story of my friend TENNESSEE, i would cast GIOVANNI RIBISI as him.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 18, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Dearest Rupaul,
Hi! First and foremost, I bow before and give my respects to you, oh Great Goddess of the Olympus! Now, let me present myself: I'm Tomás and I'm a 28 year old loser who lives in Puerto Rico. From the first time I saw you on a clip shown on "Geraldo" (wow!) back in 1991 or '92, in which you were shown dancing at a New York club, looking fabulous in your medusan blonde wig and those wonderful set of teeth, I instantly recognized divinity itself revealed in front of my eyes through the TV set. Of course, years later when you performed here at a packed Asylum club, I confirmed that you not only ROCK, you PUNK!
Secondly, I write to inform you (if you don't already know it) that another goddess descended from the heavens, LA DIVINA ANNIE LENNOX, will be the recipient of the Century Award, Billboard's highest honor for a living artist. To tell you the truth, I don't give a fuck about awards, especially Billboard's, which are based on sales, but this one is given to an artist who is still active (La Lennoxa is recording a new solo album) but hasn't been recognized enough considering the overwhelming talent he or she possesses. In short, it's the underdog award. I thought you might like to know this because, if my memory serves me well, you said in an interview that, at the time ('93), you were listening to "Diva" everyday, and I've noticed you have an affinity for and pay tribute to artists that have been unjustly overlooked. The show will be televised live from Las Vegas, as you probably know, on Fox in December; maybe you'll be there, who knows (Have you met her, and if so, was she nice or a wicked bitch?)
Another thing: have you listened to the last Eurythmics' album "Peace"? It was overlooked when it came out (1999), but I swear they had a fuckin' crystal ball, because I can think of no other album in the English language that I know of released right before or after 9/11 (probably PJ Harvey's "Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea") that so accurately speaks about the state of the world and the inabilty of human beings to love because of the violence surrounding us. Annie Lennox sings the whole album as if she were about to cry, and "17 again" even has a reference to crashing planes (is that eerie or what?) I think it was a crime that the populace in general didn't pay attention to it, but, obviously, it wasn't sexy or trendy, and nobody wants to hear an "old woman" from the '80s whining (I'm sure that if Demonna, to borrow the name from you, had recorded that, given she had any writing talent, it would've been hailed as visionary and a masterpiece, but, of course, it wasn't sung in Hindi and Annie Lennox isn't Demonna Corleone, I mean, Ciccone).
Did you see the Larry King interview with her and her new slave, Guy Ritchie? I pity him because I thought he was smart enough to keep away from her, but I guess she worked her magic and the poor man is starting the decline of his career, unless he sees his own "ray of light" and divorces her now. It was evident he was sorry for having filmed a turkey. Hasn't he noticed that despite her offensive and disastrous (for lack of better words) film "career", she has managed, by her Faustian deal with Satan, to make studio executives decide to put her on the screen, even though they know they'll lose the money invested, to torture audiences with actual failed rehearsals projected on the screen and still survive the crash, and that he will be the injured one? I almost puked everytime Larry King said "Swept Away" was a great movie. Strangely enough, Demonna had her hands below the table throughout the interview, probably pointing a gun at him or jerking him off, who knows? (I just read the review by John Anderson, and I almost fell off my seat. He's my hero!)
Anyway, I wish you the best in the world, keep shining, keep yourself beautiful, and I'm eager to listen to your new album, hoping you'll come back to Puerto Rico.
Hi RuPaul,
Okay, the year is '86 or '87 (I can't remember) and I'm growing up in Port Arthur, Texas. This is just ahop-skip-and-a-jump from Beaumont, Texas where your parents met. I've got the Geraldo Rivera show on, and the topic is Club Kids. All I've gotta say is, whenyou told the viewers to put their hands on the TVcause this was gonna be the most important shit they've ever seen... Baby, it was. That show was like a fucking life-line to my 16 year-old gay ass in Port Arthur, Texas. Okay...
A few years pass and I've moved to Houston. I came across this magazine called Project X in the back of a magazine rack. It was great to see that scene still going on in New York. In a few of the early issues (before it got glossy) there were a lot of cool pix of you guys running around and stirring up shit. It rocked.
I think it was around '95 that a friend in New York told me that he had read your bio and he really liked it. I picked it up, and I couldn't put the shit down. It was just such a great read. I was calling friends to read them excerpts cause some parts were so fucking funny. I've wanted to write you this letter since then...
I'm just really glad to see your website up and looking fierce, and your blog fucking rocks my world okay...
Thanks for bein' real...:)
Pierre in Seattle
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 16, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
it was madonna night at club 7969 in celebration of her new movie. all of the performers lipsynced a maddy classic. i had a great time and got to see the video for DIE ANOTHER DAY. i must have played that song 50 times today. i must see SWEPT AWAY again before they close it. what the fuck is happening to me ?
these are my favorites by her :
1. the power of goodbye
2. causing a commotion
3. die another day
4. you’ll see
5. take a bow
6. gone
7. dear jesse
8. something to remember
9. dress you up
10.used to be my playground
11. i’ll remember
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, October 15, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, October 14, 2002
i have never considered myself a demonna fan. i have liked many of her songs over the years, but something about her energy has kept me from celebrating her with all the gusto that millions of other people around the world do. so, when i went to see her new movie SWEPT AWAY, i was looking forward to slamming it unmercifully. but after i saw it, i couldn’t dog it because i really enjoyed it. first of all, it was worth the price of admission just to see the male lead shirtless. he was sexy and beautiful, even more so than the female lead. secondly, maddy is not the worst actress in hollywood, but she ain’t MERYL STREEP either. she does good in this film, contrary to what all the critics have written. the audience that i saw it with laughed every time madoodoo got the shit slapped out of her. she plays a super rich bitch who you love to hate, and she plays it to the hilt. during the movie, my friend leaned over and said “this must be autobiographical”. other highlights in the movie included her highlights (i couldn’t take my eyes off of her hair, it was gorgeous), her clothes, her jewelry, her flawless body (bitch !) and her frozen brow (thanks botox). would i see this movie again ? sure, if only to see that hot shirtless motherfucker slap that bitch around some more.
p.s. - here’s one more confession...my favorite new song is DIE ANOTHER DAY.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 14, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, October 13, 2002
yesterday, after i got my car washed, i drove over to beverly hills to see part two of the DAVID BOWIE exhibit at the MUSEUM of TELEVISION & RADIO . featured was footage of BOWIE from ‘73 thru ‘76, when he was at his most anorexic and most beautiful. and, just like my other visits to the exhibit, i cried watching this rare glimpse at my teenage idol. i love him so much. recently, i went back and discovered a wonderful song that i had previously overlooked on his BLACK TIE, WHITE NOISE album called MIRACLE GOODNIGHT. the song is currently my favorite song of the day.
that evening, i loaded up my minivan with a bunch of friends and we drove out to riverside, california. we went there to see this marathon drag show called FANT-A-SHE. it was two hours of non-stop fun featuring “dragons” from the surrounding area, impersonating every female pop idol from JUDY GARLAND to BEYONCE KNOWLES.
while en route to the riverside municipal auditorium, where the show was being held, i got a call from my friend CARLOS in miami, who was having dinner with MARIAH CAREY. i answered i the phone and he says “MARIAH wants to say hi.” she gets on and tells me that CARLOS has given her a ton of HELLO KITTY t-shirts and stuff that she has never seen before and that she’s tempted to go into the bathroom and put it all on. i told her that i was excited to hear her new album, and she asked me if i had heard the single. i said “yes, i love it !” i told her that i was driving down the riverside freeway, on my way to a drag show, and then she said we’ll have to get together and do “something fun” sometime. the whole time i was talking to her, TOM was leaning in from the backseat, with his ear to my earpiece, trying to listen in on the conversation. later, he said that he was so excited, he could have just popped. MARIAH is to TOM, what BOWIE is to me.
when i was 13, BOWIE articulated all the feelings of alienation that i had, but wasn’t yet able to express. so, when i see the old tv clips of him, an overwhelming sense of love and compassion comes over me for the 13 year old who still lives inside.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, October 13, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, October 12, 2002
last night, after we finished recording, TOM and i ran over to west hollywood to catch the show DRAGVILLE @ THE FACTORY. much to our surprise, the show featured BRIDGET OF MADISON COUNTY, the same show stopping queen who snatched first prize at last weekend’s QUEST FOR THE CROWN. BRIDGET is the best “drags” i’ve seen in quite a long time. she oozes talent and charm, and is fucking funny as hell ! during the intermission, i went over to tell her that i think she’s the bee’s knee’s, and she said to me “i have three words for you... CHEESECAKE FACTORY, AVENTURA.” in an instant, i immediately recognized him as the waiter we had when me and my girlfriend ELOUISE MONTAGUE COUGAR-MELLENCAMP ate lunch there last year. i was gobsmacked ! what a coincidence ! weird was the fact that i remembered him from that miami trip, and even weirder that he would pop up in my consciousness so strongly during the course of one week. i even remembered his name from when we met in florida, it’s micah. i see great things happening for that kid.
tonight, after the studio, it was off to PEANUTS for the trannie strip show. i’ll never understand the thought process behind a municipal code stating that you can’t stand within 6 feet of a pair of exposed nipples in a club that sells booze. WHA ? it was still fun though, because dj josh played a bunch of late 80’s house music and of course...the girls...on stage...and in the audience. to bad there aren’t any male strip clubs in l.a. it’s so fucking conservative out here !
john anderson of NEWSDAY wrote “ new ways of describing badness need to be invented to describe exactly how bad it is “
i CANNOT WAIT to see it.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, October 12, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, October 11, 2002
Re- reading the web-log for the millionth time I had an epiphany.......Ru, dear, do the snivel- whiny-bitchy-moanies really believe that their half-thunk observations and overtly moral positions really are going to make you take pause to censor your opinions on YOUR site????! Get real bitchers!!! like the little Korean lady who does my nails says " you no fuckie likie de way I say my mind- you no more come my fuckie place!"
Damn stupid people piss me off. Niokee
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 11, 2002 | Permalink
i was tickled today, by the thought of the fictitious tv show that me and my friend TENNESSEE dreamed up called YANKS. every week, it would star different celebrities who have been yanked or “touched” by an angel ..i.e gone under a plastic surgeons knife. TENN gets on the phone and says (with his best radio announcers voice) “this friday on the season premiere of YANKS...” and then he rattles off a list of scars...oh, um...i mean stars. tonight, i started to fantasize about a weird, freaky friday, cinderella occurrence where all the plastic surgery in the world reversed, and all the retouching in photographs came undone, and then all the AUTO-TUNING on records disappeared. dear lord, what a scary thought. can you imagine a J-LO record without AUTO-TUNING ?
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 11, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
And you quit that "Tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly puking habit" AGAIN as soon as you left NYC - right?
From an ex-smoker so I can talk!! Smoke-free 23 months and counting...
Love you,
Rosalyn (ru’s reply - yes, angel. i have quit smoking again)
Miss RuPaul
What is the big damn deal about what you wrote about Whitney Houston, Yes, "Everybody say love" but that doesnt mean you (RuPaul) can not have an opinion about anything, Just becasue you make a comment or two about someone doesnt mean that you are a hatefull, hurtfull person. It just means you were speaking your mind and heart...Oh yeah and the TRUTH... And like "MY" momma always said... "The Truth Will Stand When The World Is On Fire". And in regards to the person who wrote you that, not thought out letter, this is what i have to say... Who are you to preach about "Everybody say love" when you, by writing that letter showed nothing but hate and bitterness yourself as well as a mockery to your intelligence and all around general out look on the world... You seem to me a person who just wants to bitch about anything thats everything...And as much as i love Whitney, face the facts bub...
With much reguards'
The Diva Mickey Angel
My name is Karin and I'm from Atlanta.
I have been a fan of yours for years. I used to hang out at 688, Weekends,
and Illusions in the early and mid-80's. I had good friends, a couple named Charles and Matt, who lived on 5th street, and I remember you coming to a big Halloween Party they had.
I also ended up at your apartment on 11th Street (behind Frijoleros) one afternoon and smoked a joint with you. I don't remember who took me there but you were hilarious.
I used to love to see you perform with Wee Wee Pole and opening for the Now Explosion. I knew then that you would be a star. I will NEVER forget a show you did on July 4th, probably around 1985 or 86, at Weekends. You came running out carrying a HUGE paper mache dildo over your head. What a show you put on. Baby, NOBODY has legs like yours!
One night, I was standing in front of Weekends smoking a cigarette and youcame along, pushing your ever-present shopping cart loaded up with flyers. My favorite said something about "The King of Happy Trash" -- that was the one announcing your eviction, I believe. How fucking funny (not being evicted, but the flyer). Anyway, we started talking and I bought one of your $2 xeroxed and stapled together autobiographies. I lost it YEARS ago but I would absolutely kill to have it in my possession now.
Just wanted to say HEY! and let you know that you are still fondly remembered and much loved in ATL! You helped make my adolescence a much groovier placeto be.I will always remember you roller skating down Peachtree Street wearing only short shorts and a bridal veil.
Thanks for the memories!
Dear Rupaul,
your are my idol.
This is your number one fan .
I have a problem.
My boyfriend and I are gay.
But he want to have a him as the boy and me as the girl.
and he calls me monica.
If I don't do this for him he might leave me
I love him with all my heart.
I have to know how do you become a woman
please call me monica when you write me
Please write back
weel ru, all i have to say is that you're sexy as hell! i wish i could get up in to whatever you're wearing and just let it go. ever time i see you i get all boned up and i was just wondering if you could send me a personal pic so i could look at you all the time.
your admirer
i was reeaallly pissed after reading your weblog, i can't believe people would say that about you! you are the most beautiful person inside and out regardless what people say. They're just jealuse. Rupaul, don't EVER let anyone make you feel low by talking shit! saying you have a mental problem? i mean, holy balls they should GET! your very talented and beautiful, your very fortonate, when your mother said you were gonna be a star! DAM RIGHT!
im taking acting right now. im 13 and my teacher says I have talent for acting. i also am gifted with voice and dancing. im in theater. i've played in the most known play, romeo and juliet. remember what i said, "you are the most beautiful person in the world! inside and out." when times get rough, just remember that ok?
love ya always,
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 09, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, October 07, 2002
today, i return to the studio to record more of the album. we’re just about halfway done with tracking all the vocals. next is remixing and tweaking the music. i’m actively looking for remixers that i can vibe with. where are all the new up and coming remix artist ?
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 07, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, October 06, 2002
i’ve actually enjoyed being back in los angeles, and i never thought i would ever utter those words. l.a offers a certain solitude that i dig. although, i will never understand the kooky laws that are unique to california. friday night i went to see the chicks with dicks strip show at club 7969. it was fun but awkward because by law a patron cannot stand within 6 feet of a dancer who has exposed nipples in a club that serves alcohol. huh ? i wanted to tip the girls, but i didn’t want to get scolded by the bouncer.
everybody tells me that my fave song of the moment was big this past summer in new york city.
it's called "at night" by SHAKEDOWN.
my second favorite sketch from THE CAROL BURNETT SHOW is one called BLOSSOM BUTTERWORTH. it featured carol/blossom as the local star of the pacoima, california p.t.a theatre group and VICKI LAWRENCE as a much more talented woman who comes to audition for an upcoming production. it is hysterically hilarious beyond measure. in fact, i’ve ordered all of the COLUMBIA HOUSE collection of the tv series hoping that blossom will pop up on one of them, but no such luck. last week, while taping HOLLYWOOD SQUARES, i asked vicki if SQUARES is taped on the same soundstage that THE CAROL BURNETT SHOW was taped on and she said “yes”. i asked her if she remembered BLOSSOM BUTTERWORTH and she said “absolutely” and then she went on to recount some of the story line. by the way, my number one favorite sketch from the show is WENT WITH THE WIND.
tonight, i was one of the judges at the QUEST FOR THE CROWN pageant along with fellow judges margaret o'brien , MINK STOLE, HEATHER TOM, NELL CARTER, anna maria horsford , RIP TAYLOR and ANNA NICOLE SMITH. the evening was hosted by the always funny BRUCE VILANCH, to benefit a charity called AID FOR AIDS. the show was a hoot and a half. at one point i laughed ‘til i cried. ANNA NICOLE told me that she had heard what i said about her and it hurt her feelings. she said “you called me fat.” i said “no, i didn’t” she said “yes, you did” i said “no, i did not” well, as soon as i got home i checked my past weblogs and it turns out that ANNA was right. in one blog i said that “ i predict that ANNA’S weight will top off at about 400 lbs” and in another blog i said “ANNA looked just like the late, great GINGER RODGERS, right before her death, all bloated and painted up like a baby jane sex doll”. my intention was to blog about shit that was on my mind, not to hurt her feelings, and for that i apologize (quite frankly, i never thought it would find it's way to her). her lawyer, HOWARD K. STERN, tried to explain to me that THE ANNA NICOLE SHOW is not as exploitative as i think it is. he said that ANNA is calling the shots and that she is like a “sister” to him. just as i was starting to tell him that my observations were based solely on my own sense of the situation and that watching the show made me feel like an accessory to a crime, TOM pointed out the camera that was angled behind my back. the same one that i told to stop filming me two minutes prior. i felt tricked. i felt like ANNA NICOLE SMITH.
p.s. - KIMMY was very sweet.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, October 06, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, October 05, 2002
it rained all day, but i still managed to have lunch with lahoma, get a facial and have micro-dermabrasion. afterward my face was as smooth as the butt of a GAIETY dancer. that evening, i switched to marboro mediums and went to FEINSTEIN’S at THE REGENCY HOTEL to see LOVE AND PAYNE starring darlene love and and my pal, freda payne. it was absolutely fantastic. backstage after the show, i got to meet darlene for the very first time, and i told her that my all-time favorite christmas song is ALL ALONE ON CHRISTMAS, which she recorded first for the HOME ALONE 2 soundtrack and i later recorded for my HO HO HO album. tommy tune also came backstage and we got to say hi. from there, freda and i cabbed over to ashford and simpson’s club called SUGAR BAR on west 72nd street and boy, the joint was jumping. thursday nights they have an open mike where some of the greatest singers in town come and share their grace with a very enthusiastic audience. nick greeted us at the door as val sang back-up to the constant stream of terrific singers. ollie woodson is the lead voice on THE TEMPTATIONS hit song TREAT HER LIKE A LADY. he took the stage and turned the motherfucker O.U.T. it was truly amazing. the club reminds me of what i imagine the COTTON CLUB was like or the 20 GRAND in detroit during it’s heyday. jam packed with black celebrities and stylish people, nick and val have created quite a happening. i spotted roberta flack, toukie smith, 80’s supermodel peggy dillard, allison williams, tonya pinkins, ray simpson and choreographer george faison. freda and i had only planned on staying for 30 minutes at the club's one year anniversary, but we were having such a good time, we stayed for over two hours.
HOLLYWOOD SQUARES had arranged for a car to take me to jfk that afternoon, but two minutes into the journey, the driver (named elvis) got a call from the dispatcher asking him to ask me if i’d mind picking up THE VIEW’S lisa ling on the way. the first thought that came to mind was that this must be a stunt pulled by some reality show like CANDID CAMERA or HOWARD STERN. i started looking for a hidden camera. in all the years that i’ve used car services, alot of things have happened, but never have i been asked to piggy back with someone i don’t know. so i said “sure, what the hell ? i’ve got plenty of time before my flight.” apparently, there had been a mix-up at the car service company and since she was also doing SQUARES blah, blah , blah. she was pleasant enough, not the kind of girl i would have ditched high school with, but pleasant. of course, i had to tell her about how evil those witches were to me on THE VIEW, the day barbara walters was away. and how barbara came on t.v. the next day and apologized for them and how they behaved. i also told her that after being interviewed thousands of times, barbara walters was by far my favorite interview experience. she made me feel comfortable and respected. i spotted the actor william fichtner in kennedy airport and smiled at him. i smiled at the thought of him showing off his creamy white ass in the movie GO.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, October 05, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, October 04, 2002
i shopped all day in soho and the west village. i bought a shitload of fake louis vuitton on canal street, where they’re very secretive about there vuitton stock. when cops are in the area, they shut their iron gates or cover the merchandise with a black cloth.
after lunch with my ex-boyfriend steven, i finally broke down and bought a pack of VIRGINIA SLIMS LIGHTS. it couldn't be helped, everybody fucking smokes in new york. i had been smoke free for 11 months and on october 4th it would have been one year since my last ciggie. i can’t tell you how good that first puff tasted to me. i was in heaven / hell.
he and i decided to walk over to all the ritzy new shops on west 14 st, when we found ourselves in front of 5 ninth ave. this was the three story, federal style town house in the meat packing district that was my homebase for several years. the construction workers, who had been obviously renovating it, were taking a break on the front steps when we approached. a woman there seemed to be in charge, so i said hi and told her that i used to live here. she said “oh my God ! you’re rupaul ! everybody tells me the stories about you living here with larry tee, lahoma and lady bunny ! would you like to come in and take a look around ?” i said “sure ! you bet !” i couldn’t believe my luck. i hadn’t stepped foot through that door since sept. 3, 1991 . then she asked if it would be alright if she videotaped my homecoming. i said “sure, be my guest” and i proceeded to tell her all the stories connected to the house. i told her that the house belonged to nelson sullivan, the childhood friend of my atlanta mentor dick richards. and that i first started crashing here back in 1984, when i moved to new york the first time with f11oyd and lady bunny. i showed her where nelson’s bed was when he died of a heart attack at age 41 in 1989. i went on and on. so many memories. she told me that the place will become a day spa when completed and that she would love to name a treatment after me ! i think a shock treatment would suit my namesake.
later that night, as me and my friend tennessee strolled around the west village, we came to what used to be known as TWO POTATO (a black tranny bar on the corner of greenwich st. and christopher). in the display window outside the club was a bulletin board with flyers announcing upcoming performers. one flyer in particular caught our eyes and entertained us for the rest of the evening. it read “don’t get it twisted productions presents miss harmonica sunbeam ...one night only” so for the rest of the night, every time one of us would put on our best radio announcer voice and say “don’t get it twisted productions presents...” we would just crack up laughing. i guess you’d kinda had to have been there to really get it.
i met my friend alison for lunch at a place called BREAD in “nolita” (it means north of little italy). i didn’t even recognize the area, it’s changed so much. it’s like what “soho” (south of houston) used to be. after lunch we both had manicures and pedicures, and then we did some shopping. that night i caught broadway’s biggest and longest running show at THE GAIETY MALE BURLESQUE REVUE. dear lord, i am so grateful that guliani didn’t close that down. after that, i was off to alphabet city for pizza, ice cream and cigarettes with pj.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 04, 2002 | Permalink
Thursday, October 03, 2002
we took a later flight to chicago because the music i was preparing for the DAVID DALRYMPLE / HOUSE OF FIELD fashion show wasn’t quite ready yet. by the time we got checked into our hotel, i was way too sleepy to pop over to THE BATON, america’s premier drag showbar.
my show was in a ballroom at THE FOUR SEASONS HOTEL and was part of a fundraiser for CHICAGO HOUSE, a terrific organization that helps people who really need help. it wasn’t until i was about to go on, that i made the correlation between chicago being the birthplace of HOUSE MUSIC and the organization naming itself CHICAGO HOUSE. i had a fun time doing the show, my first since my surgery.
by 5:30 a.m. we were en route to O’HARE AIRPORT. i was headed to NYC, and J was headed back to L.A. a few hours later, i was seated in the showroom of DAVID DALRYMPLE / HOUSE OF FIELD, playing him the music i mixed together (via PROTOOLS) for his fashion show to be held that afternoon. david had asked me to d.j. for his show, after he heard a concoction that me, PJ and TOM put together called JOCELYNE WILDENSTEIN...TOTAL SECRECY. it is a loop of GIORGIO MORODER’S I WANNA ROCK YOU and CAT PEOPLE with soundbites taken from the t.v. interviews of JOCELYNE. after he had given me a rundown of the collection that he had designed for spring 2003, i went to work on choosing the right pieces of music for each segment of the show. as per his request, i peppered the the music with soundbites from one of our many enduring obsessions ... PARIS IS BURNING.
here is the rundown of the DAVID DALRYMPLE / HOUSE OF FIELD spring 2003 show:
1) intro :
“eve-olution” eve featuring dorian corey
2) san tropez / swimsuits:
“a view to a kill” duran duran
“i’m not perfect, but i’m perfect for you” grace jones
featuring pepper labejia and angie extravaganza
3) sporting/suits :
“total secrecy” jocelyne vs. giorgio
“music non-stop” kraftwerk featuring candi and carmen
“palm springs drive” giorgio moroder
4) trailer trash vs. ghetto fabulous :
“big momma thang” lil’ kim
“do you wanna touch ?” joan jett
“no panties” trina
“why’d you come in here looking like that ?” dolly parton
5) lil’ black dresses / o.p.u.l.e.n.c.e
“love break” salsoul orchestra featuring freddie pendarvis
6) curtain call
“dreaming” blondie
the show went on at 5:00 p.m. in the celeste bartos ballroom at the public library on 42 st. adjacent to the bryant park tents, where fashion week is held every season. david's show rocked and was a complete success. the show featured mya and eve on the runway, and britney spears, joan collins, amerie, patricia fields and debbie harry in the front row. after the show, we were all standing out back near the loading docks on 41 st. when carmen kass walked over to me and asked if i knew where “the tents” were. well, i ignored her question and took the opportunity to tell her how fabulous i think she is and that in my opinion, she is the best new supermodel out there. i told her that none of the new girls can pummel a runway the way she can. i asked her “did jay alexander teach you how to walk ?” and to that she replied “nobody had to teach me how to walk” work bitch !!! it wasn’t until after she had left that i realized she had been working “the tents” all week long and probably knew better than anybody where they were. she just needed an excuse to come over and talk to me. it was fucking awesome to meet her. i don’t really even know who “the girls” are anymore, but i sure have taken notice of her. she is by far the best. later, after the after party, and the after after party, i found myself alone and in love. i remembered that my only reference to a long term love affair was the one i was still having with new york city (not counting the 5 years i shared with georges). from the first day i came to manhattan over twenty years ago, i’ve been in love with her. i swear i don’t ever remember being mad with her or ever having a spat with her, just undying love. sometime before the fashion show, i went to get a double toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese and a “regular coffee” (that’s milk with two sugars in new york city). one bite of that bagel and a sip of my coffee and i was home, back in my lovers arms.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, October 03, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
i returned from my trip to chicago and nyc one day early, so i could tape a weeks worth of the t.v. show HOLLYWOOD SQUARES. the shows will air during the week of halloween. guests included ellen degeneres, tammy faye, elvira, martin mull, hulk hogan, vicky lawrence as “mama”, kathy najimy and master p & lil’ romeo. i always have fun doing that show, plus i got an even bigger surprise when i ran into my old friend spencer thornton, who now works on the show. spencer and i both started out twenty years ago on a local t.v. show in atlanta called DANCERAMA U.S.A. one of the rewards of living a long time is running in to people i’ve known since forever. it gives me a sense of joy and empowerment, especially since i’ve lost so many friends along the way.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, October 01, 2002 | Permalink
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