Tuesday, April 01, 2003
i met WHITNEY HOUSTON tonight, but more on that later.
spring is in the air and i’ve been feeling fantastic. i can’t remember the last time i had as much fun as i've had this past weekend.
thursday night, i had dinner with my ol’ pal ALISON, who was in town visiting from nyc. after dinner, we bumped into porn superstar JACK SIMMONS at the VIRGIN MEGA-STORE and chatted with him for a while.
friday night, me and STEVE went to see the movie LAUREL CANYON, which i enjoyed mostly because of FRANCES McDORMAND. she looks exactly like my therapist, and i simply adore my therapist. KATE BECKINSALE is also in the film, but i was very distracted by her overly whitened teeth. after the movie, we drove over to west hollywood to pick up my dear friend DAVID DALRYMPLE. he was in town from nyc to style ANASTASIA for a photo shoot with MATTHEW RALSTON. by midnight, we all met up with 4 other friends at PEANUTS for the transsexual strip show. we danced and key key’d for hours until after the show, when we all caravaned over to BOB’S BIG BOY for freedom fries and chocolate shakes. i didn’t get home from partying until 3am, which is unheard of in los angeles.
saturday night, me, DAVID and TOM went to a charity event at the yacht club in MARINA DEL REY. it had been organized by BOB JONES (michael’s publicist) and ROLONDA WATTS. we sat at the BMI table with THELMA HOUSTON, FREDA PAYNE and SHERRIE PAYNE. JACKEE HARRY kept us in stitches, and i was thrilled to meet JANET DuBOIS (“willona” from GOOD TIMES). later on, we went to a cocktail party thrown by DEAN (formerly known as LORETTA HOGG) and GINA (fka CHICKLET), both of whom DAVID and i have known for 14 years, from back in the days when we were all downtown club whores in new york city.
sunday morning, DAVID and i drove out to malibu to take pictures in front of CHER’S beach front mansion. it was a gorgeous california day, and perfect for DAVID to see the pacific ocean for the first time. that night, DAVID flew back to gotham, and i went to see the film A VIEW FROM THE TOP, which totally sucked.
tonight, my friend SAMI invited me to a screening of GUNS AND ROSES, the new western starring LIL KIM and BOBBY BROWN. during the film, i got up to go to the restroom, and as i approached the area where the restroom doors are, i saw BOBBY standing in front of the door with 2 bodyguards. i rarely ever say hello to celebrities for fear of getting my feelings hurt, so i just walked on by, but before i could go in, BOBBY said “RU ?...BOBBY BROWN” and i said “HI, i’m RU” and we shook hands. as i turned to go into the mens room, WHITNEY was exiting the ladies room and our eyes met and we smiled. as the mens room door closed behind me, i could hear BOBBY telling WHITNEY that “that was RuPAUL”. next thing i knew and before i could do my thing, BOBBY had come into the mens room and said “RU, my wife wants to meet you”. i walked out into the hallway and there she was. she looked absolutely beautiful and healthy, wearing a pair of tight jeans and a low cut blouse under a leather blazer. she said “i love you...i love your work, man” and i said “thank you... i love you, too”, as we smiled, shook hands and said goodbye.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
at Tuesday, April 01, 2003 | Permalink
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