Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Dearest Rupaul,
Hi! First and foremost, I bow before and give my respects to you, oh Great Goddess of the Olympus! Now, let me present myself: I'm Tomás and I'm a 28 year old loser who lives in Puerto Rico. From the first time I saw you on a clip shown on "Geraldo" (wow!) back in 1991 or '92, in which you were shown dancing at a New York club, looking fabulous in your medusan blonde wig and those wonderful set of teeth, I instantly recognized divinity itself revealed in front of my eyes through the TV set. Of course, years later when you performed here at a packed Asylum club, I confirmed that you not only ROCK, you PUNK!
Secondly, I write to inform you (if you don't already know it) that another goddess descended from the heavens, LA DIVINA ANNIE LENNOX, will be the recipient of the Century Award, Billboard's highest honor for a living artist. To tell you the truth, I don't give a fuck about awards, especially Billboard's, which are based on sales, but this one is given to an artist who is still active (La Lennoxa is recording a new solo album) but hasn't been recognized enough considering the overwhelming talent he or she possesses. In short, it's the underdog award. I thought you might like to know this because, if my memory serves me well, you said in an interview that, at the time ('93), you were listening to "Diva" everyday, and I've noticed you have an affinity for and pay tribute to artists that have been unjustly overlooked. The show will be televised live from Las Vegas, as you probably know, on Fox in December; maybe you'll be there, who knows (Have you met her, and if so, was she nice or a wicked bitch?)
Another thing: have you listened to the last Eurythmics' album "Peace"? It was overlooked when it came out (1999), but I swear they had a fuckin' crystal ball, because I can think of no other album in the English language that I know of released right before or after 9/11 (probably PJ Harvey's "Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea") that so accurately speaks about the state of the world and the inabilty of human beings to love because of the violence surrounding us. Annie Lennox sings the whole album as if she were about to cry, and "17 again" even has a reference to crashing planes (is that eerie or what?) I think it was a crime that the populace in general didn't pay attention to it, but, obviously, it wasn't sexy or trendy, and nobody wants to hear an "old woman" from the '80s whining (I'm sure that if Demonna, to borrow the name from you, had recorded that, given she had any writing talent, it would've been hailed as visionary and a masterpiece, but, of course, it wasn't sung in Hindi and Annie Lennox isn't Demonna Corleone, I mean, Ciccone).
Did you see the Larry King interview with her and her new slave, Guy Ritchie? I pity him because I thought he was smart enough to keep away from her, but I guess she worked her magic and the poor man is starting the decline of his career, unless he sees his own "ray of light" and divorces her now. It was evident he was sorry for having filmed a turkey. Hasn't he noticed that despite her offensive and disastrous (for lack of better words) film "career", she has managed, by her Faustian deal with Satan, to make studio executives decide to put her on the screen, even though they know they'll lose the money invested, to torture audiences with actual failed rehearsals projected on the screen and still survive the crash, and that he will be the injured one? I almost puked everytime Larry King said "Swept Away" was a great movie. Strangely enough, Demonna had her hands below the table throughout the interview, probably pointing a gun at him or jerking him off, who knows? (I just read the review by John Anderson, and I almost fell off my seat. He's my hero!)
Anyway, I wish you the best in the world, keep shining, keep yourself beautiful, and I'm eager to listen to your new album, hoping you'll come back to Puerto Rico.
Hi RuPaul,
Okay, the year is '86 or '87 (I can't remember) and I'm growing up in Port Arthur, Texas. This is just ahop-skip-and-a-jump from Beaumont, Texas where your parents met. I've got the Geraldo Rivera show on, and the topic is Club Kids. All I've gotta say is, whenyou told the viewers to put their hands on the TVcause this was gonna be the most important shit they've ever seen... Baby, it was. That show was like a fucking life-line to my 16 year-old gay ass in Port Arthur, Texas. Okay...
A few years pass and I've moved to Houston. I came across this magazine called Project X in the back of a magazine rack. It was great to see that scene still going on in New York. In a few of the early issues (before it got glossy) there were a lot of cool pix of you guys running around and stirring up shit. It rocked.
I think it was around '95 that a friend in New York told me that he had read your bio and he really liked it. I picked it up, and I couldn't put the shit down. It was just such a great read. I was calling friends to read them excerpts cause some parts were so fucking funny. I've wanted to write you this letter since then...
I'm just really glad to see your website up and looking fierce, and your blog fucking rocks my world okay...
Thanks for bein' real...:)
Pierre in Seattle
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
at Wednesday, October 16, 2002 | Permalink
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