Monday, June 13, 2005
MILWAUKEE PRIDE was amah-zing, and i'm so happy i got to be a part of it. it was an outdoor venue similar to a state fairground with thousands and thousands of people in the audience. i dedicated my show to the "babies" who were attending their very first gay pride celebration, and as i did at LONG BEACH PRIDE, i asked the pride veterans to look after and mentor the babies. i was very lucky and blessed in the early days to have DICK RICHARDS and NELSON SULLIVAN. they taught me my gay history and nurtured my soul, and for that i am eternally grateful. in turn, i have worked hard to continue the tradition and educate the children wherever i go.
we stayed at a hotel called THE PFISTER . every time i thought about the hotel's name, i would giggle inside. i couldn't help but think about the night we played "porno charades" and had to come up with porno movie titles that were based on actual feature films. the *best title of that night was "a fist called wanda", so you can see why i got so tickled staying at THE PFISTER.
(*the second best title of that evening was "annie get your cum".)
Posted by Ru
Monday, June 13, 2005
at Monday, June 13, 2005 | Permalink
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