Wednesday, October 09, 2002
And you quit that "Tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly puking habit" AGAIN as soon as you left NYC - right?
From an ex-smoker so I can talk!! Smoke-free 23 months and counting...
Love you,
Rosalyn (ru’s reply - yes, angel. i have quit smoking again)
Miss RuPaul
What is the big damn deal about what you wrote about Whitney Houston, Yes, "Everybody say love" but that doesnt mean you (RuPaul) can not have an opinion about anything, Just becasue you make a comment or two about someone doesnt mean that you are a hatefull, hurtfull person. It just means you were speaking your mind and heart...Oh yeah and the TRUTH... And like "MY" momma always said... "The Truth Will Stand When The World Is On Fire". And in regards to the person who wrote you that, not thought out letter, this is what i have to say... Who are you to preach about "Everybody say love" when you, by writing that letter showed nothing but hate and bitterness yourself as well as a mockery to your intelligence and all around general out look on the world... You seem to me a person who just wants to bitch about anything thats everything...And as much as i love Whitney, face the facts bub...
With much reguards'
The Diva Mickey Angel
My name is Karin and I'm from Atlanta.
I have been a fan of yours for years. I used to hang out at 688, Weekends,
and Illusions in the early and mid-80's. I had good friends, a couple named Charles and Matt, who lived on 5th street, and I remember you coming to a big Halloween Party they had.
I also ended up at your apartment on 11th Street (behind Frijoleros) one afternoon and smoked a joint with you. I don't remember who took me there but you were hilarious.
I used to love to see you perform with Wee Wee Pole and opening for the Now Explosion. I knew then that you would be a star. I will NEVER forget a show you did on July 4th, probably around 1985 or 86, at Weekends. You came running out carrying a HUGE paper mache dildo over your head. What a show you put on. Baby, NOBODY has legs like yours!
One night, I was standing in front of Weekends smoking a cigarette and youcame along, pushing your ever-present shopping cart loaded up with flyers. My favorite said something about "The King of Happy Trash" -- that was the one announcing your eviction, I believe. How fucking funny (not being evicted, but the flyer). Anyway, we started talking and I bought one of your $2 xeroxed and stapled together autobiographies. I lost it YEARS ago but I would absolutely kill to have it in my possession now.
Just wanted to say HEY! and let you know that you are still fondly remembered and much loved in ATL! You helped make my adolescence a much groovier placeto be.I will always remember you roller skating down Peachtree Street wearing only short shorts and a bridal veil.
Thanks for the memories!
Dear Rupaul,
your are my idol.
This is your number one fan .
I have a problem.
My boyfriend and I are gay.
But he want to have a him as the boy and me as the girl.
and he calls me monica.
If I don't do this for him he might leave me
I love him with all my heart.
I have to know how do you become a woman
please call me monica when you write me
Please write back
weel ru, all i have to say is that you're sexy as hell! i wish i could get up in to whatever you're wearing and just let it go. ever time i see you i get all boned up and i was just wondering if you could send me a personal pic so i could look at you all the time.
your admirer
i was reeaallly pissed after reading your weblog, i can't believe people would say that about you! you are the most beautiful person inside and out regardless what people say. They're just jealuse. Rupaul, don't EVER let anyone make you feel low by talking shit! saying you have a mental problem? i mean, holy balls they should GET! your very talented and beautiful, your very fortonate, when your mother said you were gonna be a star! DAM RIGHT!
im taking acting right now. im 13 and my teacher says I have talent for acting. i also am gifted with voice and dancing. im in theater. i've played in the most known play, romeo and juliet. remember what i said, "you are the most beautiful person in the world! inside and out." when times get rough, just remember that ok?
love ya always,
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
at Wednesday, October 09, 2002 | Permalink
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