Friday, April 18, 2003
Dear, Rupaul.
I wanna start by telling you I love you very much. When I was 16 years old I got very sick. I was in the hospital. I remember watching your show for the first time. That was the first and only time I watched. I could not talk to anyone all I could do would be grunt. and make other sounds. My mom would stand by my side and for almost six months I tried to tell her to turn you on so I could watch. but she never understood me. On the sixth month I said only one word "RU". That is all I could say, She had no idea what I was talking about. So she ask everyone what "RU" ment. no one knew. One day One month later I said "Paul". My sister jumped up and said Rupaul! I grunted! and did everything in my power to let them know that is what I wanted. So I watched you every time I could. If I did'nt feel like watching I could always hear you. I am 23 now and On the road to better health. I feel alot better. I don't have any money because I could not go to school. but I am makeing it. I just wanted to thank you for being in my life. If I was not always trying to tell the to turn you on so I could watch. I most likely would have gave up and died. but you saved me. I owe my life to you.
Thank you Lynn.
like omg your so gross my brother jason is gay and is like not girly at all like YOU!!! like hello get with it your a boy not a GIRL!! you like give gay men a bad name!
Hey Ru,
Not sure if you remember me, but I e-mailed you a while back. But anyway I haven't been to your web site in a while, so I decided to check it out, see whatcu been up to lately on your web log. As I was scrolling down reading all your great entries, I noticed something you said at the end of one of your paragraphs talkin about Diana. You said
" i look forward to the day when the gay social revolution evolves into a new sense of gay pride that celebrates and encourages flamboyant behavior instead of trying to prove that we can be just as “straight acting” and boring as a GAP ad. "
And I truly could not agree with you more. Because I guess you can say that this is a battle I'm currently fighting. So many gay men now adays want to be straight acting, and masculine as hell. And it really hurts because here on AOL almost every gay man is like that, and in a 2 week span I had over 76 guys stop talkin to me, after they saw my picture I sent them threw e-mail. And the thing is I ain't ugly, but cuz I'm fem is the reason I get rejected a lot. I was even told once by this guy on here that, quote "I should die cuz I give a bad name to gay men everywhere, by being fem" and it's bad enough I get rejected cuz I'm black. I also remember you saying you've been discriminated by all kinds of people, even gay, and black, and so have I. I mean you would think we as gay people have enough in this world to deal with, then to put ourselves into little categories like "Str8 acting" "Fem acting" "Black/White" or Preppy/Thug. But I guess that's the way things are now, I hope you are right about one day being flamboyant won't be like a SIN among gay people anymore. Because the last thing we need to do is segregate ourselves. But sometimes I don't know who is worse Gay people or Straight people! But yea though it was nice talkin to you again and I would like to hear your opinion on this issue, so please write back. Talk to you later Ru ;-)
I must have been living under a rock. How in the world did I never visit your site before yesterday? I am still in awe, and very inspired. You are truly blessed to be able to do what you do and be who you are and enjoy it (you do enjoy it, don't you?). On top of that, you inspire others who admire you at the same time. WOW.
I was looking through your gallery and remembered the first time my homophobic asshole of a cousin first saw your "Supermodel" video. He was instantly floored, his jaw was all over the carpet. He was all "Who is THAT?!?!?" and "She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!" (which is true). I had to tell him, Mr. Gay Basher, that his hormones were doing loop-de-loops for a very beautiful man. He didn't believe me, but I'm sure he knows now. Maybe I enjoyed it a little too much. That was the last time we spoke. Good riddance.
If you are half as beautiful inside as you are outside (in makeup or without), then you are really too good to be true. Keep doing what you do. You make me want to be a better woman.
- Meri
Hi, superbeauty!
You sound so lovely and look so sexy!
I'm ******,Italian-American,39 years old,5'10" tall,166 pounds,looking and feeling much younger;interesting,very sexy,sun-tanned,good looking,graduate,living in ******,wonderful island to the North of ******;I'm single and run a business as a property-manager;I'd like to invite you over here and have the chance to know each other better than virtual reality.
I had wonderful girls in my life and a few of them were famous,too;I've always been attracted by extremely feminine creatures,sophisticated ladies and spontaneous beauties!
I had relations,for an instance,with a German girl,modeling for Karl Lagerfeld and testimonial for leading companies in several commercials(cars,jewels,etc.etc.); imagine,she had been engaged with a prince(a real one!),first cousin of the Queen of Denmark;or an Austrian,main director of the most popular magazine in Vienna(Wiener magazine);then a French woman,professor of Contemporary Hystory at Sorbonne University in Paris;lately,an Italian journalist,well known in Italy as she's author of poetry-books and architectural digests.
Yet,I've always wished to have a nice girl forever!
I feel attracted by you and wish I may find the way to show you my personality and sex-appeal with imagination and spontaneity!
What else should I say?I feel so excited,already!
I love poetry, theatre,sun and sea,rain and wind!
I'd spend long time in the sun with you,just by the shore, between sand and ocean,both naked,skin to skin,sex to sex!
Lots of hugs and kisses!Ciao bellissima!
Posted by Ru
Friday, April 18, 2003
at Friday, April 18, 2003 | Permalink
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