Friday, May 30, 2003
Greetings from the trailer park!
I'm back from New Mexico where I had the most wonderful time shooting in the gorgeous red clay mountains of Jimez Pueblo outside of Albuquerque where I played a sexy (I thought) lesbian park ranger in A THIEF OF TIME, based on the Tony Hillerman novel. Our Executive Producer, Robert Redford, is so good at bringing talented people together, not to mention what he has done for the environment and the preservation of the Native American culture. I loved my character, the script, the director, my fellow actors, the crew, the location...ALL OF IT! But I did miss my trailer and am glad to be back in the play.
THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS Of A TRAILER TRASH HOUSEWIFE has been extended till August 4th and it is my intention and hope to stay in it till the end of the run.
Later today I'll send you a flyer with some lovely reviews for which we are very grateful. Thank you for your support and love. This has been the most challenging and exciting creative journey of my life. I appreciate (and need) every drop of goodwill that comes my way!!
Much love, Beth
Here again is the information on Industry Discounts:
Thursdays $15, Fridays and Sundays $20 delaneprods@aol.com
There are no discounts for Saturdays, for reservations call 323-655-TKTS (8587)
Posted by Ru
Friday, May 30, 2003
at Friday, May 30, 2003 | Permalink
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