Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Dear Ru, Gay, Straight, or Taken Well I just watched another Gay, Straight, or Taken and I'm getting a headache. The show is beginning to prove that everybody is Gay, everybody is Straight, and everybody is Taken (with someone or something or another). Between queeny heteros and butch homos there is not a lot of wiggle room, as they say. These male contestants are all foolers--straight cheerleaders, straight hairdressers, gay construction workers, gay Republicans.....no wonder the ladies are confused. Miss America Pageant Mario Lopez is hosting the Miss America pageant tonight "the female Super Bowl"( as Miss Texas just said). I know he's straight but he sure has a cute lisp (and lips). He is tremendously prettier than any of the girls.What does he think when he looks in the makeup mirror and sees perfection? How could any man not want to snuggle with him? I have sometimes referred to him when teasing straight men...you mean to say you would NEVER shag ANY man? How about Mario Lopez? On a desert island in total secrecy? With him as the bottom? Black Miss Texas Shilah Philips is singing "Miracles"(Mariah Carey?), this will be a hard act to beat. Miss Georgia (from Warner Robins) looks like a really hot Latino transexual. She is now tap dancing to Prince's "Baby I'm a Star", ooh I'm getting cold chills (seriously). When I first saw that song in "Purple Rain" I never thought I'd someday see it on the Miss A. pageant. Now Miss Oklahoma (christian---she better pray to win) is singing "You'll Be in My Heart" (very Disneyesque...is this from Pochahontas?). Too honky for my taste ("Pocha-honkiest"). The difference between her and Miss Georgia is immense. Miss Georgia said she likes Bill Clinton. Is this pageant Red vs. Blue (Miss Okla. vs. Miss Ga.)? I guess I should have known that even drag shows are now political. Miss Mississippi just busted a wild piano piece. Miss Alabama is now singing "Time to Say Goodbye"(Sarah Brightman) in Italian & English. All five finalists are Southerners. Why do non-Southerners even enter these pageants? Beauty pageants are as southern as Spanish Moss. Michael Feinstein is a judge on Miss America! He just spoke to Mario. Now judge Debbie Allen is talking. Thank goodness some old school divas are judging these ingenues. Miss Texas just made it to the finals. Her momma is sitting in the front row in a wild outfit. She keeps jumping up and down in the aisle and waving a flag on a stick. Miss Texas looks like a very young Tina Turner and is pretty hot. Oh no, now it is Oklahoma vs. Texas, Red vs. Blue, White vs. Black. Oh no, Miss Okie won. Now she's the Queen of the United States and we are but her subjects. I guess the Reddies still control some things. My personal highlight of Pageant = the name of Miss Tennessee, from Chattanooga: Blaire Ashley Pancake - Mike Mattingly
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, January 30, 2007 | Permalink
Monday, January 29, 2007
Judy LaGrange sent me This Freda Payne Tribute
this is a link to her website
Posted by Ru
at Monday, January 29, 2007 | Permalink
Sunday, January 28, 2007
but the most fabulous Jackson will always shine bright among her legion of Toy Soldiers.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, January 28, 2007 | Permalink
"It was a quote by Sharon Stone that triggered it," Edwards explained to me. Stone, an actress famous for exposing a different part of her anatomy, had recently expressed doubt that Hillary could become president because "a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs. Hillary still has sexual power, and I don't think people will accept that. It's too threatening."
-Full story at AlterNet.org
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, January 28, 2007 | Permalink
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Bride Has Massive Meltdown
-Dave Hickey
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, January 27, 2007 | Permalink
Thursday, January 25, 2007
pete burns files a lawsuit against his plastic surgeon.
-Efren Sifuentes
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 25, 2007 | Permalink
Dear Ru, I just read an interview with George Clinton in the current GQ magazine (which I bought for the Jakey interview).
Here are some tidbits:
(On naming the band) The group was named The Parliaments after the cigarettes, in emulation of the groups The Chesterfields and The Larks. When his label tried to claim ownership of the name "Parliament" he changed the group name to "Funkadelic". (On being social) "I don't even to to clubs and shit. Because I end up going as the character, wearing all my clothes, dancing like I'm a fool. That's the only way I can stand it there, 'cause I know it's full of shit. When I walk into the building, a lot of people go, 'Hey, George!' and I go into character, pretend I'm high as hell. That way I ain't got to talk to one at a time. Because as soon as you talk to one straight, you got to talk to everybody else." (On buying a $275,000 spaceship for The Mothership Connection Tour) "Like a pimp with just enough money to either buy an apartment or a Cadillac. He buys the Cadillac, and he sleeps in the Cadillac. Saves money one way, but he got the flashy car he can ride around in, make the hos think he's got a place, so he can make the hos work and then spend that. " (On the early days in Detroit) "We were the loudest group. They used to call us 'the Temptations on acid' or 'James Brown on angel dust.' We'd play with the other groups coming out of the Detroit area---Iggy and the Stooges, MC5, Ted Nugent. Those were the days when I'd wear a diaper or a sheet or nothing onstage. Naked was par for the course. I didn't have much to take off, anyway. Just had a sheet on. People's reaction? I don't know. Most of them used to run. I was out of my mind, anyway."
-Mike M.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 25, 2007 | Permalink
Friday, January 19, 2007
last night i attended a taping of Bravo's "inside the actor's studio" with special guest Diana Ross. she sang 8 songs and recounted her career with host James Lipton. several times during the evening, my eyes welled up with tears of joy as i relived the magic of my childhood idol. at one point, the host asked her what hit song mentions the Brewster Housing Projects where she grew up. she said she didn't know. he told her it was "supermodel" by rupaul. then he asked me to stand up and say hi, which of course i did.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, January 19, 2007 | Permalink
Monday, January 08, 2007
Dear Ru,
8:05 p.m. I'm watching the new show on Lifetime cable TV, "Gay, Straight or Taken". Within 30 seconds I could tell that the secret gay bachelor is Bachelor B, "Mike". The bachelorette also guessed this within about 45 seconds, though the gay guy will not be revealed until the end of the show. Now how will they stretch this out?
8:35 p.m. Oh crap. I guessed the wrong guy. Don't tell anyone, I always boast about my perfect gaydar. I bet if I had been there in person I could have told (sniffin' those pheromones, etc.). Now I see the trick...the secret gay guy is a TOP so he appears butch and is a "fooler". They are also choosing guys with gay jobs like interior designer and special events planner to trick those ladies... This time I think the queen is Bachelor C, Cale.
9:05 p.m. Well at least this time I correctly guessed the identity of the gay guy. Once again, at the end of the show they brought on the partners of the Taken guy (a girlfriend) and the Gay guy (a boyfriend) and the gay boyfriend was a bottom. However, the gorgeous interior decorator former Army guy had a really chubby girlfriend so either he is a chubby-chaser or a closet case of some type. Now I'm confused..... I don't know if this show is gay positive or negative. In both cases the secret gay was a "butch" top who was "straight-acting" and "passable". Each secret gay guy's partner was a cute little bottom who could never pass as straight. Possible re-title choices: Gay-Acting, Straight-Acting, or Taken from Behind? Femme, Butch, or Transgendered? Sort of Gay, Sort of Straight, or How Much Will You Pay For Trade? Dominant Bottom, Submissive Top, or Versatile? -Mike M.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, January 08, 2007 | Permalink
Saturday, January 06, 2007
sorry Ms. Jackson... LaToya gets tasered
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, January 06, 2007 | Permalink
Friday, January 05, 2007
I just rented "20 Centimeters" and watched it twice. Brilliant. This film = Hollywood is dead, viva Espana. It made me further ashamed of U.S. films (a difficult achievement). During the song & dance in the market scene I started crying with happiness. This is why film was invented, to make movies like this. Here is Pablo Puyol, the ouch-ooch-ouch sizzlin' hot male lead in the film.
- Mike M.
(i totally agree. i've already bought 2 copies of the dvd. - ru)
Posted by Ru
at Friday, January 05, 2007 | Permalink
Thursday, January 04, 2007
i'm gonna wait to see Dreamgirls after the hype dies down, but in the meantime, i've gone gaga for album cuts from Diana Ross & The Supremes. here are my favorite non-hits from "the girls":
1. I'm Gonna Make It (I Will Wait For You) 2. Discover Me (And You'll Discover Love) 3. Then 4. Are You Sure Love Is The Name Of This Game 5. Treat Me Nice John Henry 6. He's My Sunny Boy 7. The Composer 8. No Matter What Sign You Are 9. The Young Folks 10. It's Going All The Way (To True Love) 11. Come On And See Me 12. How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone 13. Honey Bee (Keep On Stinging Me) 14. I'll Turn To Stone 15. Ask Any Girl 16. Run, Run, Run 17. Love (Makes Me Do Foolish Things) 18. There's No Stopping Us Now
my all-time favorite Diana Ross & The Supremes songs are:
1. Some Things You Never Used to Do 2. Love is Like an Itching in My Heart 3. Reflections 4. Forever Came Today 5. I Hear a Symphony 6. Love Is Here And Now You're Gone 7. In And Out of Love 8. I'm Living in Shame 9. You Keep Me Hangin' On 10. My World is Empty Without You
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, January 04, 2007 | Permalink
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