Saturday, March 23, 2002
i spoke with the “lady” bunny earlier this week and she told me that she would be here in hollywood to d.j. at the 30th anniversary party for falcon films. she said she had a new batch of songs that she had written and that one in particular would be perfect for me to record. we’ve known each other for 20 years and the one thing we’ve always connected on is music. last night before i went to the party, i burned her a cd copy of ketcha jenkins’ I NEED SOMEBODY from ‘88 and a shirley q. liquor compilation that mathu let me borrow. i also wore an outfit that resembled snoop dogg in the movie BONES, all black topped with a western style bowler hat and straight shoulder length black hair. my eyes were covered in black kohl, as to look like a gay blacula. the party was at the beautifully refurbished park west hotel located next to macarthur park (donna summer’s version of that song kept playing in my head). by the time i got there the party was in full swing and the “lady” bun-bun was in rare form. we key-key’d and cut up for a while and then exchanged cd’s. later, i roamed around a bit to check out some of the hundreds of male porn stars that decorated the joint. i saw colby taylor, chris steele, michael brandon, caesar, matthew rush, blake harper and many, many more. i danced with jason tyler and sat and talked with jeremy penn for 20 minutes at chi chi la rue and john rutherford’s table. it was alot of fun and as i was waiting for the valet to bring my car around, i said hello to jeff stryker. he said hi but didn’t recognize me and i didn’t tell him it was me. i once gave him a lifetime achievement award on my talk show. i haven’t listened to the “lady” bonkers demo yet, but i will tomorrow.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, March 23, 2002
at Saturday, March 23, 2002 | Permalink
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