Friday, October 25, 2002
hi rupaul,
thanx beaucoup for turning me on to barbara's world -- it's now my favorite site too.
i was also recently turned on to this site:
have you seen it?
chad aka thrustpuppy
hi my name is Derek.I think you are beautiful . I am a 26 year old man , very goodlookin in Boston .I would like to chill out with you , or do whatever you would like . All expenses paid by me of course . I know it does not even matter to you about $ but I am financially able for just about anything .If you could call me or email me back that would be great .
Dear RuPaul,
I had never heard of you before I saw you on Biography. I just accessed your website hoping I would find a particular picture of you. It would be one of you on an outdoor stage wearing a red, white and blue sequined outfit with thigh-high boots. You looked like a living Barbie doll. I could not imagine a "real-life" woman looking so stunningly beautiful.(Nor has there ever been one. She would have had to have that great height and stature as well.) Please include a picture of you at that event in your gallery.
I am a 60 year old mother and I tell you this so that you will know that you have impressed all sectors of society. I am not a fan per se, but I am a person who recognizes talent and sensitivity in others, regardless of who they are. You should be so pleased with your accomplishments that you should never have a bad day at all. We all feel lost and unloved and unappreciated at times. These are not unique feelings, nor are they permanent. When you feel depressed, stop and take the time to count your blessings. They are many, I'm sure. And definitely worth a smile or two. Keep plugging away and think of ways to make others happy. Doing so will increase your own happiness tenfold. You are loved by many and you are never truly alone. Remember that.
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know what this gay white boy
from the burbs has for ya!
I will never forget the night I was sitting miserably in a gay club in Philly
thinking how I hope no-one from church saw me there (but what would they be there for?...hmmmm...) and I looked up and saw you on a TV that was showing your video "... you betta work!..." I heard a male voice but saw a stunningly beautiful woman singing it.... I was confused and enthralled. At the time I was a very closeted gay man hoping that God would someday deliver me from this horrible condition. I drank too much... way too much out of guilt and shame... for being in gay bars at all.... for wanting a man instead of a woman... blah... blah... blah... You get the picture.
Anyways, something small but very important happened to me that night. As I watched you celebrate your difference in such a dramatic way... all gorgeous... a little seed was planted in me that it was actually ok.. maybe it's ok to be the real me.... look at Ru!
I spent many more years drinking myself into oblivion (all the while deeply involved in the religious "right".... singing my heart out for Jesus!) and finally ended up in treatment where I somehow found the courage to tell the truth TO myself and ABOUT myself.
Today.. almost a year sober... I can celebrate the fact that I am gay and
that I have something very special to offer this universe as a gay man....
and who would have thought that a 7ft. tall, black drag queen would have any part in all that... well you did!
Thank you ANGEL!
ps... This white boy is very pleased to tell you that I'm involved in my
first gay relationship right now.... with of all things.... a black boy!
...and loving every single minute of it!!!!
Love you!
I just got back from vacation last night and switched on the t.v.
and found A&E's Biography of you. I've been a fan of yours for quite
sometime....ever since "Supermodel". I'm 35, and while I've been aware that I was gay since almost as far back as I can remember, it's only been within the last 7 years I've come out as a gay man. You were one of my role models ----not that I've ever done drag, but because you were (and are) who you were and proud of it. I really admire you for that more than anything else. I learned quite a bit more about you than I thought I would from that show, and it only reinforced that admiration.
So here is a long overdue fan letter.....the first I've written
since about 1978 (that being to John Travolta during Welcome Back
Kotter---SEE I told you I knew early on! )
Thank you for the work you've done to entertain us, and most of all,
thank you for being a sort of role model for a regular guy in Idaho.
Posted by Ru
Friday, October 25, 2002
at Friday, October 25, 2002 | Permalink
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