Wednesday, June 22, 2005
i had fallen asleep, so by the time i got to the PRIDE BALL '05, all the categories were closed and all the trophies had been snatched. i got the lowdown from a kid standing outside of the venue holding a trophy. he said that THE BALL started promptly at 9PM and ended at 11PM. i started to tell him that in my day a ball would last for 12 hours, but i didn't. instead, i asked him how he won his trophy. he told me he walked in a category called MICHAEL JACKSON vs. PRINCE / THRILLER vs. PURPLE RAIN. he was giving a severe ARTIST FORMALLY KNOWN AS effect, and quite cute, too.
i decided to check out the club anyway, even though the main event was history. once inside, i was surprised to see that not one person was dancing to the music (it's possible that dancing is not allowed there without a cabaret license). everyone was just standing around looking at each other, and except for the fact that half the women there were dressed like members of the WU-TANG CLAN, you would have never known the club was gay.
i guess what bothers me about today's gay culture is that it seems to disassociate itself from people who dance to the beat of different drummer. hell, these kids weren't dancing at all! they were just emulating straight culture. i can already hear my pundits saying "ru! get over it! you're old! times have changed! gays don't wear head to toe MYLAR anymore!" i guess they're right, but in my day... blah blah blah.
while i'm on the subject, the GRAND MARSHALL of the L.A. GAY PRIDE PARADE traditionally represents the lifestyle esthetic and political projection of the community. with that said, why PARIS HILTON and her mother? that's not even campy clever! that's downright self-loathing. her philosophy on gay culture starts and stops with the people who groom her dog. next year, maybe they'll invite STAR JONES to be the GRAND MARSHALL. lord knows she love gay people.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
at Wednesday, June 22, 2005 | Permalink
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