Monday, June 27, 2005
throughout my career, several cities have been instrumental to my evolution at one time or another, but none more consistently than CHICAGO. i don't know why, and quite frankly, i don't even want to try and figure it out. all i know is i'm gonna keep going back there until they run me outta town on a rail. i just love that city! i guess it helps that they treat me so well, which is exactly what they did this past weekend. the legendary children came out in droves to see "miss you betta work" live at GAY PRIDE. they were all so beautiful and lovely. they made me feel proud to be tres gay. thank you CHI-TOWN.
sunday night, i got back to NEW YORK CITY just in time to hit the CHRISTOPHER STREET piers and see the GAY PRIDE fireworks. there were thousands of gay children "looking good & feeling gorgeous" down there. it struck me that there were at least 12 biological women to every sole biological man in attendance. i wonder what that means in terms of sociological trends?
here are my favorite GAY PRIDE anthems:
1. we are the champions...queen 2. i am what i am...gloria gaynor 3. free...ultra nate 4. we built this city...jefferson starship 5. i'm coming out...diana ross 6. mighty real...sylvester 7. and i am telling you...jennifer holliday 8. this is my life...shirley bassey 9. in my life...bette midler 10. supermodel...HRH rupaula abdula fortensky lewinski zeta-jones lll
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 27, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, June 25, 2005
they put me up in a suite that's bigger than my condo in MANHATTAN! way to go CHICAGO GAY PRIDE organizers. i'm high above the 40th floor, living large and wishing i had friends here to show off to.
CHICAGO has always been very good to me, and i have every intention of showing my gratitude to the WINDY CITY at tomorrow afternoon's performance, even if it means dragging a bunch of MID-WESTERN hunks up to my palatial digs for a big heaping helping of my special deep dish pie, baked right here in my lovin' oven.
happy pride fella's! y'all hungry?
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, June 25, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, June 23, 2005
GARRY CAGLE created this fun montage and put it on top of my song HOLLYWOOD U.S.A.
CLICK HERE to download it.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, June 23, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
i had fallen asleep, so by the time i got to the PRIDE BALL '05, all the categories were closed and all the trophies had been snatched. i got the lowdown from a kid standing outside of the venue holding a trophy. he said that THE BALL started promptly at 9PM and ended at 11PM. i started to tell him that in my day a ball would last for 12 hours, but i didn't. instead, i asked him how he won his trophy. he told me he walked in a category called MICHAEL JACKSON vs. PRINCE / THRILLER vs. PURPLE RAIN. he was giving a severe ARTIST FORMALLY KNOWN AS effect, and quite cute, too.
i decided to check out the club anyway, even though the main event was history. once inside, i was surprised to see that not one person was dancing to the music (it's possible that dancing is not allowed there without a cabaret license). everyone was just standing around looking at each other, and except for the fact that half the women there were dressed like members of the WU-TANG CLAN, you would have never known the club was gay.
i guess what bothers me about today's gay culture is that it seems to disassociate itself from people who dance to the beat of different drummer. hell, these kids weren't dancing at all! they were just emulating straight culture. i can already hear my pundits saying "ru! get over it! you're old! times have changed! gays don't wear head to toe MYLAR anymore!" i guess they're right, but in my day... blah blah blah.
while i'm on the subject, the GRAND MARSHALL of the L.A. GAY PRIDE PARADE traditionally represents the lifestyle esthetic and political projection of the community. with that said, why PARIS HILTON and her mother? that's not even campy clever! that's downright self-loathing. her philosophy on gay culture starts and stops with the people who groom her dog. next year, maybe they'll invite STAR JONES to be the GRAND MARSHALL. lord knows she love gay people.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 22, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
it's official, i am now really living in NEW YORK CITY. yes, i did spend a month here last july promoting the first single from RuPAUL RED-HOT, and yes, i did move here last september to take a job doing morning radio, but it wasn't until last night when i officially moved back into my old condo that i really became a NEW YORKER again. long story short, i had to live in hotels until "an entity" would vacate my home.
i have to admit that living out of a suitcase for the past year was starting to get to me. i didn't feel grounded. i yearned to be able to listen to my BEST OF BONNIE TYLER c.d. or wear my frosted pussycat wig with the JERRY CURL afro puffs whenever i wanted to. my heart begged to be able to play my THE SOUND OF MUSIC dvd at the precise moment when the MOTHER SUPERIOR asks MARIA in a very strong IRISH accent "what is it you can't face?". and more than anything, my body longed to be able to sleep in me own bed.
time has taught me that with perseverance... all things will come to pass.
i saw MR. & MRS. SMITH last night and haven't stopped thinking about it since. the movie has it all. i laughed, i cried and i was on the edge of my seat for 2 hours. those two had mad chemistry out the wahzoo! i couldn't wait for them to fuck. i wanted to fuck them both. plus, if you've ever been in a relationship for several years with someone under the same roof, you'll get an extra kick out of the dialogue.
VINCE VAUGHN should win an OSCAR for his role in both this and the dreadfully awful BE COOL. the only flaw in SMITH is ANGELINA JOLIE's inability to show vulnerability in a key scene, but fuck it, she's awesome and so friggin' HAWT! a real movie star! BRAD PITT had no problem showing depth. he's the one who made me cry.
at first, the press was very skeptical about TOM SNOOZE "falling in love" right before his and her summer blockbusters were about to be released. then, they started reporting on "the story" as if it was not concocted in a public relations laboratory. i guess the press couldn't resist capitalizing on the public's addiction to fairy tales. it's interesting what the press chooses to be skeptical about and what they choose to swallow lock, stock and barrel. imagine said movie star marketing this movie without the theatrics. what would be the angle for the press? his creepy cult? his robotic sexuality? his super successful ex-wife? not good for a big opening ...weekend.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 21, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, June 16, 2005
THE VERDICT was important for many reasons because not only was MICHAEL on trial, but so was every man who's ever stepped outside in pure daylight wearing a full coverage foundation. yes children! sissies are under fire around the world and we must fight back! we shall retaliate the only way we know how... like the powerful butch queens that we are, with our heads held high and looking flawless. remember, it was the queens who started the GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT, not the "straight acting" cowards.
...to be continued.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, June 16, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
by the time i found out that the verdict would be coming in, it had already been a very difficult day for me. still jet-lagged from the MILWAUKEE trip, my night at a tony upper east side hotel had been a disaster. no internet connection, a lumpy mattress and a smoke detector in the hallway that beeped every 2 minutes... all night long! (thank goodness i had earplugs)
by lunchtime, with very few available rooms, they moved me to a room that had a broken air conditioner, and the next room i moved to had an unwelcome little visitor that scurried across the floor, which the housekeeper referred to as "disneyland". given the circumstances, the manager moved me to their sister hotel on the upper west side.
as i packed up to make the trip across CENTRAL PARK, i turned the tube on to catch JUDGE JUDY. it was then that found out the verdict would be read within the hour. in record time, i made it to my new digs and turned on the TV just as the JACKSON CLAN had arrived the courthouse. i was a complete wreck!!! i was the one who needed an ambulance standing by! i prayed and cried, and prayed and cried some more. then, finally...VINDICATION! i screamed and thanked GOD profusely as the bass line of SMOOTH CRIMINAL repeated over and over in my head.
later, as the cameras chronicled TOM SNEDDON leaving the court room in defeat, i had to shout at the top of my lungs this timeless lyric from a LaTOYA song... "there, you just got rocked!"
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 14, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, June 13, 2005
MILWAUKEE PRIDE was amah-zing, and i'm so happy i got to be a part of it. it was an outdoor venue similar to a state fairground with thousands and thousands of people in the audience. i dedicated my show to the "babies" who were attending their very first gay pride celebration, and as i did at LONG BEACH PRIDE, i asked the pride veterans to look after and mentor the babies. i was very lucky and blessed in the early days to have DICK RICHARDS and NELSON SULLIVAN. they taught me my gay history and nurtured my soul, and for that i am eternally grateful. in turn, i have worked hard to continue the tradition and educate the children wherever i go.
we stayed at a hotel called THE PFISTER . every time i thought about the hotel's name, i would giggle inside. i couldn't help but think about the night we played "porno charades" and had to come up with porno movie titles that were based on actual feature films. the *best title of that night was "a fist called wanda", so you can see why i got so tickled staying at THE PFISTER.
(*the second best title of that evening was "annie get your cum".)
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 13, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, June 11, 2005
i've met so many incredible people this week in the streets of THE VILLAGE, on the subway, in restaurants and cd stores. i'm starting to feel like i made the right decision in moving back to NEW YORK CITY.
p.s. - i'm writing this from a hotel suite in MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, June 11, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, June 06, 2005
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 06, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
i rolled into SOUTH BEACH tuesday afternoon, just as the RUFF-NECK NATIONAL CONVENTION was rolling out. i've been here in the past during a MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND and it ain't no picnic... very noisy and scary. i'll be here until sunday for a much needed chill period.
PATTI LABELLE covers THE PRETENDERS' "i'll stand by you" on her latest CD and it friggin' brings me to tears every time i hear it. it would make a great tribute song for our boys and girls stationed in IRAQ.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 | Permalink
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