Wednesday, April 30, 2003
yes, my blog has suffered due to the installation of satellite tv in my house. in addition to JUDGE JUDY, THE GOLDEN GIRLS and the TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK , here’s what i’m watching :
7) WHAT NOT TO WEAR (uk version)
ironically, after renewing my devotion to DENVER CARRINGTON, i got the following note from Quatorzejames.
"John and his tennis shorts were always the best thing on Dynasty. That
and Pamela Sue Martin..."
oh yes, girl.
pamela sue martin rocked!
even on "nancy drew", she was stone cold.
her faintly pained, distracted whisper.
the sulky, emerald raging eyes.
the beige pantsuits!
p. sue was the real fallon carrington.
if only fallon could have died with dignity in the fire at la mirage...
one day fallon went up in a space ship, and when she came back down she had
a lobotomy, a bouffant and a barely concealed english accent.
what did those fucking aliens do to her up there????
fallon was never the same after that.
i curse aaron spelling and the b*tch emma samms to this day.
together, those hacks perverted the memory of fallon carrington,
and i can't or won't forgive...
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, April 30, 2003 | Permalink
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
springtime continues to be lovely for me, physically, emotionally and spiritually. i just feel fantastic, a stark contrast to this past winter.
monday, i got behind the camera and played photographer for a magazine spread. the photos will reveal a very different side of THIS SEXY STAR .
tuesday, THIS GENIUS had a small group of people over to his house for food and hang time. THESE AMAZING GIRLS were also in attendance with their babies and some of their road crew. they couldn’t have been any lovelier, in spite of the dark cloud hovering near by.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, April 23, 2003 | Permalink
Sunday, April 20, 2003
i just finished preparing corn on the cob for the first time in my life, and i am thrilled to death with myself. sure, i’ve been “corn holed” several times (who hasn’t ?), but i’ve never actually cooked it. my friend ILENE told me how simple it was and she was right. she told me to remove all the hairy bits and pieces from the corn cob, and then wrap the corn cob in a wet paper towel. next, pop it into the microwave for 3 minutes and viola ! i put a little butter on it, took a bite and... oh dear lord (spoken with a southern accent), i was in corn exstacy ! when i was growing up, our stove was used to light cigarettes, which explains why i’ve had a limited interest in cooking, but that’s all changing. up next on the menu is broccoli and asparagus, which ILENE also taught me how to nuke.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, April 20, 2003 | Permalink
Friday, April 18, 2003
Dear, Rupaul.
I wanna start by telling you I love you very much. When I was 16 years old I got very sick. I was in the hospital. I remember watching your show for the first time. That was the first and only time I watched. I could not talk to anyone all I could do would be grunt. and make other sounds. My mom would stand by my side and for almost six months I tried to tell her to turn you on so I could watch. but she never understood me. On the sixth month I said only one word "RU". That is all I could say, She had no idea what I was talking about. So she ask everyone what "RU" ment. no one knew. One day One month later I said "Paul". My sister jumped up and said Rupaul! I grunted! and did everything in my power to let them know that is what I wanted. So I watched you every time I could. If I did'nt feel like watching I could always hear you. I am 23 now and On the road to better health. I feel alot better. I don't have any money because I could not go to school. but I am makeing it. I just wanted to thank you for being in my life. If I was not always trying to tell the to turn you on so I could watch. I most likely would have gave up and died. but you saved me. I owe my life to you.
Thank you Lynn.
like omg your so gross my brother jason is gay and is like not girly at all like YOU!!! like hello get with it your a boy not a GIRL!! you like give gay men a bad name!
Hey Ru,
Not sure if you remember me, but I e-mailed you a while back. But anyway I haven't been to your web site in a while, so I decided to check it out, see whatcu been up to lately on your web log. As I was scrolling down reading all your great entries, I noticed something you said at the end of one of your paragraphs talkin about Diana. You said
" i look forward to the day when the gay social revolution evolves into a new sense of gay pride that celebrates and encourages flamboyant behavior instead of trying to prove that we can be just as “straight acting” and boring as a GAP ad. "
And I truly could not agree with you more. Because I guess you can say that this is a battle I'm currently fighting. So many gay men now adays want to be straight acting, and masculine as hell. And it really hurts because here on AOL almost every gay man is like that, and in a 2 week span I had over 76 guys stop talkin to me, after they saw my picture I sent them threw e-mail. And the thing is I ain't ugly, but cuz I'm fem is the reason I get rejected a lot. I was even told once by this guy on here that, quote "I should die cuz I give a bad name to gay men everywhere, by being fem" and it's bad enough I get rejected cuz I'm black. I also remember you saying you've been discriminated by all kinds of people, even gay, and black, and so have I. I mean you would think we as gay people have enough in this world to deal with, then to put ourselves into little categories like "Str8 acting" "Fem acting" "Black/White" or Preppy/Thug. But I guess that's the way things are now, I hope you are right about one day being flamboyant won't be like a SIN among gay people anymore. Because the last thing we need to do is segregate ourselves. But sometimes I don't know who is worse Gay people or Straight people! But yea though it was nice talkin to you again and I would like to hear your opinion on this issue, so please write back. Talk to you later Ru ;-)
I must have been living under a rock. How in the world did I never visit your site before yesterday? I am still in awe, and very inspired. You are truly blessed to be able to do what you do and be who you are and enjoy it (you do enjoy it, don't you?). On top of that, you inspire others who admire you at the same time. WOW.
I was looking through your gallery and remembered the first time my homophobic asshole of a cousin first saw your "Supermodel" video. He was instantly floored, his jaw was all over the carpet. He was all "Who is THAT?!?!?" and "She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!" (which is true). I had to tell him, Mr. Gay Basher, that his hormones were doing loop-de-loops for a very beautiful man. He didn't believe me, but I'm sure he knows now. Maybe I enjoyed it a little too much. That was the last time we spoke. Good riddance.
If you are half as beautiful inside as you are outside (in makeup or without), then you are really too good to be true. Keep doing what you do. You make me want to be a better woman.
- Meri
Hi, superbeauty!
You sound so lovely and look so sexy!
I'm ******,Italian-American,39 years old,5'10" tall,166 pounds,looking and feeling much younger;interesting,very sexy,sun-tanned,good looking,graduate,living in ******,wonderful island to the North of ******;I'm single and run a business as a property-manager;I'd like to invite you over here and have the chance to know each other better than virtual reality.
I had wonderful girls in my life and a few of them were famous,too;I've always been attracted by extremely feminine creatures,sophisticated ladies and spontaneous beauties!
I had relations,for an instance,with a German girl,modeling for Karl Lagerfeld and testimonial for leading companies in several commercials(cars,jewels,etc.etc.); imagine,she had been engaged with a prince(a real one!),first cousin of the Queen of Denmark;or an Austrian,main director of the most popular magazine in Vienna(Wiener magazine);then a French woman,professor of Contemporary Hystory at Sorbonne University in Paris;lately,an Italian journalist,well known in Italy as she's author of poetry-books and architectural digests.
Yet,I've always wished to have a nice girl forever!
I feel attracted by you and wish I may find the way to show you my personality and sex-appeal with imagination and spontaneity!
What else should I say?I feel so excited,already!
I love poetry, theatre,sun and sea,rain and wind!
I'd spend long time in the sun with you,just by the shore, between sand and ocean,both naked,skin to skin,sex to sex!
Lots of hugs and kisses!Ciao bellissima!
Posted by Ru
at Friday, April 18, 2003 | Permalink
Thursday, April 17, 2003
every single one of them is so beautiful .
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, April 17, 2003 | Permalink
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
it's been seven days since my last marlboro medium, and i've gone to the gym everyday this past week.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, April 16, 2003 | Permalink
Friday, April 11, 2003
well, i finally done went and did it...i got DIRECT TV. after 3 years of not having cable (on account of my extreme channel surfing habit), i finally broke down and had the satellite installed. the real incentive was TIVO (which hasn’t been hooked up yet), and the thought of seeing a picture perfect JUDGE JUDY whenever i wanted to. goodbye rabbit ears, hello bloodshot eyes. be afraid for me... i may never leave my house again.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, April 11, 2003 | Permalink
Monday, April 07, 2003
recently, my friend TOM asked me to put together a comprehensive DIANA ROSS compilation for him. he had just watched her E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY and realized that he didn’t know the whole span of her musical career (he’s only 25). i read somewhere once that DIANA has made over 60 albums including the movie soundtrack albums, tv specials, live albums, compilations and her tenure with THE “super duper” SUPREMES. i have everything she’s ever recorded, so it took me a couple of weeks to fulfill TOM’S request. i focused only on her solo career, since her time with “the girls” is easily represented by their box set. my spin on a comprehensive ROSS compilation turned out to be a 6 disc set with the following categories : ballads one, ballads two, dance one, dance two, potpourri and early solo.
i had a blast putting it together, and the process reignited my love for all things ROSS. DIANA was my first musical love. i began to worship her from the first moment i saw THE SUPREMES on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW in 1965. back then, it was a rare occasion for black people to appear on television, and even more rare for black people to appear on television looking as poised, sophisticated and chic as THE SUPREMES did. they immediately became symbols of pride in the black community because they, along with, DR. KING, SIDNEY POITIER and CASSIUS CLAY, exemplified what we as black people could be and more.
THE SUPREMES were exactly as their name implied, but DIANA in particular, caught my attention because of her energy, her beauty and her remarkable talent. she exuded that certain magic that can only be defined as “star quality” . add to that a perfect pop voice that could cut through the static of AM radio, and i had the idol i would pattern my own show business aspirations after. in fact, throughout her stellar solo career, she set the standard of glamour and elegance that every songstress who came up after her had to recognize. DIANA ROSS was the undeniable QUEEN OF POP. strangely, most people seem to forget that her voice has propelled 18 songs to the #1 pop position (a record she held for 20 years).
when the hip hop music and rap culture exploded onto the scene in the early eighties, DIANA’s polished and flawless style no longer represented what urban audiences wanted to emulate. it became hip to be “real” and “ghetto” and not appear as if you were “trying to be like white folks”. by the second half of the eighties, the new sense of black pride spelled a serious backlash for DIANA’s career. this social archetype is similar to when jewish people stopped changing their last names to less ethnic sounding last names to avoid being discriminated against. i look forward to the day when the gay social revolution evolves into a new sense of gay pride that celebrates and encourages flamboyant behavior instead of trying to prove that we can be just as “straight acting” and boring as a GAP ad.
if you are new to the DIANA ROSS experience, start with her best album ever, entitled THE BOSS, produced by the great NICK ASHFORD and VALERIE SIMPSON. another great ROSS album is also her biggest seller, simply entitled DIANA, produced by NILE RODGERS and BERNARD EDWARDS of CHIC.
here is a list of my top ten favorite DIANA ROSS songs:
1. experience
2. summertime
3. to love again
4. since you came (electro remix)
5. i ain’t been licked
6. no one gets the prize
8. two can make it
9. until we meet again
10. upside down
here is a list of my top ten favorite DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES songs:
1. some things you never get used to
2. love is like an itching in my heart
3. reflections
4. love is here and now you’re gone
5. the happening
6. in and out of love
7. back in my arms again
8. i hear a symphony
9. you keep me hanging on
10. my world is empty without you
Posted by Ru
at Monday, April 07, 2003 | Permalink
Friday, April 04, 2003
a couple of weeks ago, a guy e-mailed me asking if i could suggest a name for the trannie bar he was opening in NYC. after consulting with the best trannie minds on the west coast, i sent over this list of the better names we came up with.
1. t.s...i love you
2. transactions
3. ‘78 trans am
4. transformer
5. twa (trans world airlines)
6. trannieapolis
7. trannie get your gun
8. the transit authority
9. manhattan transfer
10. whores
Posted by Ru
at Friday, April 04, 2003 | Permalink
Thursday, April 03, 2003
male strip clubs are a rarity in los angeles county. even more rare are clubs that allow you to smoke cigarettes. well, tonight TOM and i embarked on a club in the san fernando valley that featured both male strippers and indoor smoking (yes, i’m still smoking, 28 years and counting/coughing). i couldn’t believe it ! i kept thinking that the joint was gonna get raided by the cops at any moment.
california is the state that pioneered “no smoking laws”. contrary to popular belief due to movies and television, “the golden state” is a very, very conservative place. that’s why i seek out and support subversion wherever i can find it, even if it’s in the deepest crevices of “the valley”.
the show was amazing, due mainly to one dancer, who did an erotic striptease tribute to the lives lost on 9/11. the dancer, who looked all of 16 years old, entered the stage to the sounds of audio taped news accounts of the tragedy. he then held up cardboard signs that read “9/11/01-never forget !” and “why ? what for ? religion ?”. TOM and i were in DAVID LYNCH heaven, whispering “is this really happening ?”. nothing is sexier than a tribute to the dead. since we were seated up front and center, we had to keep a straight face, as not to draw attention to our sick and twisted sense of humor. pinching each other to suppress volcanic guffaws, in the same way me and my younger sister would do in church.
another high point of the revue was the appearance of a first time stripper from brazil (need i say more ? ouch !). he had the smoothest ass cheeks i’ve ever had the pleasure of groping. i would reveal the name of this place, but i don’t want to jeopardize it’s existence by calling any more attention to it. this place is too fucking good to be true.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, April 03, 2003 | Permalink
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
i met WHITNEY HOUSTON tonight, but more on that later.
spring is in the air and i’ve been feeling fantastic. i can’t remember the last time i had as much fun as i've had this past weekend.
thursday night, i had dinner with my ol’ pal ALISON, who was in town visiting from nyc. after dinner, we bumped into porn superstar JACK SIMMONS at the VIRGIN MEGA-STORE and chatted with him for a while.
friday night, me and STEVE went to see the movie LAUREL CANYON, which i enjoyed mostly because of FRANCES McDORMAND. she looks exactly like my therapist, and i simply adore my therapist. KATE BECKINSALE is also in the film, but i was very distracted by her overly whitened teeth. after the movie, we drove over to west hollywood to pick up my dear friend DAVID DALRYMPLE. he was in town from nyc to style ANASTASIA for a photo shoot with MATTHEW RALSTON. by midnight, we all met up with 4 other friends at PEANUTS for the transsexual strip show. we danced and key key’d for hours until after the show, when we all caravaned over to BOB’S BIG BOY for freedom fries and chocolate shakes. i didn’t get home from partying until 3am, which is unheard of in los angeles.
saturday night, me, DAVID and TOM went to a charity event at the yacht club in MARINA DEL REY. it had been organized by BOB JONES (michael’s publicist) and ROLONDA WATTS. we sat at the BMI table with THELMA HOUSTON, FREDA PAYNE and SHERRIE PAYNE. JACKEE HARRY kept us in stitches, and i was thrilled to meet JANET DuBOIS (“willona” from GOOD TIMES). later on, we went to a cocktail party thrown by DEAN (formerly known as LORETTA HOGG) and GINA (fka CHICKLET), both of whom DAVID and i have known for 14 years, from back in the days when we were all downtown club whores in new york city.
sunday morning, DAVID and i drove out to malibu to take pictures in front of CHER’S beach front mansion. it was a gorgeous california day, and perfect for DAVID to see the pacific ocean for the first time. that night, DAVID flew back to gotham, and i went to see the film A VIEW FROM THE TOP, which totally sucked.
tonight, my friend SAMI invited me to a screening of GUNS AND ROSES, the new western starring LIL KIM and BOBBY BROWN. during the film, i got up to go to the restroom, and as i approached the area where the restroom doors are, i saw BOBBY standing in front of the door with 2 bodyguards. i rarely ever say hello to celebrities for fear of getting my feelings hurt, so i just walked on by, but before i could go in, BOBBY said “RU ?...BOBBY BROWN” and i said “HI, i’m RU” and we shook hands. as i turned to go into the mens room, WHITNEY was exiting the ladies room and our eyes met and we smiled. as the mens room door closed behind me, i could hear BOBBY telling WHITNEY that “that was RuPAUL”. next thing i knew and before i could do my thing, BOBBY had come into the mens room and said “RU, my wife wants to meet you”. i walked out into the hallway and there she was. she looked absolutely beautiful and healthy, wearing a pair of tight jeans and a low cut blouse under a leather blazer. she said “i love you...i love your work, man” and i said “thank you... i love you, too”, as we smiled, shook hands and said goodbye.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, April 01, 2003 | Permalink
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