Monday, October 28, 2002
i watched one of my all time favorite guilty pleasures over the weekend and i have to admit it gets better every time i see it. in fact, the male lead caught my eye years before in such classics as this and that , and later in this great tv show . i found this tribute site devoted to the film that (not surprisingly) never mentions the real reason this movie is a perennial favorite, which is that our hero is sexy as hell, has a slammin’ body and is nearly naked during the entire film (this obvious omission from the dialog about this movie is similar to the WWF and how no one publicly speaks of it’s homo-eroticism). and as with all epic saga’s loved by the whole family, this film has an undercurrent of bondage, leather and S & M elements that keep it at the top of everyone’s list for favorite late night viewing.
Posted by Ru
Monday, October 28, 2002
at Monday, October 28, 2002 | Permalink
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