Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dear Ru, I just read an interview with George Clinton in the current GQ magazine (which I bought for the Jakey interview).
Here are some tidbits:
(On naming the band) The group was named The Parliaments after the cigarettes, in emulation of the groups The Chesterfields and The Larks. When his label tried to claim ownership of the name "Parliament" he changed the group name to "Funkadelic". (On being social) "I don't even to to clubs and shit. Because I end up going as the character, wearing all my clothes, dancing like I'm a fool. That's the only way I can stand it there, 'cause I know it's full of shit. When I walk into the building, a lot of people go, 'Hey, George!' and I go into character, pretend I'm high as hell. That way I ain't got to talk to one at a time. Because as soon as you talk to one straight, you got to talk to everybody else." (On buying a $275,000 spaceship for The Mothership Connection Tour) "Like a pimp with just enough money to either buy an apartment or a Cadillac. He buys the Cadillac, and he sleeps in the Cadillac. Saves money one way, but he got the flashy car he can ride around in, make the hos think he's got a place, so he can make the hos work and then spend that. " (On the early days in Detroit) "We were the loudest group. They used to call us 'the Temptations on acid' or 'James Brown on angel dust.' We'd play with the other groups coming out of the Detroit area---Iggy and the Stooges, MC5, Ted Nugent. Those were the days when I'd wear a diaper or a sheet or nothing onstage. Naked was par for the course. I didn't have much to take off, anyway. Just had a sheet on. People's reaction? I don't know. Most of them used to run. I was out of my mind, anyway."
-Mike M.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, January 25, 2007
at Thursday, January 25, 2007 | Permalink
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