Monday, October 14, 2002
i have never considered myself a demonna fan. i have liked many of her songs over the years, but something about her energy has kept me from celebrating her with all the gusto that millions of other people around the world do. so, when i went to see her new movie SWEPT AWAY, i was looking forward to slamming it unmercifully. but after i saw it, i couldn’t dog it because i really enjoyed it. first of all, it was worth the price of admission just to see the male lead shirtless. he was sexy and beautiful, even more so than the female lead. secondly, maddy is not the worst actress in hollywood, but she ain’t MERYL STREEP either. she does good in this film, contrary to what all the critics have written. the audience that i saw it with laughed every time madoodoo got the shit slapped out of her. she plays a super rich bitch who you love to hate, and she plays it to the hilt. during the movie, my friend leaned over and said “this must be autobiographical”. other highlights in the movie included her highlights (i couldn’t take my eyes off of her hair, it was gorgeous), her clothes, her jewelry, her flawless body (bitch !) and her frozen brow (thanks botox). would i see this movie again ? sure, if only to see that hot shirtless motherfucker slap that bitch around some more.
p.s. - here’s one more confession...my favorite new song is DIE ANOTHER DAY.
Posted by Ru
Monday, October 14, 2002
at Monday, October 14, 2002 | Permalink
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