Sunday, March 31, 2002
I read in your book that I must moisturize. I'm getting ready to graduate and feeling bad about my body image. Is there any minor things I can do to look good...or snatched? I just feel fat..and ugly...
love the site...thanks for keeping life intresting.
I luv you and have a serious skin disorder and would like to know how you get your skin to look so flawless, Ive read Mathu does your make up and would like to know a simple technique of application, also a good product to use. Also if there is a book you have out to teach me this please let me know(also Mathu). Thank you for your consideration.
when an airplane flies off into the horizon, it looks like it’s getting smaller and smaller. but, is the plane actually shrinking ? no. it just looks that way from where you are standing, your perception is askew. the eye can be tricked. i constantly asked God to guide my thoughts, my feelings and my perceptions on a daily basis. you could be the most beautiful creature on the planet, but in your eyes, you think you look like a piece of crap. the pictures you see of me have been WHOOSH’D and WHOMP’D by photoshop (and don’t get it twisted, so have the pictures of the teenage models in ALL the magazines). and yes, there are things you can do to improve your physical appearance...exercise, sleep, drink only water, don't smoke, stay out of the sun and eat real food, but the major changes will occur when you learn to change your perceptions...ie, change your mind. the thoughts that you think are very powerful and they manifest themselves in and on your body. so here the old cliche really does apply...beauty comes from within.
“use the force, luke!”
love, ru.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, March 31, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
desmond child invited me and pj over to hotel l’ermitage for cocktails last night. once there, desmond introduced me to jon bon jovi, with whom he co-wrote YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME. later, i tipped over to THE GIG on melrose where siedah garrett debuted her new rock band called MOIST. they were amazing ! next tuesday night they’ll perform at THE VIPER ROOM and i will surely be there.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, March 27, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, March 25, 2002
in keeping with the theme of the party, boxing gloves were sent out as invitations. there was even a boxing ring set up between the malibu beach house and the pacific ocean. but the real knockout of the evening was seeing diana so happy and full of joy. all five of her children were there, as well as a hand full of her ex-lovers (a true sign of being cherished). it was a wonderful party ! i danced all night long and only stopped dancing to eat, meet or get hooked up to the oxygen bar provided on the back patio. rapper biz markie deejayed the bash with a mixture of old school r&b, paradise garage style dance music and current hip hop. i can honestly say that everyone there had a great time. there were two distinct highlights of the celebration, berry gordy and diana dancing “the bop” and stevie wonder singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY from his masterpiece album HOTTER THAN JULY. i grew up idolizing these people, and to some degree i still do. being there was a dream come true that i will never forget. also at the party were : gene simmons, shannon tweed, kevin costner, kareem abdul jabaar, jon voight, sherrie payne, brenda russell, bob mackie, desmond child, hugh hefner and his girlfriends, robert shapiro, suzanne de passe, dolores robinson, nona gaye, blair underwood, bob ellis, mario van peeples and pj jones.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, March 25, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, March 23, 2002
i spoke with the “lady” bunny earlier this week and she told me that she would be here in hollywood to d.j. at the 30th anniversary party for falcon films. she said she had a new batch of songs that she had written and that one in particular would be perfect for me to record. we’ve known each other for 20 years and the one thing we’ve always connected on is music. last night before i went to the party, i burned her a cd copy of ketcha jenkins’ I NEED SOMEBODY from ‘88 and a shirley q. liquor compilation that mathu let me borrow. i also wore an outfit that resembled snoop dogg in the movie BONES, all black topped with a western style bowler hat and straight shoulder length black hair. my eyes were covered in black kohl, as to look like a gay blacula. the party was at the beautifully refurbished park west hotel located next to macarthur park (donna summer’s version of that song kept playing in my head). by the time i got there the party was in full swing and the “lady” bun-bun was in rare form. we key-key’d and cut up for a while and then exchanged cd’s. later, i roamed around a bit to check out some of the hundreds of male porn stars that decorated the joint. i saw colby taylor, chris steele, michael brandon, caesar, matthew rush, blake harper and many, many more. i danced with jason tyler and sat and talked with jeremy penn for 20 minutes at chi chi la rue and john rutherford’s table. it was alot of fun and as i was waiting for the valet to bring my car around, i said hello to jeff stryker. he said hi but didn’t recognize me and i didn’t tell him it was me. i once gave him a lifetime achievement award on my talk show. i haven’t listened to the “lady” bonkers demo yet, but i will tomorrow.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, March 23, 2002 | Permalink
Thursday, March 21, 2002
one of the many gorgeous aspects of getting older is surgical maintenance. today, i had the pleasure of oral surgery ! and let me tell you, it was a goddamn laugh riot ! actually, it wasn’t really as bad as it could’ve been (as i type this blog with one hand on the keypad and one hand holding an ice pack to my face). truth be told, i have a high tolerance for pain. a tolerance built up by spending the first 15 hideous years of my life in san di(fucking)ego. nothing compares to the pain i endured there. the worst part of today’s procedure was the cold water they used to irrigate my mouth. my teeth can’t take the cold. other than that, there was no problem. my dentist replaced bone and did a tissue graph, as i laid there with my headphones blasting cher’s new album LIVING PROOF. come to think of it, every time i’ve had something “done”, i’m listening to a cher album. i guess it’s my sonic mantra...i can turn back time...i can turn back time. my dentist will eventually do my whole mouth. he did my right upper quadrant this afternoon and my upper left 6 weeks ago, thus leaving only my bottom to explore next time. tee hee. i had a black eye and a swollen face from the surgery 6 weeks ago and i fully expect the same this time. a perfect look for the superduper megastar’s birthday bash i’m invited to this saturday in malibu. i’ll give you a clue : her actual b-day is march 26.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, March 21, 2002 | Permalink
i finally saw LORD OF THE RINGS last night and it struck me that elijah wood looks like michael jackson in the film, circa 1988... the BAD album. i liked the movie, although i really couldn’t tell you why.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, March 21, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
saw the bruce weber film called CHOP SUEY the other night. i especially enjoyed the bits about a singer called frances faye, with whom i wasn’t too familiar. ironically, i remember seeing a cd of her’s at MEDIUM RARE in san francisco last week. she was a hoot and a half. the movie is like a weblog put on film, a compilation of footage from the past 15 years of weber’s career. lots of male nudity and great on -camera sound bits from the dorothy zbornak of fashion, diana vreeland.
a friend told me about this site, where i got my astrological chart done for free. it was right on target in terms of my personality and...well everything. you should check it out by CLICKING HERE.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, March 19, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, March 17, 2002
i’ve re-sequenced michael jackson’s album INVINCIBLE and now i’m in love with it. wasn’t so crazy about it when it first came out. i also chopped off that embarrassing chris tucker intro to YOU ROCK MY WORLD. i made a mini-disc copy of the whole album and this is the order i put it in :
1) you rock my world
2) butterflies
3) whatever happens
4) speechless
5) invincible
6) heaven can wait
7) break of dawn
8) heartbreaker
9) unbreakable
10) you are my life
11) don’t walk away
12) threatened
13) cry
14) 2000 watts
i left the songs PRIVACY and THE LOST CHILDREN off my disc. apparently, there are some extra tracks on the japanese import. it took me a few years to fall in love with the remix album BLOOD ON THE DANCEFLOOR, now i’m crazy about it.
whenever i’m in san francisco, the first stop i make (even before the NOB HILL MALE BURLESQUE THEATER) is to a cd store called MEDIUM RARE. it’s at market and castro, and it’s fucking awesome ! last week the cd’s i picked up were :
1) scarface / original motion picture soundtrack / giorgio moroder. i’ve been looking for this thing forever. english import.
2) lime / the greatest hits. ever since the movie glitter, i’ve been dying to dance around the house to...babe, we’re gonna love tonite !
3) toni tenille / incurably romantic
4) oleta adams / all the love
5) patti labelle / it’s alright & released / double cd, english import.
6) patti labelle / tasty & patti labelle / double cd, english import.
7) liza minnelli / tropical nights. terrible album, had to have it.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, March 17, 2002 | Permalink
Thursday, March 14, 2002
hey ru-y iam an 18 year old male and i must say ur the hottest thing ive seen in months and i want to fuck u so please write me @ *********please i would also like a personal pic of u naked i love people like u uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh ur maken me horny already please send that pic send 2 if u like love joe
i just have to tell you that you have got to be the hottest person i have
ever seen in drag. what really amazed me is that i'm not gay, but you look
hotter than most girls. keep up the good work.
First I wanna say GO ON GURL, You have made such an impact on my life. You are truley my one and only role model. I am 16 transgender and in and out between shelters. I cant stand it, form amily 1 reason, I lose all my cloths,SHOES,makeup and MY HAIR.
But through all my pain and distress, I allways had a copy of Lettin It All Hangout.thats has been my Bible.Thank you. Its really hard to be transgender and get through life. I wanna be a star I wanna dance I wanna perform. I dont know the resourses to do this and I REALLY dont have money to do it either. But i know I will manage sumway or another. My first drag show that I ever did was a song from your album, I did SNAP SHOT!!! hey let me show what I got, I want the people to see I want the world to see, People are starting to be more understanding of gay and lesbians, But they leave Us T gurls out in the wind, So i need to stand proud and show these people that we are humans 2, were just the cute version. LoL!! I dont know if this letter will ven reach you, But I sure hope it does. Mabey you can give me sum resourses, of what I can do, scholorships sumthing that can help me on my way, but just to see your words writing me would put an everlasting smile on my face.:)
In the words of your mom, she put them the best if "If I am lying then I am Flying and I sure the hell dont see no damn wings":P God Bless her soul.Much respect.
So mabey you could help me out with teaching me sum usefull things to know when performing how to move a crowd make them want more..
Well I really dont wanna waste your time, I really do hope that this letter reaches you,
I LOVE YOU RU... As much as youll never know,
God bless you and my prayers are withyou..
Love allways,
Dear RuPaul,
Hey my name is Tempus and im writing you to tell you how glamorous you
are, and how special you are. Your soo beautiful and wonderful that when you
walk into a room everyone turns their heads and looks at you. Well im just a
girl who is trying to be that person (well im just now developing a style
but...). When i first saw you, i don't remember when about when i was 10 or
11 and i first saw you i thought we were a beautiful black women and very
vibrant but then when i found out you were a man i was like "WOW thats one
beautiful man" and it was weird for me because that was the first experience
of seeing you know a man dressing up as a women and i thought it was amazing
and something new and nice. You changed my life, because then i realized
that people are people and whatever you look like should not change you and
i like to thank you on that.
First of all i like to clap to *clap clap* you style. WONDERFUL. Your sooo
wild and crazy with what you wear, thats what i want to do you know, but
it's something i can't because i only have one parent and i'm only 15 and i
don't really have any money to look all that wonderful. I do have a nana and
a aunt to support me and help but i mean they don't understand at all. What
i do wear is something comfatable and i get stereotype a lot and that really
bad but i don't care, I just think of how you look so great and you don't
care what you wear and whatnot.
Second of all i don't know what i want to be when i get older but i know i
want something to do with fashion and stars and hollywood you know being
someone important and your that so your my role model :)
I know you probably get emails and letters say how great you are and how
lucky it is to be you but if your reading this letter i'm happy to know that
you took some time off of your wonderful shedule to read this and it's a
honor. Being able to meet you one day would be great and i look forward to
Well i guess this is the end of my letter to you, i just want you to know
that i think that you are great and beautiful and being able to write this
letter is an honor and that i think who you are and what you do is GREAT and
hope to be something like you one day. Well thanks for reading this, even
though it probably didnt make sense.
Love, Tempus *Tempy*
Hi RuPaul,
Love the weblog. You are so gorgeous as a man and a woman. I just wanted you to know that the Philadlephia Inquirer ran an article either last Sunday or the Sunday before about the show Biography and its 15th anniversary. Surounding the article were photos of the various people who have been the most watched on this show, Lincoln, Oprah, etc. And lo and behold in the upper right hand corner right next to Albert Einstein was a gorgeous photo of you!
I had the article put aside because I was going to scan and send but my boyfriend is a clean fanatic and throws out stuff when I am not looking. His last thing he threw out with the Sunday papers and magazines was my new PDA - used only once. I need to slap his hands. So if you want to contact the Philadelphia Inquirer and get a copy or even I think they still sell the plates of it too and you can get that framed.
I just wanted you to know. I thought it was a great honor. Oprah was in the bottom right hand corner too so you had the higher visibility.
Keep up with the website - it is very interesting and I am older I'm sure than most of your fans (51).
Good Luck,
Dear RuPaul,
You were absolutely WONDERFUL last night at the Pottery Barn in San Francisco! And you were such a good sport about it being a smaller audience and a tiny little stage - your performance was as if you were at Carnegie Hall! Thanks!! You are even more beautiful in person - and I am so envious of your perfect physique!! (You must have zero % body fat!) Barbara and I were wishing to have your fanny and thighs, you are gorgeous!
Thank you again for putting on a super show, with all those lovely outfits/costume changes - we really, really enjoyed your show!
I loved reading your bio on your website, and your touching entry about your Mom's last time with you made me cry - it was beautiful.
Best wishes,
Just wanted to drop a note to say for a fantastic show
last night at the Pottery Barn, in San Francisco! You
were awesome, as usual.
I hope the rest of your evening was a good one. ;)
Take Care and Stay Well,
Marty Lingg
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, March 14, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
i saw my first concert in 1969 at the san diego sports arena. at that time, james brown was known as “the hardest working man in show business” and that night he really lived up to his title. at 8 years old, without having ever seen a live concert before, i knew i had witnessed something spectacular. the standard had been set in my mind, for all the shows that followed. i’ve seen alot of excellent shows since then, including david bowie/station to station tour ‘76, earth, wind and fire/gratitude tour-new years eve ‘75 and madonna/blond ambition ‘90. but none could match the impact and grandeur of that first experience for me. tonight, me and pj went to see nsync at the arrowhead pond arena in anaheim and they were terrific. i had a great time and let me tell you, i’m not the biggest nsync fan either. the average age at the event was 14. there was one male for every 20 females. it was almost as much fun studying the audience as it was watching the show. everybody screaming their lungs out for their favorite nsync. my fave is joey, the one who plays the “big brother” and i also love j.c who plays the “falcon porn star” of the group. the guys did a beatles/temptations medley that blew me away! the stage rigging of the show had shit in it that i had never seen before, like this catwalk that was lowered from the ceiling that allowed the guys to walk the perimeter of the arena floor while suspended 25 feet in the air. they also swung tarzan-style into the audience on these big ropes, which was totally awesome. they threw in all the other stuff we’ve come to expect from a mega-act too, like the pyrotechnics with confetti bombs, the costume changes, the video screen and the lip-synced dance production numbers (only two as far as i could tell, everything else they sang live). all in all it was heaps of fun, and i know that somehow, somewhere there is an 8 year old who thinks she saw the greatest concert of her life. and you know what ? ...she probably did.
i always prefer the beatles music when it is performed by other artist. tina turner’s live version of HELP is hauntingly irresistible, bette midler’s rendition of IN MY LIFE reduces me to tears just thinking about it. last night during nsync’s beatles medley, i fell in love with the song HEY JUDE for the first time. the next album i buy will be the soundtrack to the film I AM SAM, which features all cover versions of songs by “the fab four”.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, March 13, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
last night at the club, the girls performed a special BOND GIRL tribute. and who doesn’t love JAMES BOND ? mathu opened the show with THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. he still doesn’t have a drag name, so i suggested MATHMATICA: SHE’S GOT YOUR NUMBER ! here is last night’s set list.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, March 12, 2002 | Permalink
the cross country trip michelle visage was supposed to take last month was postponed until last friday (as per her doctor’s advice). she gave birth to baby lola in NYC and seven days later she boarded an amtrak train with her husband and two daughters bound for CALIFORNIA. yesterday i got a call from her saying that amtrak was fucked up and that they’ll be arriving at LAX from CHICAGO at 11pm. i can’t tell you how happy i am that my girlfriend is living in LOS ANGELES. i’m sure she would say the same. the kids are gorgeous, the husband is a doll and she’s got a great new job as sinbad’s co-host on a new morning drive radio show. my prayers are with them.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, March 12, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, March 10, 2002
i just woke up after sleeping 14 hours. i got up to pee a couple of times, but basically i was shutdown..goodbye...click...dialtone. i feel like what my computer must feel after i’ve applied NORTON FILE SAVER, NORTON DISK DOCTOR and indexed my hard drive. in the words of the great STEPHANIE MILLS, i feel good all over ! this past week, i didn’t get any sleep. between the gig in san francisco early this week and the early morning call time on this tv show , my ass has been worked over like a damn dog, chile ! my call time on SON/BEACH was 6:30, so in order to take a PTA bath (pussy, tittie and ass), i had to get up at 5am ! i’m not complaining, because i’m grateful for the work, but i don’t know how these ALLY McBEAL bitches or those NYPD BLUE children do it day in and day out. yes the money is cute, but standing around for twelve hours, for what will ultimately be less than 3 minutes on screen, starts to feel like torture. thank goodness my character wasn’t in drag. in the movie TO WONG FOO..., i made the mistake of wearing these high heels with very thin straps. let me tell you that after 14 hours on the set, those straps felt like razor blades (i won’t even go into what my dick felt like after being tucked for that long) ! SON/BEACH was great because it was a funny script and i got to play a villain, which i believe is my true calling. pj and steph came to the set on the first day and jack stopped by on the next, but they were all bored to tears after about an hour and had to leave. i know how they felt. the work is so tedious that if you are not the creator of it or a key player in it, you just lose interest. i’ve visited the set of a few porno movies and the same is true there. i made a few of new friends on the set and that was cool, too ! it’s funny how people with the same mental DNA, gravitate toward one another.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, March 10, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, March 09, 2002
i can’t write much, because i gotta get up again at 5am to make my call time on SON OF THE BEACH. i could possibly blog during my down time on the set, but my ibook is too fucked up and i haven’t got the patience to call APPLE SUPPORT (i’d rather call JONNO SUPPORT). i said all that to say this...i’m totally fuckin rockin out because i recieved a cd copy of MUNICH MACHINE’S album called BODYSHINE in the mail. i haven’t heard it in 23 years and i am over the moon. it was sent to me by THIS genius, who read my cd wish list and responded with said album. so, great genie of the web...here is another recording to add to my wish list. i want a copy of CALL ME by SPAGNA circa 1987.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, March 09, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, March 08, 2002
just got back from san francisco an hour ago. i did my nightclub act for a private party last night and had a great time. last night also marked the first time i performed wearing the new look that i sport on the opening page of this website. straight blond hair parted down the middle and tight bell bottom jeans. i’ve always poo-poo’d the idea of wearing pants while in drag because a) i’ve got a great pair of sticks, why cover them ? and b) DUH...they make me look like a man ! the reason i’ve changed my philosophy is because of the fine work that the people over at DuPONT LABORATORIES have done. mathu carved me up a fine pair of foam rubber hips ala BEYONCE and kolby went to downtown L.A to pick me up the new J-LO padded ass ! now all my niggaz look at me and say DAMN, BITCH ! BABY GOT BACK !!! and yes, i do look suspiciously alot like CHER’S current look, but what of it ? (all good things on this planet originate from CHER anyway) i’m going to bed early tonight because i have a 6am call time to the set of SON OF THE BEACH, the BAYWATCH parody show produced by HOWARD STERN. i play a character named HEINOUS ANOS, who is trying to turn the world gay, scientifically. the episode i’m in is called THE GAYTRIX . it’s a take-off of the movie THE MATRIX. my character wears all black and i’m not in drag. too bad, because they’re all gonna miss out on a fabulous piece of ass. tee hee.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, March 08, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
i saw britney’s movie CROSSROADS tonight and i loved it ! she was smart to choose an ensemble cast debut, instead of carrying the entire weight of the acting on her shoulders (like mariah). britney is actually a good actress. aaliyah was a good actress also, too bad her movie is such a stinker. the problem is that i love the vampire myth so much that my standards for vampire movies are too fucking high. the only one that ever came close to the elegance and sensuous sexuality of vampires is THE HUNGER, mainly because it’s stars exuded a preternatural allure. most movies about blood suckers also miss the obvious parallel between initiating new vampires and “turning out” young homosexuals (anne rice surely doesn’t overlook it). it sucks that julian sands fucked up his career, because he was the only actor suited to play LESTAT when the movie version of INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE was made. i'm off to san francisco in the morning to do a job, ironically the same place the actual INTERVIEW took place.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, March 05, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, March 04, 2002
i drove to palm springs this weekend with jazzmun and kolby. jazzmun was a guest star in a show called “boy-lieve it or not” at the FANTASY SPRINGS CASINO. i had been craving a cigarette all week until i walked through the casino...pee-ew! yuck! gambling halls are the last places in california that still allow smoking in-doors. the smell of it on my clothes totally grossed me out and will continue to gross me out...until the cravings return (it’s already been 5 months since my last smoke). we stayed at a hotel called THE VILLA, which was nice enough to comp our rooms. sunday morning, on our way back to HELL-A, we stopped at the CABAZON OUTLET MALL. i bought a mens dress shirt from gucci and one from prada. tonight, me and jack when rollerskating at the MOONLIGHT ROLLERWAY in glendale. it was gay night and he was shocked to learn that i own my own skates. later, went to see THIS movie. i thought it was good and it made me cry, but i suspect it would make a better rental.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, March 04, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, March 01, 2002
my friend "pooks" sent me the mariah carey mtv cribs tape. OMG !!!!!!! it's out of control ! i had to rewind it again and again because i couldn't believe what i was seeing. the thing that sticks in my head is her in house beauty salon. HOT. i fear another mariah heavy rotation week coming on at my house. this tape is turning me into the mariah maniac that i was three weeks ago. thanks pooks.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, March 01, 2002 | Permalink
i had lunch today in the polo lounge at the beverly hills hotel. all i kept thinking of were the movies AMERICAN GIGOLO and CALIFORNIA SUITE. i also spotted some very heavy hitters including : clive davis, charles koppleman, elvis costello, helmut newton and celine dion’s husband, rene.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, March 01, 2002 | Permalink
Q. how was the cruise ?
A. it was like being stuck at a gay pride parade for 5 days.
Q. would you do it again ?
A. the RSVP people, who organized the trip, were terrific and made me feel right at home. the problem is, i’m not a very social person (offstage). so, to answer your question...no.
Q. does that mean that you stayed in your cabin the whole time ?
A. yes. i watched movies and read david sedaris’ book called NAKED. my cabin had a living room and a balcony that opened out onto the sea.
Q. how did the shows go ?
A. i did two shows on saturday night. the first show was a disaster. one of the worst shows of my 20 year career. it started with too much smoke machine, no spotlight and the fact that i couldn’t see the audience. i have to be able to see the audience or else it feels like i’m reacting to a special effect that will be added later to the film by a computer. when i finally did see the audience i realized it was the older crowd from shady pines, who just stared at me as if i were an east village performance artist. as i sang “work the runway, sweetie” their eyes said “walk the plank, bitch”. i just wanted it all to be over. i didn’t even do my monologue. the second show was the complete opposite. it was a blast! i had a great time and so did the audience, who were considerably more clubbie and young. during “supermodel”, i had a guy walk the runway completely nude...except for the cock ring he was wearing.
Q. did you get sea sick ?
A. no, but i could still feel the boat rocking 3 days after we docked.
Q. what was the best and the worst part of the experience ?
A. the worst part was listening to people talk bad about me outside my cabin door. i felt like a sitting duck with nowhere to hide. if i had seen a shore, i would have made a swim for it. the best part was the decadent glamour of being on an oceanliner, somewhere in the pacific, watching JUDGE JUDY on t.v.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, March 01, 2002 | Permalink
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