Tuesday, June 21, 2005
it's official, i am now really living in NEW YORK CITY. yes, i did spend a month here last july promoting the first single from RuPAUL RED-HOT, and yes, i did move here last september to take a job doing morning radio, but it wasn't until last night when i officially moved back into my old condo that i really became a NEW YORKER again. long story short, i had to live in hotels until "an entity" would vacate my home.
i have to admit that living out of a suitcase for the past year was starting to get to me. i didn't feel grounded. i yearned to be able to listen to my BEST OF BONNIE TYLER c.d. or wear my frosted pussycat wig with the JERRY CURL afro puffs whenever i wanted to. my heart begged to be able to play my THE SOUND OF MUSIC dvd at the precise moment when the MOTHER SUPERIOR asks MARIA in a very strong IRISH accent "what is it you can't face?". and more than anything, my body longed to be able to sleep in me own bed.
time has taught me that with perseverance... all things will come to pass.
i saw MR. & MRS. SMITH last night and haven't stopped thinking about it since. the movie has it all. i laughed, i cried and i was on the edge of my seat for 2 hours. those two had mad chemistry out the wahzoo! i couldn't wait for them to fuck. i wanted to fuck them both. plus, if you've ever been in a relationship for several years with someone under the same roof, you'll get an extra kick out of the dialogue.
VINCE VAUGHN should win an OSCAR for his role in both this and the dreadfully awful BE COOL. the only flaw in SMITH is ANGELINA JOLIE's inability to show vulnerability in a key scene, but fuck it, she's awesome and so friggin' HAWT! a real movie star! BRAD PITT had no problem showing depth. he's the one who made me cry.
at first, the press was very skeptical about TOM SNOOZE "falling in love" right before his and her summer blockbusters were about to be released. then, they started reporting on "the story" as if it was not concocted in a public relations laboratory. i guess the press couldn't resist capitalizing on the public's addiction to fairy tales. it's interesting what the press chooses to be skeptical about and what they choose to swallow lock, stock and barrel. imagine said movie star marketing this movie without the theatrics. what would be the angle for the press? his creepy cult? his robotic sexuality? his super successful ex-wife? not good for a big opening ...weekend.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
at Tuesday, June 21, 2005 | Permalink
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