Tuesday, June 14, 2005
by the time i found out that the verdict would be coming in, it had already been a very difficult day for me. still jet-lagged from the MILWAUKEE trip, my night at a tony upper east side hotel had been a disaster. no internet connection, a lumpy mattress and a smoke detector in the hallway that beeped every 2 minutes... all night long! (thank goodness i had earplugs)
by lunchtime, with very few available rooms, they moved me to a room that had a broken air conditioner, and the next room i moved to had an unwelcome little visitor that scurried across the floor, which the housekeeper referred to as "disneyland". given the circumstances, the manager moved me to their sister hotel on the upper west side.
as i packed up to make the trip across CENTRAL PARK, i turned the tube on to catch JUDGE JUDY. it was then that found out the verdict would be read within the hour. in record time, i made it to my new digs and turned on the TV just as the JACKSON CLAN had arrived the courthouse. i was a complete wreck!!! i was the one who needed an ambulance standing by! i prayed and cried, and prayed and cried some more. then, finally...VINDICATION! i screamed and thanked GOD profusely as the bass line of SMOOTH CRIMINAL repeated over and over in my head.
later, as the cameras chronicled TOM SNEDDON leaving the court room in defeat, i had to shout at the top of my lungs this timeless lyric from a LaTOYA song... "there, you just got rocked!"
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
at Tuesday, June 14, 2005 | Permalink
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