Thursday, April 03, 2003
male strip clubs are a rarity in los angeles county. even more rare are clubs that allow you to smoke cigarettes. well, tonight TOM and i embarked on a club in the san fernando valley that featured both male strippers and indoor smoking (yes, i’m still smoking, 28 years and counting/coughing). i couldn’t believe it ! i kept thinking that the joint was gonna get raided by the cops at any moment.
california is the state that pioneered “no smoking laws”. contrary to popular belief due to movies and television, “the golden state” is a very, very conservative place. that’s why i seek out and support subversion wherever i can find it, even if it’s in the deepest crevices of “the valley”.
the show was amazing, due mainly to one dancer, who did an erotic striptease tribute to the lives lost on 9/11. the dancer, who looked all of 16 years old, entered the stage to the sounds of audio taped news accounts of the tragedy. he then held up cardboard signs that read “9/11/01-never forget !” and “why ? what for ? religion ?”. TOM and i were in DAVID LYNCH heaven, whispering “is this really happening ?”. nothing is sexier than a tribute to the dead. since we were seated up front and center, we had to keep a straight face, as not to draw attention to our sick and twisted sense of humor. pinching each other to suppress volcanic guffaws, in the same way me and my younger sister would do in church.
another high point of the revue was the appearance of a first time stripper from brazil (need i say more ? ouch !). he had the smoothest ass cheeks i’ve ever had the pleasure of groping. i would reveal the name of this place, but i don’t want to jeopardize it’s existence by calling any more attention to it. this place is too fucking good to be true.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, April 03, 2003
at Thursday, April 03, 2003 | Permalink
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