Friday, May 30, 2003
Greetings from the trailer park!
I'm back from New Mexico where I had the most wonderful time shooting in the gorgeous red clay mountains of Jimez Pueblo outside of Albuquerque where I played a sexy (I thought) lesbian park ranger in A THIEF OF TIME, based on the Tony Hillerman novel. Our Executive Producer, Robert Redford, is so good at bringing talented people together, not to mention what he has done for the environment and the preservation of the Native American culture. I loved my character, the script, the director, my fellow actors, the crew, the location...ALL OF IT! But I did miss my trailer and am glad to be back in the play.
THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS Of A TRAILER TRASH HOUSEWIFE has been extended till August 4th and it is my intention and hope to stay in it till the end of the run.
Later today I'll send you a flyer with some lovely reviews for which we are very grateful. Thank you for your support and love. This has been the most challenging and exciting creative journey of my life. I appreciate (and need) every drop of goodwill that comes my way!!
Much love, Beth
Here again is the information on Industry Discounts:
Thursdays $15, Fridays and Sundays $20 delaneprods@aol.com
There are no discounts for Saturdays, for reservations call 323-655-TKTS (8587)
Posted by Ru
at Friday, May 30, 2003 | Permalink
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Hey Ru!
Was reading you website & enjoyed reading all the ways
the name "Jack" can be used, which is why I had to
send THIS LINK to you! If you haven't seen - Enjoy!
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 29, 2003 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
on what used to be referred to as “the no nigger network” comes a show that is by far the funniest thing i’ve seen on tv since the broadcast premiere of MOMMIE DEAREST dubbed in spanish on TELEMUNDO. i say bravo to the new TNN for bringing us MOST EXTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE. it’s gut wrenchingly funny and tres gay, to say the very least. after seeing the commercial for it, i made a point of catching it this weekend. ha-fucking-larious !!!
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 28, 2003 | Permalink
Monday, May 26, 2003
i met my friend JACK 3 years ago when he worked for a luxury limousine company here in los angeles. he was my driver to the premiere of a movie i was in. we hit it off immediately and have been friends ever since. i’ve never had a friend called JACK before, so it always amazes me how many configurations the name appears in. here are just a few:
jackpot -- jack of all trades -- jack knife -- jack rabbit
jack-off -- jack-a-roo -- jack in the box -- jack-o-lantern
phone jack -- jack your body -- cracker jack -- union jack
car jacked -- new jack city -- new jack swing -- jack the ripper
jumbo jack -- jack hammer -- blackjack -- flap jack
jack and the bean stock -- jack and jill -- billy jack -- lumber jack
jumpin jack flash -- jacked up -- jack of hearts -- one eyed jacks
kangaroo jack -- hit the road jack -- jack be nimble, jack be quick
jacko -- apple jack -- jack cheese -- hi-jack -- jack and diane
wolfman jack -- jack and coke -- jackalope -- jacket -- jackal
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 26, 2003 | Permalink
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
after everybody when home on saturday night, i opened the fridge to discover three big pieces of leftover chocolate birthday cake. bad news, i thought to myself. the next morning upon awakening, the first the thought i had was of the cake in the refrigerator and how yummy it would taste. i promptly got up and chucked the cake into the garbage can. i felt very proud of myself.
later that afternoon, most of my restraint went out the window when i visited a tea party given by my friend ELIZABETH. her tantalizing spread featured a slew of baked goods, or should i say baked evils, that she had prepared the night before. i couldn’t resist. i had 6 cookies and 2 pieces of cake.
my next stop was at a backyard barbecue thrown by DOREEN, who is in the music publishing business, so most of the people there were songwriters and music executives. i was much better there, as i ate only a grilled chicken breast and some asparagus. DOREEN is the girl i drove cross country with at christmas of 2001. she got a game of UNO going and everybody pitched in to teach me how to play, including RODNEY “DARKCHILD” JERKINS and GARDNER COLE, who wrote OPEN YOUR HEART for MADDY and EVERYTHING and MOST OF ALL for JODY WATLEY.
at one o’clock in the morning, my best friend TOM broke his foot while stepping off of the curb. he’ll have a cast on his foot for the next 6 weeks.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 20, 2003 | Permalink
Monday, May 19, 2003
to commemorate CHER”S 57th birthday (her actual b-day is on may 20), i had about 30 people over to my house for dinner and a rousing game of “cherades”. the invite read as follows :
Charades night this Saturday, May 17th, 2003 8:00pm @ Ru’s
We’re celebrating Cher’s birthday, without her, with a very special “Cherades” night.
Be prepared to do a round of “Cherades” based on all things Cher.
Also, all guests’ names will be put into a hat and one random guest will be chosen to be our “surprise birthday winner.” That person will be serenaded with “Happy Birthday,” get to blow out the candles on the birthday cake and receive gifts. Please bring a wrapped gift, under $10, for our randomly chosen surprise birthday winner.
Please RSVP and/or call if you need more details.
we covered the dining room walls with color xeroxed photos from CHER”S tour books, and played non-stop CHER music all night long. CHER (or SCAR, as my friend DAVID refers to her) would be thoroughly appalled.
BILLY B. was randomly chosen as our surprise birthday winner, but the biggest surprise of the evening was MICHELLE VISAGE’s hot ass body. i couldn’t believe it. during her two pregnancies, she gained a few “el-bee’s”. now, she’s back to being the snatched, uber-cheekboned goddess that used to co-host my show on VH-DUMB.
another highlight of the evening was the appearance of MISS SHARON MITCHELL. SHARON was, in my opinion, the best female performer in the history of the adult film industry . she left the business to start a non-profit organization called AIM , which provides health care for sex workers. in fact, when i appeared on THE WEAKEST LINK, the charity i played for was AIM. i absolutely adore SHARON. she’s a lovely person.
ROBYN CRAWFORD dropped by, too. we had never met before, but i fell in love with her instantly. two years ago, she resigned as president of WHITNEY’s NIPPY INC. , to start her own company.
my team was called THE PETITE PLUS SIZE MODELS, and TOM’s team was called THE EAGER BEAVERS. i’m proud to say that the PETITE PLUS’ won the evening.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 19, 2003 | Permalink
Saturday, May 17, 2003
i’m completely addicted to roasted and unsalted sunflower seeds from TRADER JOE'S . i eat them by the handful and also sprinkle them onto my salads.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, May 17, 2003 | Permalink
Thursday, May 15, 2003
i still enjoy night clubbing, even though i don’t drink or do drugs anymore. the challenge then becomes finding a club that is entertaining without me having to be smashed. i always dig a drag show (no matter how bad it is), and i always love strippers (male or female, hot or hideous). my point is that there has to be a focus, other than standing around getting crunked to dull soulless dance music. country line dancing is perfect because it’s all about the dance, no attitude. i’ll TEXAS TWO STEP with anyone who’ll ask me. my friend TOM calls me a honky tonk whore. i’m gettin’ pretty good at all the dances i’ve learned, like THE SHADOW, CHOMPIN’ AT THE BIT, KICKIN’ ROCK, THE COWBOY, DERAILED and of course THE TEXAS TWO STEP. last thursday night, i was at a club in FORT LAUDERDALE called THE COLISEUM. it was filled with a bunch of young black gay children, who were bumping and grinding to MISSY, JUSTIN and X-TINA. it was fun to watch, but the music was painfully loud. sunday night, JACK took me to a club here in LOS ANGELES called LeBAR. it was packed with all young gay mexican children, shakin’ they asses to latin dance music. i was there when it occurred to me again, that i’m a very lucky man to be blessed with such a diversity of experiences. i felt like the man who fell to earth, forever an observer, a feeling i’ve had ever since i was a kid.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 15, 2003 | Permalink
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
i called BEA ARTHUR today to wish her a happy birthday. she’s doing very well and plans to celebrate by having dinner with her children tonight. she said she also looks forward to taking her fabulous one woman show to south africa and england this summer. BEA is quite a character and is still sharp as a tack. i’ll never forget the time she showed up barefoot at my afternoon birthday party, carrying only a pair of sandals in her hands. it was a treasured moment for me and one of the best gifts i could have ever received. i wish her love, happiness and good health.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 13, 2003 | Permalink
Sunday, May 11, 2003
last night, i returned from miami beach, where one of the highlights of my trip was getting to see NANCY WILSON perform live. i grew up with the knowledge of FANCY MISS NANCY, because she was my father’s favorite singer. i can still remember going through his collection of her albums and admiring the photos on the covers, but since we didn’t have a record player, i never got to listen to any of them. it wasn’t until the mid-seventies that i actually got to hear her music via THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW on tv. fast forward to 1997 when my friend NICK MARTINELLI gave me a copy of her album called WITH MY LOVER BESIDE ME. oh...my...god! the album is a bona fide masterpiece. i was hooked. since then, i’ve gone out and bought everything of her’s that i could get my hands on.
the concert was held at THE JACKIE GLEASON THEATRE, and it was truly flawless and amazing. during her incredibly captivating performance, i kept having to remind myself to breathe. her voice was pure and strong and real. my favorite songs of the evening were I CAN’T MAKE YOU LOVE ME, the classic GUESS WHO I SAW TODAY ? and IF I COULD, which brought me to tears. the most surprising aspect of the show was MISS WILSON’s hot-ass body. she wore a floor length wool/lycra gown that showed every curve of her svelte, youthful looking body. she has to be in her 70’s, but she has a body that women in their 30’s would be envious of. go ‘head on, MISS NANCY!
friday afternoon, i went shopping with ELOUISE “champagne” MONTAGUE COUGAR-MELLENCAMP at the AVENTURA MALL in north miami. we had a terrific time catching up, sipping coffee and relax-ercising. she baked a batch of my favorite peanut butter cookies, that i gladly abandoned my current diet for. many of you will remember LADY E from the NOW EXPLOSION, the band from HOTLANTA that i got my show biz start in. she’s doing great and i’m sure she’d want me to tell everybody HELLO from her.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, May 11, 2003 | Permalink
Monday, May 05, 2003
one of my dearest friends came out to his parents today. i am so very proud of him because i know how much of a difficult struggle he has had with it for many years. it takes a great deal of courage and faith to share honesty with love, and it is for that reason he is a hero, not only to me, but to the future generations in his family. he has elevated the consciousness of his whole family to a level it has never reached before, by making it ok for the up and coming children to be whom ever they want to be. rock on, brave soldier.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 05, 2003 | Permalink
Saturday, May 03, 2003
i’m back at the gym with a vengeance and loving it. when i’m on the treadmill in full motion, i can hear my body say “ well alright goddamit, this is what i was built for!” i actually dig the feeling of sore muscles, but the real pleasure comes from the music i bring with me via my IPOD. i have a really good pair of headphones that thankfully cover my ears and drown out the dreadful music/noise that’s being blasted throughout the club. most of the time that i would have spent at the computer this week was spent compiling dance music in my IPOD for my daily cardio workout. i’ve also been doing alot of hiking in the canyons near my house and country line dancing down at a terrific little club on ventura blvd. i’m determined to get my body “snatched for the gods” by this summer.
...TAYLOR DAYNE has recorded SUPERMODEL (YOU BETTER WORK) for the soundtrack to THE LIZZIE McGUIRE MOVIE. THE GREAT DAYNE is one of my all-time favorite singers ever, so it is a great honor to have her sing a song that i co-wrote.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, May 03, 2003 | Permalink
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